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Run, Lacy, Run [Appledale] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

  The doubts running around in his head dampened his romantic thoughts of Lacy. Relationships were too complicated and troublesome, he decided before finally falling asleep.

  Chapter Four

  It was a gloomy, cloudy day outside and not many people ventured out. Especially since the threat of rain was looming in the forecast. It had been a very slow and quiet morning at the diner. Lacy and Stella sat at the counter drinking a cup of coffee during a break. Ally was standing behind the counter putting some cakes she bought from a local lady in the case next to her fresh-baked pies. She looked at Lacy with concern.

  “I hope you don’t mind that Ryan told me this morning what happened to you. What a horrible experience! I thought you were running from an ex-boyfriend, but I never imagined the truth. But don’t you worry. Ryan will take care of everything,” Ally assured her with confidence while she rearranged the desert case. “He’s good at his job.”

  Lacy was touched by the woman’s concern. She nodded. “I know Ally. I wanted to tell you before, I just didn’t know how and I didn’t want you to hate me.”

  “You did nothing wrong, Lacy,” Stella said firmly, listening to the conversation, too. “It was bad luck. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time and it must have been awful. I’m just so glad you ended up here. And you don’t need to go back to that dangerous city. Stay here in Appledale. I like having you as my friend.”

  Henry suddenly stuck his head out of the kitchen window and agreed with Stella, obviously eavesdropping on their conversation. “Nothing good in those big cities, girly. Been there and didn’t like it one bit,” he said firmly, waving his spatula in the air. He was gruff on the outside but really sweet, Lacy discovered as she got to know him. Stella had told her that after his wife decided she didn’t like small towns anymore they had gone to New York, but Henry came back alone after a few years and vowed never to leave his hometown again. “You need to stay here just like Stella says.”

  Ally smiled and agreed with Henry who stuck his head back in the kitchen just as quickly. He was a man of few words. He said what he had to say then disappeared again.

  Lacy felt relieved to let the truth out. She hadn’t liked hiding it from them and had felt awful about it. It was like a big weight had been lifted off her shoulders now that the whole story was out. And she was relieved they didn’t hate her for running away. “I’m supposed to go down to the station to file a report when I’m done here. I have to admit, I’m a little bit nervous about that.”

  Ally shook her head and looked around at the few customers eating lunch. “It’s a slow day. Go now and me and Stella will handle things here.”

  Stella patted Lacy’s hand and agreed with Ally. Lacy felt lucky to have made such good friends. She had only been here a little over a week but she felt a kinship with the people here already.

  “Are you sure?” She didn’t want to leave them shorthanded if things picked up.

  Ally nodded. “Get it over with. That’s the best way to deal with any problem, I always say.”

  “Thanks, Ally. I’ll be back.” Lacy hugged the women. “You two are the best.”

  It was getting chilly outside and Lacy was glad she had her jacket. She walked the few blocks to the sheriff’s station. She smiled and waved to a few people she recognized. She enjoyed the scenery. The leaves on the trees were starting to turn into their fall colors and she loved it. The buildings were small but lovely. She loved the fact that when you looked up you saw the sky and not more high-rise buildings.

  Some businesses were putting fall decorations out, pumpkins, haystacks, and gold and orange flowers. After living her whole life in a huge city she found Appledale so charming. The whole town could be stuck in some kind of old-fashioned time warp, Lacy thought to herself. Maybe she would even stay here and make a fresh start. She had never felt at home in Detroit, just one of a million people living in a large city. She didn’t know where her dad was, and her mom had been an only child, and her grandparents had been gone since Lacy was a small child. With no family, she had no reason to go back there, back to being lonely and lost in a crowd.

  She was so lost in thought she almost passed up the police station. She walked up the steps and opened the glass door. Inside was a long, wooden counter. An older gray-haired lady greeted her from behind it. She was typing on a computer. “Can I help you, dear?”

  “I’m here to see Sheriff Clark,” Lacy told her, starting to feel nervous now that she was actually here. “My name is Lacy. He knew I was coming.”

