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You Belong to Me [Brook Hollow] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online

Page 11

  Lincoln chuckled and moved his elbow back and forth. “I was hurt. That’s the only reason you beat me at basketball last time we played. I’ll slaughter you now.”

  Jocelyn and Jessy shook their heads as the two men traded insults back and forth until they moved up the line. Lincoln got Jessy a bag of cotton candy and a lemonade. They found a bench to sit and rest.

  “Are they always like this?” Jessy asked Jocelyn. Jocelyn giggled and nodded yes. “They’ve known each other since high school.”

  “Men,” Jessy told, her drinking the lemonade. They had been here over an hour and she was thirsty.

  “You’re new in town?” Jocelyn asked with curiosity. Jessy nodded. “A few months now and I love it here. I was working at Kramer’s but now I’m trying to finish my accounting degree.”

  “Awesome.” Jocelyn seemed like a nice person. “I work at the Brook Hollow Medical clinic. I work in the billing department. They are always looking for more employees.”

  Jessy was happy to meet some of Lincoln’s friends. They made an arrangement to have dinner soon and it made Jessy feel like she could have a normal life in this quiet town.

  “They were nice,” Jessy told Lincoln after the couple went to go on a ride. Lincoln refused to get on anything but the Ferris Wheel. They had already rode it tonight. Jessy didn’t mind, she wasn’t much for rides either.

  “Matt and I went to high school together. He’s a good friend. He works for his dad’s construction company,” Lincoln told her, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her cheek. “Have we had enough excitement? I have another exciting adventure planned.”

  She looked up at him and saw the heated look in his eyes. She pretended to yawn. “Mmm, I don’t know. All this walking around made me tired.”

  “You love teasing me, minx.” He tickled her side. “You are in so much trouble when we get home.”

  She liked the sound of that. He had finally moved all of his things into her rental house. She had been unsure if living together was the right thing to do, but so far she loved having him around and the nights were amazing. Even something simple as watching TV with his arms wrapped around her made her feel safe and secure. Two feelings she wasn’t used to having.

  Her stomach tingled with enthusiasm. She forgot all about teasing him. “Let’s go home then. I love having you touching me. It’s the best feeling in the world.”

  He leaned down and kissed her nose. “Now you’re talking, babe.”

  He grabbed her hand and led her into the parking lot. “Shit, where did we park? There’s too many damn cars,” he grumbled grouchily, looking around in the dark. “I told Abel we needed more lights here. He’s always worried about the damn budget. If I trip over a rock I am making him pay my doctor bills.”

  “Oh, you should go to a city council meeting and make a suggestion. Someone once told me that’s what they were for,” she said sweetly, remembering when she complained about the lack of lights on the stretch of road coming from Kramer’s.

  She heard him mutter smartass under his breath. Jessy laughed and helped him scout for the car. She knew they parked by a tree but they all looked the same, especially in the dark.

  “I found it,” he said proudly, looking at her. Jessy saw a shadow come up behind him. She gasped and opened her mouth to shout out a warning when the figure hit him over the head with an object. Lincoln dropped quickly to the gravel unconscious. Jessy screamed as loud as she could, hoping someone would hear them over the noise of the carnival. She was afraid her scream blended in with those screaming on the scary rides.

  A hand went over her mouth and she struggled, but it was no use. “Shut up, Jessy.”

  Her heart sank as she recognized Jagger’s voice in her ear. “You caused me a lot of problems, bitch. And I have a scar on my forehead, thanks to you hitting me.”

  Jessy didn’t correct him. The man who hit Lincoln came up to them. He was holding a gun in his hand. He eyed Jessy with a lustful look. “Want me to get rid of the cop for good?”

  Jessy tried to yell, but Jagger’s hand was covering her mouth. “No, someone might hear the gunshot and come running. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Yeah, this whole town is full of law enforcement.” The guy looked around and led them to a dark mid-sized car. Jagger opened the door and threw her in the back seat. “We’re going home, Jessy, for good. You’re lucky I don’t feel like going to look for your sweet little sister. She would be fun for my men.”

