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Stormy Nights Page 7

  Matt’s phone rang and they stopped so he could answer it.

  “Hello,” he said and his eyebrows crinkled downward. Whatever the caller was saying was not good news. “I see. I will be right there, John. Sit her ass down and tell her she’d better be there when I arrive.”

  “Who was that?” Drake asked with curiosity.

  “John Daniels.”

  “The owner of The Red Barn?” Drake asked.

  “I know where Jasmine is.” Matt looked angry.

  “At the bar?” Drake already knew the answer, having overheard part of Matt’s conversation. “Is she okay? Is she hurt?”

  “Apparently Jasmine, Alicia Garcia, and Holly Davis are drunk and caused a huge fight. John called me because Jasmine told him I’m her brother.”

  Drake laughed and shook his head. “He called you because he is afraid Noah and Ray will freak out on him and shut him down. Alicia is giving Ray gray hair.”

  “She is a wild one,” Matt agreed. “I need to head over there and collect some drunk girls. They will get the sharp edge of my tongue, that’s for sure. Should I inform Noah?”

  “Not yet. Tonight was his first night off and he wanted to relax with his wife. I’ll go with you and we’ll see how bad the damage is. Alicia can fight, especially when she gets all riled up over something.”

  They walked the few blocks to the bar and went inside.

  Drake spotted a grim-looking John and a scared, pale cowboy sitting at a table. He looked for Jasmine and spotted her holding a rag to her nose. She was sitting with the girls at a separate table with a bouncer standing next to them. He immediately became concerned. He walked up to her. “What the hell, Jasmine? Who hit you?”

  “Someone hit you? I’ll kill him,” Matt yelled, looking around. He pointed to the cowboy. “Was it you?”

  The man looked like he was going to faint. He slung down in his chair at the irate look on Matt’s face. “It was an accident. I didn’t mean to. And I had no idea she was your sister, Deputy Smith. I never would have touched her.”

  “How do you accidently hit a woman in the nose?” Drake said coldly, picking him up by his collar. “Why did you touch her in the first place?”

  Jasmine took the bloody cloth off her nose to speak but Holly put it back. She answered for Jasmine instead. “Her nose isn’t broken. I checked.”

  “So what happened here?” Drake let the man go and turned to Alicia. “Why do I have the feeling this involves you?”

  He shook his head, trying not to get frustrated. Alicia marched to her own beat but it was frustrating as hell when all you wanted to do was protect her from the assholes.

  Alicia stood up angrily and poked him in the chest. “This is all your girlfriend Nancy’s fault. If you and every other man in this town wasn’t such a Romeo wannabe, we wouldn’t be dealing with this.”

  “Me? I wasn’t even here tonight,” Drake spit out angrily. Her parents needed to spank her more as a child. Ray was going to flip out. “Is that a diamond hanging from your belly button, Alicia?”

  “Don’t change the subject.” She sat back down, knowing she was busted.

  Holly raised her hand, looking kind of frightened at all the fuss. Most of the other patrons had left, but a few stayed behind to be nosy. The bar was ready to close.

  “I had fewer shots than those two.” She pointed to Jasmine and Alicia. “I can tell you what happened.”

  She looked like she wanted to cry and Matt immediately went to stand by her. He patted her back hard at first then he slowed his hand down as if he remembered Jasmine’s warning about his strength. “There, there, don’t cry, sweet thing. Just tell us what happened.”

  Drake took a deep breath. Jasmine was looking at him with such sorrow that it was killing him inside. He wanted to pick her up and sit her on his lap. If Holly didn’t start talking he was going to pick up Jasmine and take her to his place.

  “We were sitting here having fun by ourselves when your girlfriend came up to us. She said some hurtful things to Jasmine so we started taking shots,” Holly began, shooting him her own hateful glances. How had he become the villain?

  Drake rolled his eyes. He was going to kill Nancy. “She is not my girlfriend, never was.”

  Jasmine glared at him for a minute then put her head on the table. “I need pain pills. I’m injured.”

  “In a minute,” Drake responded.

  “Go on, sweetie. Finish your story.” Matt looked at Holly with something soft in his eyes and Drake sighed. The big lug was barking up the wrong tree. Adam Blake was protective as hell when it came to Faith’s little sister Holly. Not only Adam, but Liam treated Holly like his little sister too.