  The lady smiled. “I’m Helen Myers, his secretary. He’s on the phone, so just have a seat. He won’t be long. Can I get you some coffee, dear?”

  Lacy shook her head. Her stomach was upset from being nervous. She took a deep, calming breath. She wanted to pace up and down to get rid of her nervous energy but decided to sit and wait patiently. The station was small but had big windows that brought the sunlight in. A few desks sat on one side. On the other was a big cell with two cots in it. Lacy guessed they didn’t get many prisoners here. Ryan’s office was behind the counter with the door closed.

  After a few minutes, the door to Ryan’s office opened and he told Helen, “If you see either Gabe or Logan, tell them I need to see them.” He motioned for Lacy to come in his office and then closed the door behind them.

  “Am I in trouble?” She blurted out the first thing she was thinking as she sat down, nervously wringing her hands together.

  He shook his head, looking serious, and sat in his chair, leaning on the desk so he could look at her. “I called the Detroit Police and found the detective in charge, a Detective Garcia. I told him everything you told me and gave him your address. The body was found dumped behind the building in an alley. He was from a rival gang. He said so far you are the only witness to come forward with any information.”

  Lacy stood up, not surprised no one else had come forward, and went to look out the window, not really seeing anything. Everyone was scared of Chico and his boys. “Now what happens?”

  Ryan longed to walk behind her and hug her and reassure her that he’d take care of her, but he had thought hard all night long about Lacy. He wasn’t sure he could settle down. He was already thirty years old and so far no woman had held his interest for very long. Look at the problems he was having with Emma accepting his decision to call it quits and making him feel guilty for breaking her heart. She drunk-dialed him often, blaming him for her heartache. Would it be fair to add to Lacy’s problems right now? He was attracted to Lacy but he had too many doubts to want to start a new relationship.

  “I will take an official statement from you and fax it to him. That will allow him to get warrants for the murder investigation. He knows Chico and his gang very well. They are known to be ruthless drug dealers and killers. He understood your fear and is glad you came forward because he wants Chico off the streets real bad, but they have never been able to get a witness for any of his crimes,” he explained to her. He felt bad for pulling back from her, especially since their hot kiss last night. That one kiss had kept him hard all night long. But he knew it was better to hurt her feelings a little now and not hurt her further later by getting more involved and then breaking it off with her. He was already feeling guilty over Emma.

  “Do I have to go back to Detroit?” That was her biggest fear. She wouldn’t feel safe in the city. Plus, she had to admit, she didn’t want to leave Ryan. She was very attracted to him and wanted to see where things could go between them.

  Ryan shook his head, sitting back in his chair when all he wanted to do was go to her and hold her in his arms. “Not yet. Not until the trial, and that won’t be right away, so let’s not worry about that now. Right now you’re under my protection. Detective Garcia is okay with that. He knows you are safer here than back in Detroit anyways. He offered to talk to your landlord to hold your apartment until Chico and his gang are caught.”

  She nodded and turned back toward him, feeling a little uneasy at his cold attitude. W
as it because they were at his work place or did he regret asking her out and kissing her last night? She sat back down in the chair and looked at him. She could see none of the warmth or passion she saw last night in his eyes. Had she read last night wrong or maybe Emma was back in the picture and he didn’t know how to tell her?

  “Is everything all right, Ryan? You are acting very strange. Did I do something wrong?” she asked, feeling very uneasy and cold.

  Ryan sighed heavily, tapping on the desk with a pencil. It was a habit he had when he was nervous. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. Look, Lacy, I just don’t think it’s a good idea for us to get involved romantically while we have this case with Chico between us.” He winced inwardly. It sounded lame to his own ears, but he really didn’t want to hurt Lacy’s feelings. She was beautiful and gentle and he was so tempted to just grab her and kiss her again, but his doubts consumed him. His head and his heart were at war, wanting two different things.

  Lacy felt a sharp pain go through her heart. What a lame excuse! Why didn’t he just admit he didn’t feel the same way she did when they kissed last night? When would she learn her lesson concerning men? No man had staying power, from her dad to every man she and her mom had ever met. “Okay, if that’s what you want,” she said carelessly, refusing to let him see how his words wounded her.

