You Belong to Me Read online
Page 4
“The sheriff was a lot nicer than Lincoln, huh?” Jessy mentioned casually.
Lily chuckled as she got into the bed. “I think you are obsessed with Lincoln, Sis.”
“Am not,” Jessy lied.
Chapter Four
Lincoln sat around his parents’ dining room table half listening to the conversation going on around him. His mom insisted they all show up for Sunday dinner, no excuses. Lincoln was tired from lack of sleep. He wanted to lie in bed all day, but he couldn’t hurt his mother’s feelings.
He had gone to the bar with a few buddies hoping to see Jessy and apologize for his rude behavior. He had no right to blame the kiss on her. He couldn’t resist her for one more second. He dreamed of that kiss and wanted to repeat it over and over. It scared him but the pull he felt was hard to resist.
He had been disappointed to find out she took the night off. It caused him to drink too much. He thought he heard Jessy’s name or was he imagining it? He couldn’t stop obsessing about her after that steamy kiss. He had worked with a hardon all night long and it had been uncomfortable as hell. He didn’t want to be her enemy. Maybe he could just be her friend and see how things unfolded. Maybe then he’d get over his obsession with her. What made her different from other women? He dated plenty of sexy women before, but none of them stayed on his mind, or kept him in a constant state of arousal.
“What happened to Jessy?” He looked up from his food. His brother had a smirk on his face.
“What’s wrong, little brother? Have a hangover?” Abel smirked.
Lincoln would have thrown up his middle finger at him but his mother would have a fit. He had to satisfy himself with a glare of fury at Abel. His sister Melanie was sitting next to Abel, giving them both an amused look. She was used to their bickering and often joined in just for the heck of it.
“Someone was being a peeping tom at Lily and her sister’s house last night,” Melanie said wide eyed. “Is that creepy or what? She came into work today and told us the whole story. It freaked me out. Can you imagine how she and her sister felt?”
“A peeping tom in this town?” His mother, Delores, looked shocked. “What is this world coming to? I hope you are doing something about this, Abel.”
“Are they okay?” Lincoln asked, feeling fear fill his heart. Who the hell would be so low as to spy on two young women and scare the hell out of them like that?” “Who was the bastard?”
“Lincoln,” his mother chastised him. Her dark brows crinkled in anger. “I understand the sentiment, but watch your language.”
“Sorry,” he muttered, looking at Abel and waiting for an answer.
“They are fine. And yes, Mama, I am looking into it. We thought it might be Gary Marshall but he had a solid alibi,” Abel answered between bites of food. He didn’t seem too concerned and Lincoln felt angry. This was his job to keep people safe. Why wasn’t Abel out there hunting the bastard down? If Lincoln had known, he would be.
“Why Gary?” he demanded to know. He wanted to shove his plate aside and go bang on Jessy’s door. He wanted to see for himself if she was unharmed. She must have been so frightened and Lincoln wanted to hold her. Shit, this was bad. He wasn’t thinking of anything sexual right now. He wanted to comfort her and assure her he would keep her safe. Desire was simple and easy to deal with.
“He got drunk and followed her to her car. Started harassing her. Mario stepped in and made sure a cab took Gary to his sister’s house to sleep it off. She vouched Gary was sick all weekend and stayed with her,” Abel explained. “We got footprints and a few cigarette butts to go on. Lily didn’t get a good look at the guy, so we’re back to square one.”
“I was there that night. I should have waited and walked her to her car.” Now he felt even worse. He had been so shaken up by the kiss they shared, he had just wanted to leave right away.
“You know her, son?” his dad, Oscar, spoke up. He had once been the sheriff of Brook Hollow until he decided to retire and relax a few years back. Now he spent his days in his woodwork shop in the garage. Abel had taken over the job with the town’s votes.
“Sort of.” Lincoln felt like a bug under a microscope. His mom and sister were anxiously awaiting his answer, too, and Abel, the bastard, was trying not to laugh. “Not really.”
