You Belong to Me [Brook Hollow] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online
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Mike rolled his eyes and picked up the phone to call it in. The two men often fought, breaking glasses and chairs that they paid for later.
“I don’t know why Kramer doesn’t just ban their asses for a while.” Jessy shook her head, filling Nancy’s ticket for her customers. “I swear they go at it every other weekend, and we have to clean up their mess.”
Nancy sighed loudly. “I know. They’re idiots and by tomorrow they will be buddies again. And they say we women are moody.”
Jessy laughed as Nancy walked away with her tray.
Fifteen minutes later, Jessy saw Lincoln and two other officers handcuffing the two men and a few others who had jumped into the fray. Her heart started thumping as she saw Lincoln looking right at her. He looked so sexy and intimidating in his uniform. He started walking toward her with determination and anger. She wondered what she did to piss him off this time, but then again it didn’t take much to annoy him. He seemed to have a short fuse. Another reason he wasn’t for her. She wanted someone kind and mellow. A drama free life was her goal.
“Hey, Officer Ramirez,” she said cheerfully, pretending like his nearness didn’t affect her in any way. “Coming to wish me good luck tonight?”
He gave her an annoyed look. His eyes swept over her from head to toe. She had left her long hair down tonight. He frowned at her uniform. “Take a break. I need to speak with you.”
Mike gave her a worried look, but Jessy smiled back reassuring him she was not about to be arrested. She hoped not anyway. He couldn’t arrest her for annoying him. “Be right back, Mike.”
Jessy led Lincoln down a dim empty hallway that led to the back exit. The music sounded lower back here.
“So what’s up?” She folded her arms across her chest and tried to look like she wasn’t nervous.
“You were stopped yet again for speeding on your way home from here,” he said through clenched teeth.
Jessy stared at him. Geez, he acted like she had just robbed a bank.
“So what? I pay my tickets.” She shrugged her shoulder, giving him her best I don’t care look. “More money for your town.”
Truthfully, she had not done it on purpose. A few times she felt like she was being watched. She told herself it was her imagination. Lily had a nightmare about Jagger finding them and it reminded Jessy they could never stop looking over their shoulders. It made her nervous and she rushed to get home. Getting caught speeding was an accident.
“The poor officer let you off with a warning. Did you flirt your way out of it?” he sneered.
“Can’t remember. Why, is that a crime?” She batted her lashes at him on purpose and held out her hands in front of her as if waiting for him to put the handcuffs on her. She had a few fantasies about him and his handcuffs, but she would never tell him.
He surprised her by grabbing her wrists and pulling her close to his body. His hard muscles squished her breasts down and her body filled with heat. She gasped out loud. Her hands landed on his chest and she was so tempted to caress his chest up and down and purr.
“You are so exasperating. I ought to put you over my knee for endangering your life that way,” he muttered, sounding impatient. Too bad his words had an opposite effect on her, she was feeling aroused not fearful.
Before she could think of a good comeback, Lincoln had her caged against the wall. One hand stayed at her waist to make sure she didn’t move. He leaned down and kissed her. His tongue delved into her mouth without permission but she didn’t struggle. She was too surprised and secretly pleased to struggle or push him away. And what a kiss it was. If he hadn’t been holding her up she would have fallen to her knees. His tongue was demanding an entrance and she didn’t put up a fight. She opened up to him like a flower opened to the sun. All her reasons for not liking Lincoln melted in ten seconds flat. She closed her eyes and went with it. Her body felt like it was on fire. His hand gripped her hip tightly but she didn’t mind. She wanted his hands a little lower between her legs. The thought shocked her, but she could imagine how wet he’d find her. She heard herself moan as his tongue continued to explore her mouth.
When he let her go, she stood there frozen to the spot, looking up at him with wide shocked eyes. His stare was intense. Then his lips turned upward to form a semi smile. “I like you speechless.”
Jessy cleared her throat, feeling off balance. Lincoln’s face went back to serious. He ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry, Jessy. I shouldn’t have done that. It’s not proper, but you annoy the hell out of me.”
