Saving Grace [Bear Creek, Texas] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4
“It’s not your fault, Hannah. I have bad luck with men, which is why I don’t like to date. As for your brother, he hates me and thinks I’m using your friendship to go after him and his money,” Grace explained. “I hope you don’t think that, Hannah, because it is not true.”
“Of course not! Jackson is delusional, Grace. Let’s meet for lunch,” Hannah pleaded. “I feel like a bad friend, Grace. I promised you I’d keep you company and instead I got caught up in impressing Todd, who turned out to be a conceited jerk.”
“There is no need to feel bad. I should never have agreed to go. I have to go, Hannah. Bill and Flo are taking me sightseeing in Austin. I’ll be gone all day. I’ll call you when I can,” Grace said vaguely. She didn’t come to Bear Creek to add more stress to her life.
Hannah hung up the phone, feeling sad and wiping the tears from her eyes. She sat on the couch lost in thought. She knew in her heart Grace would probably avoid her from now on especially because of Jackson. She was always so busy between the shelter and the ranch that she had never made many friends. She had enjoyed Grace’s company so much.
* * * *
“What’s wrong?” Jackson asked, coming into the living room, alarmed at seeing his sister crying. Hannah never cried.
“You accused Grace of being after our money and then you scared the crap out of her. Can’t you see she is not like Kelly? I don’t know you anymore, Jackson, and it breaks my heart. You’re letting Kelly win by being so mean and nasty to everyone,” she yelled in a heated voice. “You’re not the brother I love, Jackson. You’re a stranger that I don’t like.”
Ida came into the room, overhearing Hannah’s words. She hugged Hannah to try and comfort her but she gave Jackson her I-am-so-disappointed-in-you look. “You better not be mistreating Grace, young man. She is as sweet as they come and if you can’t see that then just stay away from her. Bill and Flo haven’t said much, but I know she has a tragic past and came here to recover from some injuries.”
Hannah burst into tears after Ida told them about Grace. “Poor Grace. I noticed she always looked so sad but I didn’t want to pry by asking too many questions.”
Hannah explained to Ida what had taken place at the dance. Ida glared at Jackson, making him feel like a naughty school boy as she gave Hannah a tissue.
“Grace and I just clicked when we met. I haven’t had a best friend like her since Lisa when I was in high school. Now I have a feeling she’ll make excuses not to hang out with me, all because of Jackson!”
Ida took Hannah into the kitchen for some tea while glaring at Jackson. He felt remorseful now. He didn’t really understand why he treated Grace so badly, but he couldn’t get her terrified face out of his mind so he headed to Randy’s where he didn’t have to think.
As soon as he walked into the darkened bar he ran into Ben, the town sheriff. Ben Parker sat next to Jackson at the long wooden bar counter and ordered a beer. They had been friends since grade school. Ben was Jackson’s age, with brown wavy hair and green eyes.
Jackson asked Ben what he knew about Grace Henderson. What was the mystery surrounding her?
“You know I can’t give out personal information like that, Jackson,” Ben replied, talking over the country music playing in the background. He set his beer down on the counter and looked over at his long-time friend. “I could lose my job. Besides, it is private. Bill already told me how you scared her at the dance. He was livid. If he had his way, you’d be rotting in a jail cell right now.”
“For what, scaring that little mouse?” Jackson scoffed, sipping on his beer. “Bill mentioned Grace suffered something bad and was here to recuperate. She’s been hanging out with Hannah a lot and I was just curious about her, that’s all.” He was intrigued by Grace and he didn’t know why, and he wasn’t about to admit it out loud either. It wasn’t as if she dressed to catch attention. She downplayed her looks, but he didn’t like feeling such strong emotions toward another woman. Every time he looked into her big brown eyes he couldn’t help himself from feeling something and it made him angry. Emotions were something he didn’t like dealing with these days. “She barely speaks up for herself and she jumps at every shadow. You know I don’t like people who keep secrets.”
Ben sighed and nodded. “If you only knew what that poor girl has been through, Jack. Try to leave her alone since you don’t like her. She is harmless and doesn’t need to be harassed.”