“Hmm,” his dad said, but he had that same look in his eyes that Abel had when Lincoln went on his rant about Jessy’s tickets for speeding.
“I was there for Peter and Jenkins.” He tried to pretend an interest in his food, but he knew he wasn’t fooling anyone. As soon as he could, he was heading for Jessy’s house. He tried to tell himself he was just concerned for her like he would be for any other citizen of Brook Hollow, but the word liar kept going through his head.
* * * *
Jessy resisted the temptation to enjoy the evening breeze outside on the porch. Normally, she loved sitting on the porch at dusk and watching the sky turn pink and purple. The sound of crickets was so enchanting. There were no sounds of heavy traffic or sirens blaring every few minutes in this town. It was so peaceful and still. She loved this small town and felt sad about the possibility of leaving it.
Lily wanted to stick around for a while longer, but Jessy was unsure.
What if Jagger had found them? Although she didn’t think so, she wasn’t one hundred percent sure. He wasn’t the type to play games, though. If he knew where they were, he would knock the front door down and finish taking what he wanted, her. Then he would kill Lily. Playing coy games was not his style.
Jessy had just opened up her laptop to research online college classes when a loud knock on the door startled her, and she shrieked loudly putting her hand over her heart. She had to stop jumping at every noise. She was driving her own self crazy. She closed the laptop and set it on the coffee table. She tiptoed slowly to the door.
“Who is it?”
“Jessy? It’s me, Lincoln.” Jessy’s shoulders sagged with relief when she heard Lincoln’s deep voice. She checked through the peephole just to make sure. She took off the chain and unlocked the lock when she saw his impatient looking face.
“Lincoln? What’s going on? Is something wrong?”
He was dressed in jeans and a blue polo shirt so he must be off duty. His hair was neat and combed back. He stepped into her foyer with a frown. “I heard about what happened. Are you and your sister okay?”
His eyes wandered up and down her body. Her denim shorts were short and faded, and her t-shirt had seen better days. Her hair was hanging loose and wild. His dates probably looked like they stepped out of fashion magazines all the time. She quickly ran her fingers through her hair, trying to not be obvious. Damn it, she had not even bothered with makeup. Lincoln showing up at her house had been the last thing she expected to happen.
“Come in,” she said awkwardly, glad that at least she had cleaned the house today. It was a great way to get rid of nervous energy. “Yeah, it was a horrible experience, but we’re okay.”
He followed her into the living room. Jessy sat on the couch and he sat on the other end.
“Where’s your sister?”
“Out to see a movie with your sister and some girls from work. She had trouble sleeping last night. She needed a distraction,” Jessy answered, feeling her stomach dance with butterflies. She wanted to act calm and sophisticated, but she felt off balance. Why did he all of a sudden act like he cared what happened to her? The man was confusing for sure.
“My sister is the one who told me what happened.” He leaned back against the couch and looked around the living room. She knew he was probably wondering why they didn’t have many furnishings or decorations. They had bought a few pieces from the thrift shop in town. He glanced at the laptop.
“Online shopping?” he asked, curiously. Jessy rolled her eyes. “Shopping? I suppose that’s the only reason your girlfriends open up a computer, huh? I was looking into finishing up my bachelor degree.”
“You went to college?” His voice was filled with
shock and she felt herself get angry. Just when she thought he wasn’t so bad, he had to open his mouth and ruin it.
“Just because I work at a bar doesn’t mean I’m stupid, Lincoln. I was almost done with my accounting degree when my mom couldn’t work anymore. The cancer took over her body faster than the doctors warned us. I quit and worked as a waitress because it gave me flexible hours and daily cash.”
“I’m sorry. I never meant to imply anything, Jessy.” He put his hand up in the air in a quick apology. “I’m sorry about your mom. That must have been hard on you and Lily.”
She took a breath in and let it out slowly. She wasn’t in the mood to get into some kind of argument with him. It had been a rough couple of nights and she was exhausted. She was scared and unsure of who to trust. It made for a lot of sleepless nights trying to figure everything out. She hated living this way but she had to be smart. Her sister’s life was in her hands, besides her own life. She couldn’t afford to make mistakes out of lust.