  Jessy swallowed down her fear and watched the two men get in the front seat and start the car. She had to get help, but no one was around. She felt an overwhelming sense of panic. Shit, if they left town with her she would never see Lincoln or her sister again. She would rather die than be raped by Jagger. She spotted Matt and Jocelyn walking by holding hands. Matt’s eyes connected with her and she made the sign for call with her fingers, hoping that seeing her in a car with two strange men would make him wonder where Lincoln was. He kept walking, and all she could do was pray and try to figure a way out of this.

  * * * *

  Lincoln felt someone shake him. He groaned. Shit, why did his head hurt again? He was all healed from his concussion. Then he noticed his bed was hard and it hurt. “What the hell?”

  He opened his eyes and sat up. His brother and Matt stood over him, looking worried and angry.

  “Son of a bitch. Someone hit me, again,” he muttered. “I am going to start kicking some asses if I have to spend another night in that hospital.”

  Abel stared at him with worry. “You’re okay. It took us a minute to wake you up. An ambulance is on the way.”

  “Jessy?” He felt his throat swell up with fear as he realized she wasn’t standing there with them.

  “Jagger took her.” Abel helped him up. “Matt here got the license plate and called me. We’re blocking all the roads leading out of town. They won’t get out of Brook Hollow.”

  “What are we waiting for?” Lincoln growled, feeling pissed off. He promised to protect her and he failed. He never saw the hit coming. Damn cowards got him from behind. He was pissed as hell.

  “You’re in no shape, bro,” Abel told him. “My men are all over this. Dad and Gavin are watching the girls at home. Jagger will not get past them. You need to get that thick skull checked out. This is the second hit it took.”

  “Bullshit,” Lincoln snapped. “I am not sitting in some ambulance while Jessy is out there with that asshole. We can’t let them get out of this town. Jagger will kill her and you know it.”

  Abel relented after seeing how serious his brother was. “Fine, ride with me.”

  They thanked Matt and jumped in Abel’s car. Abel headed for the roadblock, speaking into the radio with his officers.

  “I failed her Abel.” Lincoln let out his breath, trying to not concentrate on his headache. His heart was racing and his chest hurt. “I promised her she would not have to face that asshole again and he has her.”

  “We’ll get him before he has a chance to hurt her,” Abel said with confidence. “We have the description of the car. My men are waiting and ready.”

  Lincoln prayed harder than he ever prayed before. He couldn’t lose her now. They had not had enough time to make a life together. They had to rescue her or die trying.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “These small town pigs had the balls to make a roadblock,” the driver said with laughter. Three cars blocked the road along with some wooden barriers. “I can crash through those wimpy barriers.”

  Jessy shivered and saw the flashing blue and red lights up ahead. She prayed for Lincoln. She hoped he was okay and someone found him. She couldn’t lose him when she just found him.

  “They’re not going to let you through. Might as well stop,” Jessy told them.

  “Shut up, bitch.” Jagger glared at her. She could see the sweat on his forehead. He was scared but trying not to show it. “I want out of this pokey little town. Couldn’t even have fun at the stupid bar last night.” />
  “You messed with that blonde chick, boss,” the driver reminded him. Jessy was so glad she had quit or he would have found her sooner.

  “How was I supposed to know she had a huge fucking boyfriend?” Jagger shrugged carelessly. “I showed him who was boss before those bouncers threw us out. I broke his nose.”

  Jessy tried the door handle but it was locked. There went her idea of jumping out. He couldn’t be going more than thirty or so.

  “Speed up?” The driver asked Jagger. Jagger cocked his gun back and laughed with glee. “Slow down and pretend to give up. When they come to the window they will start eating bullets. I can’t wait to get back home. This town sucks.”

  The driver just laughed, too. Jessy recognized Sam and Gage, two officers she had met since moving here. Sam’s wife was pregnant with their first child. Gage had been nice to her. She couldn’t let Jagger murder them in cold blood.

  Desperate times call for desperate measures. Here goes nothing.