Jackson scoffed. “What is it about her that everyone is hell bent on protecting that little mouse?”
“Well, she is no Kelly, so get that out of your mind. Man, how could you be taken in by that fake bitch? I tried to tell you. I dated her once last year and saw through her games quickly,” Ben told him, shaking his head at his long-time friend.
Jackson grimaced, hating to be reminded of his foolishness over Kelly. He had let Kelly’s good looks and bedroom skills blind him to her true personality, yet he was mad at the world as if it was their fault and not his own. Maybe Hannah was right. He had changed. Was it right for him to continually take out his own pain and hurt on others? Right away he thought of Grace’s shocked look when he had tried to kiss her. Why couldn’t he get her wounded expression out of his head? “Yeah I know, Ben. I was a complete idiot over that bitch and I hate myself for it. You can’t say anything to me that I haven’t already told myself over and over.”
“Well, drinking your sorrows away doesn’t help either, Jack. You’re letting Kelly win by turning into a drunk. Is that really what you want?” Ben asked seriously. “Think about that for a while, my friend.” The two men sat in silence until Ben gave in and gave Jackson a little bit of information. “Look, between you and me, I will tell you Grace was abused by a boyfriend and it was a bad deal. Flo is her mom’s childhood friend and offered to help Grace gain her strength back, physically and mentally. She is not here to grab you or your wealth. This stays between us, okay? So just stop harassing the poor girl. People here really love that little girl and I’m afraid if they start a lynch mob to come after you I won’t be able to save your sorry ass.”
Jackson snorted at that comment but nodded, feeling his stomach tighten up in knots at the thought of someone hurting Grace. He ordered another beer, thinking about what Ben had just told him. Now he felt really guilt ridden for all the things he accused Grace of. Maybe she really was reserved and quiet after being hurt by her boyfriend. It was going to be hard to apologize, but Grace deserved that at least. He admitted to himself he had been acting like a jackass. How could he be so wrong? After Kelly he had no longer trusted his own judgment but maybe it was time to let go of the past and move on with his life. He had a lot to think about, and he wouldn’t be able to do that drunk. He put his beer down and just stared at the bottle, losing the taste for it.
“Now let’s talk about that pretty little sister of yours. Is she ready to settle down with me yet because I am tired of waiting for her to come to me,” Ben asked, lightening the mood when he noticed Jackson’s deep frown. Ben had been chasing Hannah Hawthorne for a year now but she refused to be caught.
Jackson laughed at Ben and shook his head. “Miss Independent herself? Don’t hold your breath, Ben. She says she refuses to join your harem of loose women and she’s right. You know how protective I feel over my baby sister. If you play games with her I’ll be obligated to kick your ass, sheriff or not.”
“What women? I work like crazy and that’s all I seem to do these days,” Ben replied, shaking his head in denial. “My intentions toward Hannah are honorable.”
Jackson smiled at Ben as he talked about Hannah but he couldn’t stop thinking about Grace. He should at least try to make amends by saying he was sorry. He was usually very suave with women but he had been behaving like a total jerk lately, and he felt ashamed of himself.
He went straight to Flo’s cafe the next morning after tossing and turning all night until he made a decision. It was time to stop moping over Kelly. His pride had been more bruised than his heart, he finally ad
mitted to himself, and it was time to move forward with his life. He went into town with a new fresh attitude. He had an overwhelming desire to glance at Grace once and see if she was okay. He couldn’t erase her scared expression away. He wanted to know what had happened to her. How could someone hurt her? The thought had made him so mad, and then he realized how badly he had scared her when she didn’t deserve it, and his own guilt rose.
Grace was busy at a table serving customers. She looked up when he entered and glared at him and ignored him completely. Kelly came running up to him, patting her blonde hair and smiling flirtatiously.
“Jack, baby, I knew you would stop being mad at me sooner or later.” She smiled, hugging him.
Jackson gave Kelly a disgusted look and pushed her away. Did she honestly think he would ever want her back? How many times did he have to tell her that? “Well, you’re wrong, Kelly. I meant it when I said I never wanted to see you again. I am so over you. You’re Eddie’s problem now, that poor bastard.”