  Holly blinked up at him for a second and something passed between the two. She smiled shyly and blushed. She lowered her eyes and twisted a napkin nervously. He thought he heard Jasmine mutter “traitor” to Holly. Oh hell, Drake thought. Could this night get any worse?

  Chapter 12

  Yes it could, much worse. Drake spotted an angry-looking Ray Garcia coming in and knew it could get much worse. Ray and Alicia together were like an explosive, uncontrollable force. Chaos always followed.

  “Wonderful. Did you tattle on me, you asshole?” Alicia muttered and glared at John accusingly. John was looking down at Alicia with irritation but also with interest in his brown eyes. He was young, maybe around Drake’s age, but Alicia was still very young. It would never work. John lived life in the fast lane.

  John shook his head no. “I did not, little girl, but maybe I should have. Someone needs to put their foot down when it comes to you. You enjoy running wild and causing trouble.”

  Alicia stood up and got in his face. She poked him in the chest. “You and what army?”

  Drake looked up and put his hands on his face. This night was going to hell faster than he could even discover what happened and who did what. He was ready to grab Jasmine’s hand and make a hasty escape.

  John and Alicia started bickering loudly and Ray chimed in arguing with both of them.

  Drake pulled Holly to another table. He needed to get back on track. “So Nancy said some hateful things?”

  Matt followed and pulled up a chair next to Holly. He was holding her hand, forgetting all about Jasmine and her injury. Drake motioned for Jasmine to come over. The bouncer followed her and Drake thought he saw an interest in the bouncer’s eyes. He watched Jasmine walk in her tight jeans. Her arms were bare and a simple bow around her neck held her top up. He was sure she was not wearing a bra and he felt his body react to that image in his head.

  Well, he would soon make it clear that Jasmine belonged to him. He needed to keep his mind on business and not what Jasmine had on.

  Holly nodded. “We put it behind us and we were having fun. Right, Jazz?”

  Jasmine nodded silently. She gave Holly a smile. “It was fun. You and Alicia cheered me up good.”

  “We were dancing, just us girls,” Holly continued. She never pulled her hand out of Matt’s. “Then that asshole came up behind Jazz and slapped her ass.”

  The cowboy slunk lower in his chair and winced. Drake gave him the evil eye. He would take care of him after he took care of the bouncer. He was making a mental list of asses he would be kicking tonight.

  Jasmine took off the cloth and when no blood came out of her nose she set it down. Her nose was red and it still looked painful. “I turned around and warned if he did it again my knee would be in his crotch. He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me toward him. He grabbed my breast really hard.”

  Matt glared at him this time and the cowboy swallowed nervously. He put his hands up in the air. “Nancy told me she was new in town but she heard the new girl liked it rough. I would never have grabbed her like that otherwise. I would have bought her a drink and asked her to dance.” The man swore. He wiped some sweat off his brow. “I tried to apologize but I got jumped.”

  Matt stood up and crunched his knuckles. “You have five minutes to get out of my sight before I bre
ak every bone in your body. If I catch you even looking at my sister there will be no more warnings. No one will ever find your body. Ever.”

  The man ran so fast, he knocked a few chairs over trying to find an exit.

  “Oh, now you remember I exist,” Jasmine muttered, crossing her arms across her chest. It made her top lower and Drake had to close his eyes and concentrate on what was being said, not on her breast outlined in the shirt.

  Matt walked over and kissed Jasmine’s head. “I was keeping my eye on you, Jazzie girl. By the way, not a fan of that top you have on.”

  Jasmine rolled her eyes but lifted the top higher so nothing could be seen. Drake almost cursed Matt. The big lug was so enchanted with Holly he didn’t even notice Drake glaring at him. Drake would have teased him if this situation wasn’t so fucked up.

  “Alicia got really angry because Jasmine cried,” Holly spoke up, looking a little teary eyed. Matt handed her a clean napkin and she gave him a small smile.

  Jasmine put her hands over her breasts and rubbed it. “It hurt. I’m sure I am bruised.”

  “Want an ice pack?” the bouncer asked Jasmine but his eyes were on her breasts. “I’ll hold it for you.”