  “You wanted to see me, boss—oh oops,” said a voice. A uniformed man stood in the doorway waiting to be invited in. “Didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  Ryan sighed with relief. He was taking the cowardly way out but his mind was filled with conflicting emotions. He wanted Lacy desperately, but he wasn’t ready to enter another relationship yet. Not when he still had Emma constantly bothering him.

  “Lacy, this is one of my deputies, Logan Wilson,” he said, introducing them. “Logan, this is Ms. Martinez.”

  “I need you to witness me taking her statement.” He went on to explain Lacy’s story to Logan, and they all sat down and listened to Lacy go over the exact details of what she had seen that day.

  It was frightening to remember every detail but she knew it was important. Ryan typed it up and all three of them signed it. “Let me get Helen to fax this over right away. Detective Garcia is anxious to get the ball rolling on this.”

  Lacy looked over at Logan once Ryan left the office. He had black hair in a military buzz-cut style and dark brown eyes. He wasn’t as tall as Ryan, but he had wide shoulders and a muscular build. It was obvious he spent a lot of time working out. He was making her nervous the way he was looking her over blatantly, but she didn’t want to offend him by telling him to stop.

  “It must’ve been terrible to witness a murder. You’re a brave girl,” he stated, leaning back in his seat in a relaxed pose, looking at her with a charming smile. He was obviously a practiced flirt.

  Lacy shook her head in denial. “Not really. I got scared and ran away. That was wrong of me and that’s why I want to fix my mistake.”

  “That’s admirable,” he observed. “I heard talk there was a beautiful new waitress at Ally’s. Been wanting to go in there but I haven’t had a chance yet.” He was a handsome man, but, despite Ryan’s awful behavior, she was still attracted to Ryan and wasn’t sure how to handle this situation without causing any tension.

  Lacy just smiled back but said nothing and wished Ryan would hurry up.

  Logan kept smiling at her. “I’m sure glad to meet you, Lacy Martinez. Maybe we can get to know each other over dinner or dancing?”

  Ryan walked in at that moment and interrupted them. “We are done for now, Lacy. I’ll keep you updated on the situation. Thanks for coming in.”

  Lacy kept her head down. She didn’t want Ryan to see the hurt in her eyes over his obvious dismissal of her. Ryan was letting her know he was not interested in her romantically and that hurt. She knew he heard Logan asking her to go out yet he acted like it didn’t matter to him if she went. He acted like he liked her one minute and like he barely knew her the next minute. What a jerk he turned out to be! How could she have been so wrong about Ryan?

  Logan stood up along with Lacy. “I’ll give you a ride back to the diner. It’s chilly outside, no need to walk.”

  Ryan arched his eyebrows at Lacy and looked at her accusingly with his arms folded across his chest but he didn’t say one word in protest or offer to give her a ride himself.

  Lacy kept her gaze away from Ryan and toward Logan as Logan eagerly led her out of the office. Lacy wanted to break down and cry but she just kept walking and followed Logan out the door as he kept talking.

  Ryan stood at the doorway of his office watching Lacy and Logan leave. “I thought you were dating Lacy?” Helen asked in a puzzled tone, blocking his view of the leaving couple.

  “We had one date but I don’t need the headache. Emma gives me enough of those,” he stated angrily. He didn’t mean to snap at Helen but he was mad at himself. He had wanted to tear Lacy away from Logan and hold her in his arms and apologize for hurting her but he had just stood there like a statue instead. He was letting all his doubts overrule his heart and what he truly wanted, Lacy.

  “So you’re letting Emma make you feel guilty for dumping her and supposedly breaking her heart when everyone in town knows she’s been partying at Thorn’s Bar every night and not alone either!” Helen scolded Ryan, angrily.

  If only Ryan would open his eyes and see that Emma wasn’t heartbroken, only angry that Ryan hadn’t fallen in with her wishes to get married.