Kelly gasped loudly, her eyes narrowing with hate. “How dare you. Then why are you here?”
“To talk to Grace, not that it’s any of your business,” he told her, stepping away from her, not wanting to deal with her whining. Now he looked at her and saw how fake her smile was and how selfish and spoiled she really was. What an idiot he had been, but no more.
Kelly sneered, giving Grace a vindictive look but Grace was busy taking care of her customers. “That little scaredy-cat? Please, even you have better taste than to be interested in that plain Jane.”
Before Jackson could answer and defend Grace, Flo came up to them. “Please lower your voices. People can hear you. You are not welcome here, Jackson, after the way you treated Grace. Kelly, get to work now before you don’t have a job.”
Kelly stomped off angrily, glaring at them both, and Jackson told Flo, “I’m not here to start trouble, Mrs. Walters. I just want to apologize to Grace, that’s all. I was out of line and shouldn’t have yelled at her. I feel bad.”
“I’ll give her the message but she is terrified of you, Jackson,” Flo stated crossly, not giving an inch or letting him by. “I think it’s best if you leave her alone. She is here to recover, not do battle with you.”
Jackson sighed. Recover from what? he wondered. This wasn’t going to be easy. It was going to be an uphill battle just to talk to Grace. It wasn’t going to be easy to fix all the mistakes he made with her but he had to try. “Just tell her I didn’t mean to scare her and I am sorry.”
Flo nodded but didn’t stop glaring at him. “I will tell her.”
Chapter 6
A few days later Grace couldn’t stand being cooped up in her lonely apartment anymore. She had avoided visiting the animal shelter in case Jackson was there. She missed hanging out with Hannah and talking about normal things like clothes and who Hannah thought was cute. All she did was work and have dinner with Bill and Flo. Flo had told her Jackson was sorry but she still didn’t want to run into him. She had many mixed emotions about Jackson and it confused her. She was attracted to him, but he obviously didn’t return those feelings.
She decided to take a walk to the local park and feed the ducks in the pond some old bread. Thanks to the sleeping pills the doctor gave her she was sleeping better but she still felt depressed and lonely. She called her parents once a week to catch up but that made her feel more sad and alone. It seemed like coming here to get better had been a waste of time and she wondered if she should just head home.
The pond had several benches lined along the grass so people could sit and relax. There were also plenty of trees to hide from the sun and walking paths to walk or ride bikes on. It was a beautiful sunny day and the park was filled with people and families spending the day outside. Everyone looked so happy and she would give anything to be included in that group.
She was throwing little pieces of bread to the ducks when she noticed a shadow behind her. She tensed up, not wanting to be sociable and chitchat with anyone.
“It’s only me, Grace, Jackson. I just want to talk. I won’t touch you, okay?” Jackson said softly, putting his hands in his pockets in a nonthreatening manner. “I was across the street when I saw you and I just wanted to talk for a minute.” It might be his only chance to speak to her without her two guards, Bill and Flo, so he walked over to her. He sat quietly beside her for a minute, as if gathering his thoughts. “I don’t know where to start. I guess ‘I’m sorry’ sounds pretty inadequate. I don’t blame you for hating me but I feel guilty I ruined your friendship with Hannah. She says you won’t answer her phone calls and she blames me.”
“Listen. I don’t know how to convince you that I am not chasing you. I haven’t answered Hannah’s call because I don’t want to be the cause of you two arguing over me,” she told him tiredly, wishing he would just go away. She didn’t think she could handle any more arguments with him. She felt fragile and so tired and didn’t know how much more she could take.
Jackson sighed tiredly, looking over at the water and the ducks waiting for more food. “I know you probably won’t believe me but I’m usually a nice guy.”
“So Hannah says,” Grace said in a voice full of doubt.
Jackson laughed. It was a rusty sound since he hadn’t laughed in a long time. “Once upon a time I was a nice guy until a wicked witch tricked me into believing she was a princess and now I am an angry, bitter jerk who drinks too much. What’s your story?”