“So this is my fault now?” she asked, feeling outraged. She poked him on the chest with her finger. It had been a wonderful kiss, how dare he regret it. “You attacked me, Officer, not the other way around. You are so full of shit.”
“You liked it and you know it.” He looked smug and she felt her anger rise up. He pointed a finger at her like he was chastising a child.
“Slow your ass down on that long road home, Jessy. You won’t flirt your way out of a ticket with me.” With that last warning, he walked away. Jessy went back to work and fumed silently all night long. Men were the absolute worst, especially cavemen like him who belonged back in the Dark Ages. Who needs them?
* * * *
Jessy sat with Lily on the couch watching a late-night movie. She insisted it not be a scary one this time. Lily had agreed and settled on a romantic comedy. Jessy switched shifts with someone so she could regroup and relax at home after her aggravating shift last night. As if dealing with Lincoln wasn’t enough of a hassle, Gary had drunk too much and followed her to her car. Luckily, one of the bouncers had been leaving and intervened. He yelled at Gary and threw him in a taxi cab. On top of the creepy feelings she had, it was frightening and too much to handle.
She didn’t know if it was her mind playing tricks on her or not. Jessy wanted to confide in her sister, but she didn’t want to upset Lily by talking about Jagger or what happened. Both girls avoided the subject. Lily had left New York a nervous wreck constantly worrying about every little thing. When they first arrived at Brook Hollow, Lily had been so jumpy, barely wanting to say hello to anyone. Lily had walked in on Jagger attacking Jessy and trying to rape her. She hit him with a lamp and knocked him unconscious. That night traumatized both girls. Jessy checked to make sure he was alive, then grabbed whatever money they had and clothes and took off in her car. She stopped in Wisconsin and traded it for another to cover their tracks. They had stayed here and there for a day or two before settling in Brook Hollow. Lily was learning to relax and Jessy didn’t want to take that from her.
“Are you even paying attention, sis?” Lily asked, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the coffee table. “This movie is incredibly sad.”
“You picked it,” Jessy reminded her. “I’m trying to follow along. I guess I’m more tired than I thought.”
Lily gave her a worried look. “Mrs. Morelli offered me more hours at the store, Jessy. You work so much. Scale back on your hours. We can make all our bills with my extra hours.”
Jessy reached out and took her sister’s hands. Their shared misery over their parents had given them a strong, unbreakable bond. Jessy was so proud of her sister for even offering. If she worked less she might be able to do some online classes. “I might just do that, Sis. I knew you’d fit in at the boutique. You have always been the fashionable one and the pretty one.”
Lily shook her head in denial. “You’re beautiful, Jessy. More importantly, you have a heart of gold and you are so smart. I wish you had never dropped out of college. I feel so guilty that you did it for me and Mom. It was Dad’s responsibility to take care of the bills, not yours.”
Jessy pulled her sister closer and placed her arm around Lily’s shoulder. Lily was very bitter about what their dad had done. Jessy was, too, but she learned to not dwell on it. What was done was done, no use crying over it. It would change nothing. They had to make a new life far away from New York.
“I promised Mom I’d do all I can t
o take care of you. She knew Dad too well,” Jessy said sadly.
Lily leaned her head on Jessy’s shoulder, her voice was filled with sadness. “You were too young to have that burden placed on you. You should have been wild and irresponsible, not an adult working your ass off for us.”
“I don’t regret it at all, sis,” Jessy swore, and she meant every word. She did what she had to and she would never regret it. Their trials made her strong and confident to handle her life. Too bad she couldn’t say the same about her father, who turned to alcohol and gambling instead of cherishing his two daughters. “And you’re right. I am going to look into online classes. I was close to finishing up. Then I can get a regular nine to five job. Although the tips at the bar aren’t peanuts, I am tired of the bar scene, the fights, and the drunks.”
“Good,” Lily said with satisfaction, putting the movie on pause. “I’m getting a water. Want one?”
Jessy nodded and grabbed some popcorn. She was going to focus on the movie and relax. Tomorrow was soon enough to worry about her problems. “Hurry back so we can find out if Hannah will win Frank’s heart back. If you ask me, men are more trouble than they’re worth, though.”