  A huge oak tree was on the right of the road. Jessy jumped at the driver, wrapping her arms around his neck causing him to swerve all over the road. He made choking sounds but she held on with all her might.

  Jagger called her a bunch of names, hitting her arm. She felt the bone crack and cried out in pain but she didn’t let go. The car went off the paved road and into the grass right toward the tree.

  She heard Jagger yell as the car smashed into the tree. Jessy let the blackness overtake her and prayed for the best. Hopefully giving up her life saved those officers. Hopefully she took Jagger and his buddy with her.

  * * * *

  Lincoln saw the car smashed against the tree. “Tell me that’s not the car we’re looking for.”

  “I’m afraid it is,” Abel said through clenched teeth as he slammed the breaks and put the car into park. Lincoln had his door open before his brother came to a complete stop.

  “Jessy!” he screamed, running to the car that had smoke coming out of the hood. Several officers were already running with their guns drawn toward the crashed car. Lincoln didn’t give a shit about Jagger right now. “Please, please be alive, baby.”

  He looked in the backseat. Jessy was lying across the seat with her eyes closed. Abel was right behind him. Lincoln used all his strength to open the door. He was afraid the car might catch fire.

  “Don’t move her,” Abel warned. “We have no idea how severe her injuries are.”

  One of his men had a fire extinguisher and put out the flames underneath the hood. He heard the sirens of the ambulance in the distance and prayed they hurried.

  Jagger groaned and stepped out of the car, waving his gun around. Blood was dripping down his forehead and he could barely walk. Abel threw a kick, knocking the gun out of his hand. Sam grabbed Jagger’s arms and put them behind him. Jagger struggled but several more officers helped Sam put Jagger down on the ground. Sam handcuffed him quickly.

  “I hope you like jail, asshole,” Sam snapped, looking angry.

  Lincoln watched the ambulance attendants come and access Jessy. They put Jessy on a stretcher. “Looks like her arm is broken and she has a possible concussion,” one of them told him.

  Sam lifted Jagger off the ground. Jagger looked at Jessy being led away. “I broke her arm but she deserved it. She attacked Kenny just because I was going to shoot a few cops.” Jagger struggled to break free. He spit on the ground and looked at Lincoln. “I will have my lawyer free me in twenty-four hours, and I will kill you and her both. I won’t stop.”

  “You can try, asshole, but I have the feeling you won’t be seeing the light of day for a long time.” Abel looked mad as hell when Jagger mentioned killing cops with no emotions.

  Sam led Jagger away. The driver, Kenny, was unconscious too and being put on another stretcher, but Lincoln only had eyes for Jessy. He jumped in the ambulance with her knowing Abel would handle the crime scene, then meet him at the hospital. The hospital was small but they had great doctors. He clung to her hand, praying all the way. Her skin was pasty and sweaty.

  “She is in shock,” the EMT told him.

  “Drive faster then,” Lincoln muttered, but he kept his focus on his woman as if he could will her to live. He would have no life without Jessy. He wanted everything that came with having a life with Jessy. Excitement, love, and a dream for the future. Why had he fought against it for so long? Jessy was his and that was the greatest gift of all.


  Jessy beamed with delight and looked at her arm. The heavy, ugly cast she had worn for the last six weeks was gone. She waved her arm around, feeling light. “No more cast. Isn’t this awesome?”

  Lily and Melanie laughed and agreed. They had come to the doctor’s office in town with her. Jagger and Kenny were in jail. Abel made sure they would not be let out anytime soon. They had a list of charges against them, and no lawyer was going to get them off.

  Lily had relaxed immensely. She confessed to Jessy she had been afraid to live on her own with the threat of Jagger on them, but now she was having fun and learning to relax. Jessy was so happy with the threat of Jagger gone. Life with Lincoln was going smoothly. She was excited about finding a new job, maybe at the local doctor’s clinic. She had hope and she had dreams of a wonderful future with the man she loved.