Grace turned and looked at Jackson. For once his face was not mocking or cruel but kind of sad and tired. She understood pain and heartbreak and she couldn’t help but sympathize with his story. He had fallen for the wrong person, just like her. She understood all the emotions and heartache he had gone through.
“Once upon a time I was a naïve, trusting fool, thinking the world was a wonderful, safe place and nothing bad could ever happen. Then I discovered that path led to heartache and pain so now I like being alone. I’m really not after you or your money, Jackson. I’m only here to recover my strength and then I am going home to Michigan. I didn’t come here to make enemies or cause trouble.”
“Can we be friends if I promise not to be mean and grouchy? I know I am asking a lot of you to trust me after the jerk I’ve been, but I can make a good friend.” He asked seriously. “Just give me a second chance.”
Grace gave him a bewildered look. She had never seen him acting so friendly before. It made him look more approachable and less scary. “Is that possible? I mean for you to not be mean to me?”
Jackson chuckled. “Ouch, I deserve that comment. I guess I won’t get a big head hanging around you. I know it might take time for you to believe this but I really am sorry, Grace. You didn’t deserve the way I treated you. It wasn’t you, just my own pain that I have been having trouble dealing with, but I think I am on my way to finally recovering.”
Grace thought for a moment, not sure if this was a trick or if he was sincere. She wanted to believe him but she was scared and she hated always feeling scared. She gave him a hesitant look. “Can I think about the friendship thing? I am glad you’re getting better for your family’s sake. Maybe you can give me pointers,” she joked.
“Okay and I’ll help you in any way I can,” he said seriously, but he didn’t look angry as he sat next to her on the bench looking out at the water. “But think fast please. Hannah glares at me all day and Ida burns all my food. I’m pretty sure even Roxy and Molly are mad at me, too. They no longer jump on me or lick me. I swear when they see me they turn up their noses at me.”
That made Grace laugh, thinking of those two adorable dogs. “I thought you didn’t want me around Hannah?” He couldn’t know her story, could he? Surely the sheriff wouldn’t gossip? Why was he being so nice all of a sudden? She felt a little distrustful at his sudden about-face in attitude and had a lot to think about.
“I was out of line when I said that. These days I don’t stop to think about what comes out of my mouth.” He sat with her in silence for a few mo
re minutes then he stood up to leave, giving her one last mournful look. “At least call Hannah so she can stop walking around the house giving me dirty looks. Will I see you at the cook-off? We can start over and hang out as friends. Who knows, I might surprise you and we might actually have fun together.”
She nodded with a smile and watched him walk away with mixed feelings. Men are complicated creatures, she mused as she threw more bread to the ducks.
* * * *
Grace yawned and turned off the TV. She had gone to the animal shelter after talking to Jackson at the park, and Hannah was overjoyed Grace wasn’t mad anymore. They had taken the dogs for a long walk and neither woman mentioned Jackson, although Hannah talked about how Todd wasn’t as nice as she thought he would be. It was nice having a friend again.
She needed to get some sleep. She wasn’t taking the sleeping pills every day, only on the nights she couldn’t turn her memories off. Jackson Hawthorne had been on her mind a lot lately. It probably wasn’t wise to think of him so much, but thoughts of him kept unexpectedly popping into her head. He was a handsome man. There was no denying that. She wasn’t sure of his assurance that he could be nice to her, but she had to admit if only to herself that she was curious about him. For once her dreams were filled with a handsome blond cowboy.
Chapter 7
Grace woke up with a new attitude. She was tired of feeling scared and uncertain. Yes, she had been a victim of a violent crime but that didn’t mean she had to give fear control of her life any longer. She was a strong woman and it was time she acted like one. She had been sitting around waiting for a miracle to wipe out all her bad memories and make her the Grace she used to be. That wasn’t going to happen. Life had a way of teaching you lessons and you couldn’t go backward. She had to learn to take things one day at a time and live in the present not the past. After her experience, being the old naïve Grace wasn’t going to happen, and she had to accept that and move on.