  Jasmine rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath. Drake heard the words “idiots” and “men”.

  “Back off, Tyler. In fact, you are not needed here. Where were you when Jasmine was being molested?” Drake said coldly. “Go help your boss control those two Garcias. I think Ray is about to deck your boss.”

  Tyler frowned at Drake but walked away. He gave Jasmine one last glance.

  Matt sat back down next to Holly. Holly shivered as if she was cold. Matt hugged her and pulled her close. Drake sighed. Thank God no one called Adam or Noah. His head was starting to hurt. Suddenly he missed the carnival.

  “Alicia slapped the guy and he called her some horrible names. She jumped on his back and he was circling around, yelling and trying to get Alicia off of him.” Holly continued letting Matt hold her.

  Jasmine chuckled. “It was sort of funny. She is a wild card but so awesome.”

  “Glad someone appreciates me,” Alicia said, sitting down next to Jasmine. She put her arm around Jasmine. “We girls gotta stick together.”

  Drake looked at Ray, who was still having words with John and Tyler now. He shook his head, wishing everyone would just settle down and be quiet.

  “So how did you get hit?” he asked Jasmine.

  “His elbow connected with my nose when he was turning in circles,” Jasmine answered. “I fell and almost got stepped on. From there it was chaos. People were yelling and pushing. I heard glass breaking and I covered my head. I crawled off the dance floor.”

  “It was scary. This is my first bar fight,” Holly admitted as if ashamed. She looked at Matt. “I think I screamed and someone pushed me.”

  Matt frowned and looked her over. “Are you hurt, sweetness? Do you need medical attention?”

  Jasmine shook her head with frustration. She waved. “Hello. I’m the one bleeding here, Matt. You’re not a good brother. Where is Tony? I demand someone call him.”

  Matt chuckled. “You’re fine, kid. You’re a tough broad.”

  Jasmine sighed and put her head down on the table. “It’s just not my night.”

  “Mine either,” Drake grumbled when Adam and Noah Blake walked in, looking all angry and ready to kill. He should at least be grateful the wives weren’t with him or crying would be added to the chaos. Adam walked up to Holly and pulled her out of Matt’s arms. He glared at Matt, not caring about his size. When Adam was in protective mode, he was worse than a mama bear.

  “Holly, what the hell is going on? We heard you were involved in a riot and your sister is hysterical.” Adam looked her over and saw her unhurt.

  Matt frowned, not looking very happy with Adam’s surly attitude. “Holly is a victim, Mr. Blake. The man responsible for this riot just slunk out of here.”

  “You let him go?” Adam yelled, then looked at Drake. “Why is he not in jail? I heard he hit a woman.”

  Jasmine raised her hand. “That would be me, not that anyone here cares.”

  “I care,” Drake argued. “I know who he is and he will pay, along with Nancy.”

  “Your ex?” Adam looked confused but still upset. He hung on to Holly, rubbing her back in a soothing manner.

  “She is not my ex,” Drake yelled loud enough for the whole bar to hear him. “Jesus. I dated her a few times. It was casual. Do I need to take an ad out in the paper?”

  Ray stopped his arguing with John when he heard Drake yell out loud. He walked up to Drake and playfully pushed him.

  “No need.” He chuckled. “Millie’s brother, Gordon, called me and told me my sister was fighting with some cowboy. I had no trouble believing that so I headed down here before the parents found out, or Alana.”

  “Jackie Sanders called Faith and said there was a riot at the bar and Holly was injured and had caused it.” Adam snorted. “I called Noah but he was clueless. He was busy snuggling with his wife.”

  Noah looked at Matt and Drake. “My deputies should have called me right away. I thought all was under control.”

  “John called me.” Matt admitted. “We were going to call you but we had no idea what was going on. It was all over by the time we arrived.”

  “We didn’t want to ruin your day off until we knew what was going on,” Drake spoke up.

  Holly repeated the whole story without interruption this time. Adam looked at Noah. “Can you arrest Nancy?”

  “I doubt it. There is no law against being a jealous bitch or I would,” Noah answered with a resigned sigh. He looked at Drake.

