You Belong to Me [Brook Hollow] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 10
Truthfully, she was still getting used to the idea that Lincoln wanted a permanent life with her. They had been together just over ten weeks now, and she wanted to slow things down so he could be sure. Lincoln was the one going full speed ahead without any hesitations.
“There you go planning my life again,” Jessy said sarcastically, but Lincoln only chuckled and shrugged. He wasn’t going to change his spots he always told her. She knew he truly cared about her so she put up with his demands most of the time. Except when it was silly, like wearing a sweater to work.
“See it all worked out,” Lily said cheerfully. She was excited about her new chapter in life. The threat of Jagger loomed over them, but so far he had not left New York. Jessy hoped he never would. She could taste happiness, but she was scared something or someone would pull the rug from under her and all of this would end.
* * * *
“They’ll be okay, babe,” Lincoln assured her on the ride home. She had been quiet since they left the restaurant. He knew how hard this was for her. She had been taking care of Lily for so long it was hard to let go. It would be good for both girls to spread their wings, Lincoln thought. Brook Hollow was a safe place.
“I know.” Her sigh was heavy and sad. If he wasn’t driving he would pull her on to his lap and comfort her. “I have to let go, cut the apron strings. I just worry. I promised Mama I would take care of her.”
He reached across the seat of his car and squeezed her hand. The radio was off so the car was quiet, just the way he liked it. “We sheltered Melanie for so long. It was hard for all of us to let her move on her own, but how else will they learn to live?”
“You’re right. I haven’t seen her that excited before,” Jessy admitted softly with a smile.
“Plus, don’t you think half the police force will patrol that area if Abel has anything to say about it?” He chuckled. “Men know how Abel is, and they won’t cross the line with those girls if they know what is good for them.”
Jessy giggled, sounding happier. “Okay. I am not going to worry anymore tonight. Tonight, we are going to my place, our place, I should say.”
“Oh yeah? And do what?” he teased.
She giggled. “Well, I did do some online shopping just to please you. It came in today.”
“A new dress?” He was a little confused as he turned the block. He was close to her house and he’d convince her to forget the fashion show and jump straight into some lovemaking.
Before she could answer a car with bright lights zoomed up behind him.
“Watch it, asshole,” Lincoln muttered grouchily.
“What is it?” Jessy asked nervously, turning to look behind her. She frowned when she noticed the bright headlights of the car behind them. “That jerk.”
Lincoln sped up and switched lanes. He had a bad feeling about this. “My cell phone is in the middle console, Jessy. Call Abel for me.”
“Oh God.” He could hear the panic in her voice. He was only two blocks from her house but her neighborhood was filled with families. If something happened, he did not want to bring violence there. She dialed. “What do I tell him?”
“Tell him we’re heading out to Highway Fifty and to hurry.” He kept going past her neighborhood and toward the outskirt of town where there was a less populated area and open road.
Lincoln heard her speaking into the phone. He kept his eyes in the rearview mirror. The car was close enough to ram him, but he was prepared for it. Jessy had her seat belt on, too.
“He’s on his way.” Jessy’s voice trembled with fear. He wanted to comfort her but he had to focus in order to keep her safe.
“I’m going to protect you with every breath I have, Jessy. Just hang on tight for me, babe.” His kept his voice even and firm, showing no fear. He had no fear for him. He was afraid if Jagger got to him he would get to Jessy. Abel better hurry.
The car behind him revved up his engine and hit his bumper. Lincoln was prepared, and although his car swerved slightly he kept control. Jessy grabbed the handle above the door and hung on tight.
“It’s Jagger, right? Why didn’t your brother know?” she asked, her voice trembling.
“I will find out. Maybe the detective in New York was dirty.” Lincoln felt nothing but fury thinking about a dirty cop putting Jessy in harm’s way for a bribe. “Abel would have known if Jagger was headed this way.”
The car hit him again, then a second car came out of nowhere, ramming the side of his car.
“Where the hell is the cavalry?” Lincoln said through clenched teeth. He heard Jessy scream.