Lily laughed and went into the kitchen. Jessy grabbed a couch pillow and hugged it, waiting for her sister to come back. Suddenly, she heard Lily scream loudly.
Jessy jumped off the couch in record speed and ran to the kitchen with her heart ready to jump out of her chest. “What the hell happened, Lily?”
Lily stood frozen in front of the unopened fridge. She had tears rolling down her cheek and pointed at the back door. “There was a man peeking in. Oh God, they found us, Jessy. Jagger is going to kill us.”
Lily sounded hysterical so Jessy shook her. Lily’s emerald colored eyes were glossy and unfocused. “Call the police, then lock yourself in the bathroom. I’ll check this out.”
Lily snapped out of her trance, she grabbed Jessy’s arm. “Come with me. We’ll call from there.”
Jessy grabbed the heavy aluminum bat she hid by the pantry. “Go. I will make sure no one kicks the door down. The front door is solid and I put the deadbolt on it. I knew I should have done the same for this door.”
Lily ran from the room while punching in numbers into the cell phone. Jessy turned the back porch light on and peeked out the window, ignoring the knots in her stomach. She was terrified but doing her best to not fall apart. Maybe facing Jagger would be for the best. Running hadn’t solved her problems with him. She turned the back porch light on. She couldn’t see any figures out there, and it was a small yard with a small shed by the back fence. Unless he was hiding behind the large oak tree in the middle of the yard.
Jessy went to the front door, waiting to hear the sirens. It didn’t take too long for the loud sirens or the flashing lights to come blaring down the street. Jessy didn’t loosen her tight grip on the bat though. Not yet. She saw a large man jump out of the first car, but she was so relieved it wasn’t Lincoln. She did not need the aggravation she felt whenever he was around. She didn’t know this man and that was better. A second car pulled up behind him.
Jessy let out the breath she had been holding. She opened the front door, ready to fall into the officer’s arms and sob.
“There was an intruder?” he asked with his hand on his gun. He was tall with black hair and tanned skin. Jessy immediately saw the resemblance to Lincoln and knew this was the sheriff.
“My sister saw a dark figure peeking into our backdoor window.” Jessy’s voice was trembling, but she did not want to burst into tears and scare her sister further. The sheriff gestured for the other officer to check out the backyard. The front porch light was on and it illuminated some of the front yard. She could see some of the neighbors standing on their porches.
Lily came out of the bathroom with red-rimmed eyes. She was clutching her cell phone in her hand. “Is it safe yet?”
Jessy finally put the bat down and hugged her sister. Lily was twenty-one, but was often mistaken for a teenager. She was petite and very thin. “This is Lily, my sister.”
The sheriff’s fierce expression immediately softened. “Hey, Lily. You know my sister Melanie, right?” he said gently, as if talking to a child. “Tell me what happened here.”
Lily sucked in a breath and wiped her eyes with her hand. “I went into the kitchen for a drink. I just happened to glance at the back kitchen door. A man was peeking in the window and smiled when I saw him. Then I screamed and called you.”
“Did you see what he looked like?” the sheriff asked, his brown eyes growing hard.
Lily shook her head no, clinging to Jessy’s arm tightly. “He had a black hoodie but he was a white male. His eyes were dark, but the hood shadowed his features.”
The other officer knocked on the back door. The sheriff went to open it, letting the man in.
“There are deep footprints in the dirt by the window over the sink. Someone stood there for a while in order for it to leave such a deep imprint,” the young officer reported, looking grim. “Also saw some cigarette butts lying on the ground. Whoever he was is long gone.”
The sheriff ran his fingers through his hair, looking upset. Jessy guessed this was not a common occurrence in this small town. Had they brought their troubles with them? She sincerely hoped not.
The sheriff gestured for the girls to sit at the small kitchen table. He pulled out a chair, too, and took a seat. “Have any idea who it could be? I know you’re new in town, but have any problems with anyone?”