  “Okay, girls. I need to find a sexy dress for tonight,” Jessy told them, walking down the sidewalk. The sun was shining brighter, or maybe it was because she felt like a heavy burden was lifted off her shoulders. “Lincoln is taking me out to celebrate my cast coming off.”

  “Awesome. Where you going?” Melanie asked.

  Jessy shrugged, feeling some anxiety. He had been quiet for a few days now. She would catch him with a faraway look but brush off any questions she had. What if he was bored with her and wanted to gently break up with her. Would he ask her to dress up for that? Was he wishing she looked a little more like his past lovers? “Not sure. He said to dress up. I guess my jeans are out of the question, huh?”

  Lily shook her head and chuckled, pushing Jessy playfully. “Yeah, Sis. No jeans.”

  They entered the store where Lily and Melanie worked. “Hey, Amy.” Melanie gestured to the girl behind the counter. “Where is that new shipment of dresses that came in a few days ago?” There was a pretty pink dress in lace.”

  Amy came out from behind the counter with a smile. “Oh yes. Let me show you where I put them.”

  Jessy let the girls pick out some dresses for her to try on. She finally decided on the pink one. She felt sexy and confident.

  “You look nervous,” Lily observed quietly, while Melanie talked to Amy. “Is everything okay?”

  Jessy smiled. “Of course. Maybe I am a little nervous about tonight. Lincoln was so mysterious. What if he thinks we moved too fast? I warned him we should slow down.”

  Speaking her doubts out loud only added fuel to them making her feel panicked.

  “My brother is so crazy about you, Jessy.” Melanie patted her arm. “He has changed so much since you came into his life. He smiles so much it’s ridiculous. Abel teases him about it, but it warms my heart and gives me hope that love is out there for all of us. Whatever he has planned, it will be great.”

  Jessy took in a calming breath. How many times a day did Lincoln tell her he loved her? He made sure she had everything needed to be happy. She had to quit waiting for something to go wrong. That was no way to live. “You’re right, Melanie. He is the best man on earth and I need to stop second-guessing myself.” Lincoln had a soft heart hidden by his gruff exterior and she was lucky to have discovered it.

  “You girls need to have fun right now, but love is out there for every person. I truly believe that,” she told them. They agreed and Jessy enjoyed the rest of her day,

  * * * *

  The trouble he had gone through in arranging this special occasion had been worth it once he saw the delight on Jessy’s face. He asked her to meet him at the restaurant so he could set this all up. Her mouth went into the shape of
an O, her eyes sparkled with tears. She looked at him with so much love he almost cried himself. He cleared his throat instead and took her hand.

  David Morelli, owner of Morelli’s Italian Cuisine, had allowed him to reserve the back table that was hidden by big pots of green plants for privacy. Lincoln bought his own roses in a pretty peach color and set them in the middle of the table, surrounded by lit candles. The glow of the dim light was romantic. The restaurant was classy and romantic.

  “You did this for me?” Her voice trembled and her hand was lying on her chest. Her beautiful brown hair was loose like he liked it. She wore a lacy pink dress that reached her knees. She looked beautiful and he told her so. She beamed as he pulled the chair out for her to sit. He pulled his chair close to her, not wanting to be across a table from her. He inhaled the scent of her flowery perfume. She was the most precious person in the world to him and he was glad he let go of his doubts and fears. He couldn’t imagine not having Jessy in his life.

  The waiter poured wine into the glasses. Lincoln felt a little nervous. He wasn’t good with romantic speeches but he was going to give it his best. He took a good swallow of the wine, although he preferred beer.

  “I can’t believe this, Lincoln.” She looked around at the private corner table they had. “These roses are amazing and the candles are so romantic. How did you know I loved Italian food?”

  “Lily,” he told her, glad to see her happiness. He had been waiting for her cast to come off. She hated the heavy cast and had rivaled him for the title of crankiest. Tonight, she was all smiles and sunshine. “I bought the roses for you, Jessy. You can take them home with you.”

  She touched a rose petal softly with her finger. “My first bouquet. I will never forget this, Lincoln.”