“Keep your head down, Jessy. I don’t know if they are armed,” he warned. Another hit from both cars sent him in to a tailspin. Next thing he knew he was crashing into a light pole and seeing stars. He heard Jessy scream, but it sounded like it was coming from far away. He shook his head trying to clear the fog in his brain. He felt something wet dripping in his eyes.
“Help me, Lincoln.” His vision was blurry but he could see two dark shadows dragging her out of the car. He reached out for her hand. “Jessy!”
Chapter Fourteen
Lincoln woke with a start and a groan. He tried to grab his head but something held him down.
“Son of a bitch.” He groaned. His memory came back in a flash. He remembered Jessy screaming and calling out his name. If that asshole hurt her there would be no rock to hide under. Lincoln would find him and end him once and for all.
“See, Dad. I told you he was a tough son of a bitch.”
“Abel?” Lincoln opened his eyes, but the bright light hurt so he closed them again. “Where am I? Jessy?”
“Calm down, son,” Lincoln heard his dad’s voice. “Abel got to her just in time.”
Lincoln opened his eyes again and noticed he was in a hospital room. His arm was hooked up to an IV. He used his free hand to touch his forehead and felt the thick bandage. “I have to see her. Is she hurt? I heard her screaming.”
“She is fine. She sat in here with you for an hour. Mom convinced her to walk around a bit,” his dad explained. “She’s bruised and sore, but the doctor cleared her. That asshole Jagger didn’t even come here to get her. He sent his men for her. “
“You showed them not to underestimate small town cops, didn’t you, son?” Oscar Ramirez said proudly.
“They were told to bring her to him in New York,” Abel explained, his voice was filled with anger. “They thought it would be so simple to kidnap her under our noses. They will be going home with a few more bruises than they came with.”
“And Jagger?” Lincoln choked over his name.
“The detective in New York is trying to find Jagger right now to arrest his ass,” Abel replied. “Jessy is safe, worry about getting better.”
“Lily, too.” Lincoln wondered, wanting to get up and see Jessy for himself. “Protect Lily and Mel.”
“His men said Jagger wants just Jessy,” Abel informed him. “They’re sitting in a jail cell waiting for the US Marshalls to come get their asses.”
“You let your brother handle this, son. You worry about recovering. Your mama is frantic.”
Lincoln closed his eyes and let the darkness take over again. Jessy was safe. That’s all he cared about.
* * * *
Lily leaned against Jessy. Jessy had her arms wrapped tight around her sister. Tonight had been a terrifying experience. Jagger was smart to send two unknown men in to grab her. If it hadn’t been for Abel and Sam showing up just in time, who knew where she’d be right now. The thought sent a shudder of fear right to her soul.
The waiting room was mostly empty and very quiet. A TV played in the background. They were waiting to see what the doctor said about Lincoln’s head injury. Abel told her he came to for a few minutes, asked about her and passed out again. Jessy couldn’t help but be worried. She needed to hold him and make sure he was fine.
“I thought we finally left the past behind,” Lily murmured sadly.
“I know.” Jessy sighed, fe
eling achy. She had already been checked out in the ER room and given something for pain. Lincoln’s mom and sister were organizing coffee from the cafeteria. A lot of Abel’s men wandered around the halls, checking everything out. She felt safe at this moment.
“Abel got Jagger’s men. They said Jagger was in New York. He sent them to get just me. He must think I hit him over the head. You are safe, Lily,” she assured her sister.
Lily gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh no, Jessy. “
“Don’t you worry about a thing, young lady.” Oscar Ramirez came up behind them. He put his hand on Lily’s shoulders. “Abel is devising a plan with the New York police. Meanwhile, you girls will stay with us.”
“Oh no, sir. I can’t put your family in danger,” Jessy spoke up. She’d never forgive herself if Jagger or his men hurt any of Lincoln’s family.
“I may be an old man, but I can still shoot an asshole real good,” Oscar scoffed.