“Did your brother find anything out?” she asked him, trying to sound polite, like he didn’t unsettle her.
He shook his head no, looking grim again. “Gary had a tight alibi, but my brother won’t give up and neither will I.”
“I figured Gary was harmless,” she said, honestly. “He was drunker than I’d ever seen him before, but I have never seen him act that way.”
“Did he hurt you?” He scooted closer until they were touching thigh to thigh. She felt the heat invade her body right away. What was his deal? The other night he pushed her away so fast her head was still spinning. Now he was here in her house sitting close to her. He pushed her bangs out of her way. The touch of his fingers on her skin made her feel little electrical currents all over. She squeezed her thighs together, hoping to dispel the throbbing need she was feeling between her legs.
“No, he was insistent I go home with him but he didn’t touch me. Mario, the bouncer, got there quickly and took his keys from him,” she answered, lost in his brown eyes.
“I was worried when I heard about some guy peeping through your window like that. What an asshole,” he admitted in a low voice. “He’d better hope I am not the one who finds him.”
“You were worried about me?” Her words tumbled out of her mouth. Was this a dream? He almost sounded like he cared about her.
“I went to your work to apologize for my behavior. Your friend Mike said you took the night off. Is he your boyfriend? He seemed very protective of you.”
Was Lincoln jealous? Surely not, but the idea thrilled her. She certainly experienced enough jealousy over Lincoln.
“No. He is a good person,” Jessy explained with sorrow. “His mother has cancer. My mom died of cancer so I can understand what he is going through.”
“I had no idea. I don’t know Mike too well. He sticks close to home but I had no idea why,” Lincoln admitted. “I’m sorry about your mother, Jessy. Did you move out of the city to get away from sad memories?”
She nodded. It wasn’t the whole truth, but she wasn’t trusting him yet. By tomorrow he’d be his old ornery self again and back to disliking her. Jessy was sure he just felt sorry for her at this moment, but soon it would pass.
“There is so much I don’t know about you.” He spoke softly as if speaking to himself, too.
“You don’t need to know me, Lincoln. We’re not even friends.” It hurt to hear the words but it was the truth.
“What if I want us to be friends?” He surprised her by contradicting her statement.
He chuckled. “Boy, I seem to have lost my touch.”
Was he talking about being more than friends? They couldn’t spend one minute without snapping at each other. “I’m not your type.”
“What is my type?” His dark eyebrow arched upward in a challenge. She could see the lines on his forehead crinkle and she yearned to soothe them.
“Blonde, fancy, stuck-up.” She turned her nose up in the air.
“Ouch. You make me sound shallow.” He laughed loudly.
She gave him the look that said if the shoe fits, wear it. His grin was contagious and it took a few seconds for her to giggle, too. She liked his smile. “You have a nice smile, Lincoln.”
“We got off on the wrong foot, Jessy,” he admitted, losing the smile and turning serious again. His finger swiped her cheek gently as if he liked touching her. That’s a ridiculous thought, Jessy. Get your heads out of the clouds.
“Can we try to be friends? Get to know each other?” he suggested, but she could hear the hesitation in his voice as if he expected her to reject him.
She wasn’t that mean. She had feelings for him but obviously he saw her only as a potential friend. She would have to settle for that.
She was filled with sadness at his statement. A week ago, she would have been thrilled for any opportunity to spend time with him and see the man behind the badge and surly demeanor. She had no idea what tomorrow would bring. She wished she could confide in him, but she wasn’t sure if she could trust him yet. Not that she thought he could be bribed by Jagger or his men, but he might tell his brother. His brother could call New York to confirm her story and then Jagger would find her for sure. Right now, they had no idea if Jagger was here looking for them or not. Jessy had to be cautious just in case he was here in town. She was worried. She promised her sister she would protect her, and she would keep her word.
She tried to smile and not cry. “You think we can stop annoying each other long enough?”