Jessy swallowed and shared a look with her sister. Should she tell the sheriff about Jagger and her trouble in New York? She was scared he’d contact the New York police, and Jessy was sure Jagger had dirty cops on his payroll. Jagger would not hesitate to kill anyone in his way. She wasn’t sure if this small town was equipped to handle Jagger and his mean group of men always tagging along with him.
“No,” she whispered nervously, hoping her sister did not blurt out Jagger’s name. Jessy wasn’t sure how much they could trust the sheriff yet. He could turn out to be just as unreliable and ornery as Lincoln. “I had trouble with a customer harassing me last night. He was drunk, but I am not sure if he would go this far.”
The sheriff asked for the name so he could look into it. Jessy gave it to him. “I know Gary. He does like his whiskey and beer. I’ll look into it.”
“I know Gary pretty well. He likes to fight,” the other officer, Sam, spoke up. “He doesn’t smoke, though.”
The sheriff nodded. “Ok, take pictures of the footprints and cigarette butts.”
He looked at the girls with a lingering concern. “I’ll have my men drive by here often tonight. Unless you have relatives or friends to stay with.”
Jessy shook her head. “We’re new in town and don’t know anyone yet. We’ll be okay. I always check every night to sure the windows are locked up tight.”
He gave her a curious look and she tried to smile. “We’re from the city and used to being cautious. Crime is common in New York.”
“By the way, my name is Sheriff Ramirez.” He shook Jessy’s hand and patted Lily gently on her shoulder. “Keep your porch light and back light on okay. Don’t hesitate to call if you hear any noises. I won’t tolerate this kind of immature behavior in my town.” His voice was hard and confident.
Jessy thanked him and walked him out. He seemed much nicer than Lincoln. She locked up the front door. She went into the kitchen and shoved a chair under the doorknob as an extra precaution.
“Why didn’t you tell him about Jagger?” Lily asked looking nervous and scared.
“I don’t know if we can trust him yet.” Jessy explained. “Remember we reported Jagger to the police in New York and Jagger knew about it the very next day. He added two thousand dollars to dad’s debt. Obviously he has cops on his payroll. What if he is in town and already bribed the sheriff or one of his men?”
“I’m scared, Jessy.” Lily cried. “I want this over. Jagger almost raped you. And I am sure he is
not happy I hit him. The look in his eyes always made me shake with fear. Sometimes I hate dad for leaving us with his shit.”
Jessy hugged her sister tightly trying not to remember the overwhelming fear that Jagger would take her virginity by raping her. It had been her worst nightmare but Lily had saved her life. Jessy was determined to not let Jagger anywhere near Lily. He would kill Lily for hitting him. Leaving had been the best decision. She would do whatever it took to protect her sister.
Jessy understood the frustration her sister was feeling. They had done nothing wrong so why should they have to pay for their father’s mistakes. If her mom had survived her cancer would he have been a better man? Jessy didn’t know the answers but what could they do besides deal with it. It was the way she had learned to live her life.
“Me, too, Lily, but all we can do is move forward. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Jessy grabbed the bat. She turned off the TV in the living room, leaving one small lamp on. They always left the drapes closed.
“Let’s sleep in my room tonight, Lily,” Jessy suggested. It would be safer for them to both be in the same room just in case Jagger had found them.
Lily followed Jessy to her room and sat on the edge of the bed. She slipped her sandals off but left them by the bed. “Why didn’t you tell me about this jerk bothering you, Jessy? Maybe you should look for a different job altogether.”
Jessy shrugged her shoulder. She doubted it was Gary, but if it was it would prove Jagger was still clueless about their whereabouts. “Gary drank way too much that night, but normally he is harmless. I can’t see him peeping into our window. He is a huge playboy with plenty of women falling for his cheesy lines.”
“Let’s see what the sheriff finds out, then we’ll discuss if we should stay or pick up and disappear.” Jessy put the bat by her side of the bed. As they got ready for bed she couldn’t help but feel an ache to her heart at the thought of never seeing Lincoln again. She didn’t know why it mattered so much. He made it clear he had no interest besides a physical desire he probably felt with plenty of women. Why did it hurt?