  Ryan said nothing just went in his office and slammed the door, feeling the day going downhill from there.

  Chapter Five

  Over the next two weeks Lacy tried to keep herself busy at the diner and discovered she really enjoyed it. She had never enjoyed waitressing before. It had just been a job to pay the bills. But now she enjoyed getting up in the morning and coming to work. Maybe it was her change of attitude or maybe it was the friendliness of the people. She was getting to know her regular customers’ likes and dislikes. She liked being able to call them by name now whenever they came in, and she hardly ever got the orders wrong these days. She felt proud about that accomplishment. Some of the customers still playfully teased her about all her mistakes those first few days, but she’d laugh right along with them, not taking any offense.

  Mrs. Johnson was one of her favorites. The sweet elderly lady came in at ten a.m. every day like clockwork just to have coffee and catch up on gossip with whoever was in there. A lot of people just came in to chat and drink coffee throughout the day. There was an ice cream shop in town and a bar that served some food at night but no other restaurants. Ally had told Lacy that Mr. Johnson had passed away last year and this was Mrs. Johnson’s way of pushing off the loneliness, so Lacy made it a point to chat with Mrs. Johnson every day even if it was only for a few seconds. She understood the agony of loneliness very well.

  The only good thing to come out of all this mess was discovering this quaint and charming town of Appledale and making new friends. The people in this town made her feel like she belonged and she cherished that feeling. She was determined to make a fresh start here despite her disappointment over Ryan. She liked this town and was making good friends and Ryan would just have to deal with seeing her on a regular basis. If he doesn’t like it, then he can move, she thought angrily. She refused to go back to that state of depression she had been living in the last year.

  She had turned down Logan’s offer of a date. She was still hurting over Ryan’s behavior. Ally and Stella asked her what went wrong between her and Ryan, and she shrugged it off carelessly even though she was hurting inside, and said Ryan decided he didn’t like her after all. She thought maybe he went back to Emma, but Ally assured her he hadn’t. Ally called her son an idiot and Stella offered to set her up on a blind date, but Lacy didn’t have the heart for it right now. She obviously wasn’t meant to meet a Prince Charming the way Stella had.

  The cool weather and the fall colors finally rolled in and she often spent time at her f
avorite spot in the park, admiring the beautiful red and gold colors of the trees. She also spent time with Ally after work, helping her plan her big Halloween bash. Ally explained that every year she threw a big costume party for the whole town and Lacy offered to help. They were sitting in the diner making a food list so Clyde would have enough time to order the extra items they would need for the party, which was coming up in three weeks. Anything was better than sitting upstairs brooding over Ryan and the mess with Chico. Men were nothing but a headache, she decided.

  “I do this every year,” Ally told her, looking a little sad. “My husband, David, loved holidays, but he especially loved Halloween. He was like a big kid, planning out our costumes weeks in advance and trying to frighten all the kids with his scary decorations here at the diner. The spookier the better, he always said. Doing this party makes me feel close to him. Plus the people really love it and look forward to it, so start thinking of a costume, Lacy.”

  Lacy patted Ally’s hand. “That’s so sweet to honor him this way. You are lucky to have had such wonderful years with him and memories to look back on. My mother never had much luck with men, from my dad to every boyfriend that drifted in and out of her life. I guess I’m destined to be like her,” Lacy said, sadly looking down at the list she was writing.

  “Nonsense, young lady,” Ally said in a firm, motherly voice. “My son is an idiot and don’t think I haven’t let him know it. You are a beautiful girl inside and out, and lots of men flirt with you but you ignore them. Don’t sit home depressed over Ryan. Go out on a date. Have fun for now. Sooner or later Mr. Right will come along when you least expect it.”

  “You’re right, Ally. Thanks.” Lacy smiled, feeling better. Ally was right. Why was she sitting home alone, depressed because Ryan didn’t want her? She had a lot to offer someone, and if Ryan couldn’t see that, then he wasn’t worth it. She needed to accept that and move on with life, not get stuck in another rut filled with depression. She was going to call Logan tonight and tell him she’d go out with him.