“We can try. How about we go have an ice cream and talk,” he offered, standing up and holding out his hand for her to take. She took it and stood up. His big hand felt warm and strong. She squeezed it and he gave her a gentle smile. No wonder he is so popular with the ladies. He is irresistible when he does smile.
“I happen to love ice cream,” she admitted.
“See, I didn’t know that about you.” His eyes were filled with heat that made her shiver but not with fear.
Jessy licked her lip and almost groaned out loud. This was a very different Lincoln than she was used to seeing. She barely resisted him before, but if he suddenly became Mr. Nice Guy, would she still be able to resist him?
“What’s your favorite color?” he asked as he watched her lock the front door.
She couldn’t think with him standing so close behind her. She could feel his warm breath on her shoulder. She wanted to just throw herself in his arms and beg him to kiss her again.
“Um, all of them,” she said without thinking.
“Figures you’d be difficult.” He shook his head walking with her down the porch steps. Jessy felt like she was walking on air. Too bad it had come too little too late.
Chapter Five
“That was fun but my legs ache.” Jessy’s breath came out in a whoosh.
Lily gave Jessy a humorous look. She handed Jessy a bottle of water. “That’s a good sign. I told you all those long naps were not doing your body any good. You should jog with me.”
“I just started,” Melanie spoke up with a light laugh. “She is a slave driver, Jessy. Don’t do it.”
Lily looked at her friend. “You said you wanted to lose weight to impress John Lopez.”
“Eh. I’m over him. I guess it can’t hurt to show him what he missed, though,” Melanie said playfully, flipping her hair in a dramatic fashion making them all laugh. Her dark hair was put up in a ponytail like Lily’s and Jessy’s.
Jessy had agreed to rent bikes and spend the morning bike riding through the trails of the park with them. The park was beautiful and the breeze was nice, but she’d rather be sitting on the bench admiring the view. It was a busy day at the park with families and couples walking around. It all seemed so idealistic and safe, but Jagger and now her peeping tom was still on her mind. She found herself observing every biker who passed them in the trails earlier.
“Two miles is my limit, girls.” Jessy hopped off the bike, giving it back to the man at the stand. “I deserv
e food now.”
Lily and Melanie handed in their bikes, too. “I could eat,” Melanie agreed. ‘This was fun. It’s nice to have new friends. I am so glad you both moved here.”
Jessy was pleased Melanie was such a sweet outgoing girl. She was the same age as Lily. Jessy didn’t want Lily to be a constant bundle of nerves and worry. They walked the two blocks to the diner. It was lunchtime. Jessy hoped they found a table or booth.
The cool air hit her face as they walked up the two steps that led into the restaurant. Lily pointed out a small table in the back. As they headed toward it, Jessy spotted Lincoln. Only he wasn’t alone. An overdressed blonde sat across from him looking at him with adoring eyes. She felt jealous even though she had no right. He offered her friendship. Anything else was obviously in her imagination. She would have walked right past them without acknowledging him or his date, but Melanie stopped at his table.
“Linc.” She smiled at him. “I thought you were working nights this week.”
“I am,” he answered, glancing at them. He made eye contact with Jessy, but she avoided meeting his eyes. He would see the jealousy in hers.
“I’m going to snag the table,” she whispered to Lily, wanting to get out of there before she scratched his date’s eyes out. Jessy walked away and sat down at the empty table. She made sure her eyes stayed on the menu and not on Lincoln. She felt ugly and sweaty while his date looked like she didn’t even know how to sweat.
* * * *
Lincoln watched Jessy walk away, barely glancing at him. Was she mad at him? He thought they had a good time a few days ago. They had bought an ice cream cone and sat on the benches talking. He really liked her, which surprised him. He had even told her. She had laughed instead of getting offended like he thought she would. She was easygoing when she wasn’t using her attitude as a shield.
“Words you never thought you would say, huh?” She had teased him with her green eyes filled with joy. He liked the look of her being happy and not eyeing everyone with suspicion.