“We all know it, Dad.” Abel slapped his dad on the back with a smile. He looked at Jessy with compassion. She had been hysterical earlier knowing Lincoln had been hurt. “The doctor says Lincoln is resting. He will be just fine. Just a concussion.”
“I want to stay with him,” Jessy said stubbornly. No way was she going somewhere to hide while Lincoln was lying in a hospital bed because of her.
Abel nodded. “I’ll stay, too. Dad, take mom and the girls home. Sam will be driving by often, but keep your guard up. I don’t trust those asses sitting in my jail. They could be lying to catch us off guard.”
“I know, son. You keep an eye on your brother and this young lady,” he replied firmly as his wife and daughter passed coffee around. “I’ll take care of the women.”
Jessy hugged Lily. Lily was pale and scared but she trusted Mr. Ramirez. Lincoln told him his dad was a kick-ass sheriff and still kept in excellent shape. Lily would be safer with them than sitting in an empty hospital waiting room. “It will be okay, Sis. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Lily looked in to her eyes. “Promise?”
“I promise,” Jessy said firmly. They had a good life here in Brook Hollow. Jessy had finally found her soulmate and Jagger would not ruin it. This was going to end once and for all.
Chapter Fifteen
“I’m fine, Jessy, I swear.” Lincoln was trying not to be grouchy but it was hard. His mother had come over to his apartment just this morning and practically force fed him like a baby. Now Jessy kept asking him how he felt every five minutes. They made him feel like he was a wuss.
“Sorry.” She pouted, looking sad. The minx knew how to get him. Lincoln rubbed his face trying to find his patience. He wanted to be out there working alongside his brother, not sitting like a child on the couch because he had a boo- boo. He had planned to move his things to Jessy’s house, too, but now he had to put it off for a few days. That made him feel cranky. When he had a plan, he didn’t like for it to be interrupted.
“Come sit on the couch with me, sweetheart. That will make me feel better,” he told Jessy, trying to smile even though his head did hurt.
She smiled and sat next to him carefully. Her hands went to his chest and rubbed him softly. “It makes me feel better, too. I feel guilty, Lincoln.”
“Why?” He was confused. The blame was on Jagger. He wanted to face that asshole man to man, but Jagger was being a pussy and hiding in New York. The police said he was on the run and Abel was ready to welcome him to Brook Hollow.
“If you would not have gotten involved with me, you would have been safe. This is my worst nightmare,” she confessed. Lincoln leaned down and kissed her lips lightly. His head ached, but he didn’t want to tell her that or she would fuss over him.
“Jagger will not get away with this, Jessy,” he promised. “He is going to pay for all the pain he caused you and Lily. Abel is like a bulldog when it comes to messing with his family. He will not let this go.”
“I don’t blame him,” Jessy murmured quietly with a yawn. “You could have been killed. Your whole family was frantic when the EMT brought you in. Abel was livid.”
Lincoln rubbed her back in small circles. He felt touched she had sat watching him all night in the hospital. The damn nurses kept shaking him awake all night. Abel and Sam had patrolled the hallways just in case Jagger was around. He was glad to be out of that damn place and home.
“You and Lily are part of our family now, Jessy. There’s no turning back,” he teased.
“I like having a family. It feels nice,” she whispered sleepily. She snuggled close to him and he yawned, too. Holding her was comfortable. He leaned his head back and forced his body to relax.
Lincoln felt his throat swell with emotions at her whispered words. It wasn’t long before she was snoring. He found it cute and held her tight. She had become precious to him. Jagger would not harm one hair on her head if he had anything to say about it.
* * * *
“Sure your thick skull is capable of coming back to work?” Abel asked him when he clocked in a week later. He had enjoyed the time with Jessy, but he was ready to get back to work. Jessy had finally quit Kramer’s and started her online class full time. In no time she’d have her degree. He was so proud of her and told her often. She would blush and stammer and he knew she was not used to being complimented. Her parents had done her a great disservice. He had finally moved his things into her rental house until they found a house together. If only they could find Jagger and throw his ass in jail, life would be good.