  “I’ll take care of Nancy,” Drake said through gritted teeth. He could not believe she would go so far to hurt Jasmine out of jealousy. They never had a serious thing going. She just couldn’t stand being the center of attention. Jasmine was pretty enough to get attention from the single men in town.

  “Of course. Who cares that I’m the one molested? All you care is about your stupid girlfriend.” Jasmine informed him coldly.

  “Did you just get hit on the nose?” Noah asked. He pulled a chair up to her and tilted her face into the light. She had dried blood on her cheeks. Her hair was tangled and she looked exhausted.

  “I got shoved a few times and my breast hurts. I’m pretty sure that asshole left it bruised. Holly said my nose isn’t broken,” Jasmine answered in a low voice. “My head hurts but I think it was all those shots of tequila.”

  Noah looked at Drake with murder in his eyes. “Who was it?”

  “Donald Allen,” Drake replied. “I let him go so Matt wouldn’t kill him. I know where he lives.”

  “I don’t know how I am going to get home. I think my aunt’s store is close by. I’ll just crash there tonight.” She stood up and looked at Alicia. “I had a blast, girl—up until the end, that is—but you sure are fierce.”

  Alicia laughed. “We’ll have to do it again. We can call ourselves the Bad Girls Club.”

  Everyone groaned loudly and Alicia grinned. “We’ll go to Austin and you and Holly can pierce your belly buttons. Red Hook men will freak.”

  “I’m squeamish,” Holly apologized. She pulled away from Adam and gave Jasmine a hug. “Sorry about how things ended tonight but I had a great time. Don’t forget to call me.”

  “How can you be squeamish, Holly? You’re a nurse,” Alicia interrupted.

  “If it’s other people’s blood I can handle it but if I bleed, it’s all over.” Holly looked at Matt shyly. “Thank you, deputy, for being so patient. I was shaky. I have never been involved in anything like this. I wasn’t sure what to do.”

  “Keep hanging with my sister and it will become the norm,” Ray muttered.

  “My name is Matthew Smith.” He smiled gently, ignoring Ray’s complaining. “I work for Noah. Can I walk you to your car?”

  Adam didn’t seem to like the look in Matt’s eyes. He pulled Holly closer to him. “
She has been drinking. Faith wants her at our home tonight. I will walk her to my car.”

  Holly gave Matt one last smile before leaving with Adam. Matt stared at her leaving with a gleam in his eyes. Drake shoved him. Finally, something humorous out of this shitty night. “Did Cupid’s arrow just shoot your ass?”

  Matt chuckled, scratching his chin in a reflective mood. “Maybe. I feel weird. How come I never seen that golden angel around town?”

  “Because she bartended nights here and went to nursing school all day. Now she graduated and spends all her time working at the hospital or hanging out with her sister Faith.” Drake chuckled. “Adam and Liam are not going to let you near that girl.”

  Matt huffed with disbelief. He folded his big arms across his chest. “I’m not easily run off.”

  “He is very protective,” Noah agreed. “Holly and Faith didn’t have a dad around and their mom was an absent parent until recently.”

  “I’m out of here,” Jasmine announced, looking tired. She looked at Noah. “Am I free to go, sheriff?”

  “I’ll talk to you later if you want to press charges against Allen,” Noah said. He turned to the few stragglers left behind and yelled. “The bar is closed. Everyone clear out and go home.”

  People groaned but they all listened and started marching out.

  Ray looked at Alicia. “Come on, sis. It’s late and I have to open the restaurant tomorrow. Dad doesn’t feel so good.”

  “Again?” Alicia gasped, looking worried. She stood up and followed her brother out after giving Jasmine a hug and whispering something into her ear. Drake wondered what she was saying.

  “I’ll take you out to your aunt’s house,” Drake told Jasmine softly, glad to have an opportunity to get back in her good graces.

  She shook her head. “No, thanks. I’ll just crash at the store and go home in the morning. My stomach hurts.”

  “Who is going to pay for all this mess?” John asked grouchily.

  “Nancy,” They all said in unison.

  Chapter 13

  “I’ll just follow you, Jasmine, so you might as well give in and talk to me,” Drake said when they got outside. He walked a few steps behind her. Jasmine was so angry with him and she didn’t want to talk to him. She was afraid she would be weak and listen to whatever he said but she had her doubts about trusting him.