“Yes.” Lincoln rubbed his forehead. “Not even a scar to prove my story.”
“Nice.” Abel looked him over. “Now we can get down to business. I want Jagger behind bars. He never showed up for his court date, and he is in the wind.”
Lincoln immediately became worried and serious. His pulse picked up speed. “You think he’s here?”
“No telling, but I am not taking any chances. I had Gage and Dave pass out his mugshot all over town. If he steps foot in this town he is done for.”
“I’m all for it,” Lincoln agreed, anxious to face Jagger and get him out of their lives once and for all. “Is Lily safe?”
“Yes, she is with the parents. They are spoiling the girls. You know that. Dad is patrolling the area and he has Gavin helping him.” Abel snorted with a shake of his head.
“Shit. Gavin is wild. I almost feel sorry if Jagger shows up there,” Lincoln added. Gavin was his dad’s best friend. He was a retired veteran and jogged every morning and practiced his shooting despite being in his late sixties. He had once been a sharp shooter for the government.
“Jessy is over there now,” Lincoln told his brother. “She took her laptop so she could study. I can’t wait for this to be over so we can concentrate on our lives. She hardly sleeps.”
“I know it’s tough, little brother. I’m happy you found the real deal. Jessy is great and she loves you. God knows why.”
Lincoln chuckled and puffed out his chest playfully. “Because I’m the handsome one, that’s why, and an all-around sweet man. Jessy tells me all the time.”
Lincoln gave his brother a serious glance. “You will find the right one, too, Abel. Not all women are Lydia.”
Abel’s eyes filled with sorrow for a second. “Nah, that fairytale shit is not for me, bro. This town and this job is all that I have time for. So let’s get busy and find this Jagger. His file is a mile thick and he needs to be behind bars as soon as possible.”
Lincoln agreed. He hoped they could get to Jagger soon. He was ready to settle into a normal life with Jessy without danger stalking them at every corner.
Chapter Sixteen
“Thank you for bringing me here tonight.” Jessy clung to Lincoln’s arm. The summer carnival was crowded and noisy but Jessy was loving it. The smells of the food, the lights, the sounds of laughing and screams from the rides. It was exciting. “Your brother told me you hated the crowds and the noise.”
“Abel has no idea what he is talking about. I love the carnival.” He snort
ed, nodding politely to people he knew as they passed by.
Jessy leaned her head on his shoulder, knowing he brought her here to get her mind off of the situation with Jagger. He was missing and apparently no one knew where he was. Abel was sure he was heading this way and he assured Jessy and Lily he had it under control. He was not going to step foot into town without someone noticing him. Jessy wanted to believe it, but it wasn’t easy to just let go of her fear so easily.
Lily and Melanie were on a ride with some of the girls from work. Lily was smiling ear to ear and Jessy was glad she had given in and agreed to come. She was having a good time. As Abel said it wasn’t fair for them to be locked up in his parents’ house like prisoners.
“Want some cotton candy?” Lincoln asked. “Or should I show off and win you a stuffed animal?”
Jessy laughed, looking around at the red tents where the games were held. Stands of food were scattered around the huge park where the carnival was being held. It had been transformed into an exciting venue. Kids were beaming with excitement as they ran by them.
“I could go for some cotton candy,” she admitted. He steered her to one of the stands that sold all kinds of delicious snacks. He sighed when he eyed the long line, but he didn’t say anything like Jessy expected him to.
“Hey, buddy. This is the last place I expected to find you,” a voice said from behind them. They turned and Lincoln smiled, letting Jessy know he knew the man with short blond hair. The man was holding hands with a slim blonde woman.
“Jessy made me come,” Lincoln joked, shaking the man’s hand. “Matt, meet my girlfriend, Jessy. Jessy, this is my oldest pal, Matt.”
Matt smiled at Jessy. His blue eyes alight with amusement. “Nice to meet you, Jessy. I already heard so much about you. This is my girl Jocelyn. I was about to win her a prize. Something you can’t do with that bum elbow of yours.”