Saving Grace [Bear Creek, Texas] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online
Page 9
Grace shrugged her shoulders, trying to appear like it didn’t matter to her. She had her pride, too. “You picked her up from the bar and went home with her. She was with you when I called your house. People do gossip, Jackson. You should know that.”
Jackson explained what had happened with Kelly and how he wanted nothing to do with her. “Grace, I know this is lousy timing with all that’s going on, but can’t you see how I feel about you?”
Grace looked down, wiping the tears from her face with shaky hands and shook her head. “My emotions are all over the place right now, Jackson. I’m tired of feeling up and down.”
“Then lean on me, baby. I love you. I’ll fight anyone who tries to take you away from me. I’ve waited my whole life to feel this happy and some psycho is not coming along to take you away from me no matter what I have to do!”
Grace looked up at him in shock and whispered, “You love me?”
“Yes, without a doubt in my mind. I don’t expect you to say anything back, baby. I just want you to know how I feel. All the pain and heartache that we both experienced has led us to this road, Grace. Me and you we can be strong and happy together. I truly believe that with all my heart,” he promised, looking right into her eyes, willing her to have the courage to believe in them despite the fears and doubts racing through her mind.
He reached out his hand and she stared at it for a moment then bravely grabbed it as if it was her lifeline. She needed to believe this was real. She and Jackson together could walk through the darkness and out into the light. He pulled her into his lap and buried his face in her throat and she could feel the trembling going through his big body and she wept, not out of fear, but in hope that everything would be okay. This man, holding her as if someone would literally tear her out of his arms at this moment, loved her. Despite her fears and doubts, Jackson Hawthorne loved her, and that alone gave her the strength to quit being afraid. She could lean on him if she needed to.
She whispered his name softly and buried herself in his arms as if she had found her treasure and she had.
They sat quietly for a moment, just holding each other until Ben and Billy came back inside, looking apprehensively at the couple.
“Everything okay now?” Ben asked. Grace smiled and nodded and took a deep, shaky breath ready to get James out of her life once and for all. She had a happy life to live starting now. “What is the plan, Sheriff?”
“Tonight you just rest honey, and tomorrow we’ll make plans. I’m glad to see you two working things out. Jackson is a good guy and will help us protect you.” Ben told Jackson and Grace who sat clinging to each other on the couch.
“I’ll stay on the couch tonight, Grace. No one will get past me,” Billy offered, smiling at his cousin.
Jackson got an angry look on his face and tensed up. Although he had never met Billy he had heard enough about his hero status and all the women in town gushing over him like some movie star.
“She’s coming home with me. We have a spare bedroom and she’ll be safe there with my family,” Jackson declared, sternly looking at Grace, as if daring her to argue with him.
“I’ll be safe with Jackson for tonight, Billy,” Grace answered, trying not to smile at Jackson’s surly attitude.
Ben nodded in agreement with the idea hiding his laugh behind a fake cough as Jackson glared at him too. “That sounds like a good plan, Jackson.”
Grace nodded and stood up and walked over to Billy, who looked like he wanted to argue. She hugged Billy good-bye. “That will give you time to visit with your parents and tomorrow we’ll get together and talk. I am so glad you’re back, Billy. I missed you.”
Billy kissed her forehead gently. “Okay. See you in the morning, honey.” He looked up at Jackson sternly. “Hurt her and I will kill you and hide the body so no one ever finds it.”
“On that cheerful note, let’s get out of here, Billy,” Ben suggested before the two men started arguing.
Chapter 13
Grace snuggled into Jackson as he drove out to the ranch. She yawned tiredly. “I’m sorry I doubted you, Jackson. Kelly is a bitch but she’s pretty and doesn’t carry baggage like I do. Look at all this trouble because of me.”
Jackson denied that. “None of this is your fault, baby, and as for Kelly, she has good looks going for her but she is self-centered and whiny. Outside beauty fades, Grace, but real beauty comes from within. You have both. So how close are you with this so-called cousin? He is way too handsome for my peace of mind, not to mention bloodthirsty.”
Grace giggled at his scowl. “Billy is my cousin. We’ve always been close but in a family sense only.”
Jackson sounded satisfied with her answer. “Good. You’re mine, Grace, and I am selfish. I don’t share well.”
“And you’re mine,” she whispered back softly to herself, finally believing it, letting the word seep into her soul.
When they arrived at the house, the dogs came running to greet them. “Down,” Jackson snapped at the two dogs jumping excitedly all over Grace.
Grace knelt down on the ground to pet them. “It’s okay. I love Roxy and Molly. I know they’ll bark in warning if strangers come around. Won’t you, my beautiful girls?” They wagged their tails happily.
The house was dark and quiet since it was late and Jackson led her upstairs to the guest bedroom where she usually stayed. He turned the small lamp on beside the bed and Grace sat down and kicked off her shoes. “I slept most of the day away but I’m still exhausted. What if I have a nightmare? I forgot to grab my sleeping pills and my purse.”
“Tonight I’m sleeping with you in here. I just want to hold you all night, Grace. I was scared earlier as I drove like a madman to your house and I don’t want to be down the hall worried sick about you all night,” he said, taking off his boots, too. He went to his room and got her one of his shirts to sleep in and he slept in his boxers and T-shirt, leaving the bedroom door open.
They laid down together on the bed and she put her head on his chest, loving his solid warmth, the beating of his heart, and the shelter his arms made around her. Molly and Roxy wandered in and settled themselves down on the carpeted floor on the side of the bed. Grace smiled, feeling safe with all her guards surrounding her.
Grace sighed softly as Jackson played lightly with her hair, telling her she was safe in his arms and to just rest. She closed her eyes and fell asleep within minutes, feeling secure in her lover’s arms.
* * * *
The next morning Grace woke up to see the sun shining in the window. Jackson and the dogs were gone. She got up and washed up and headed downstairs. Hannah and Ida were seated at the dining room table. Hannah got up and hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re here with us Grace. Ben will catch this guy.”
Ida poured her some coffee. “Sit down, honey. You need to eat.” She served her a plate of scrambled eggs and made sure she ate them all.
Grace told them a little of what had happened and they listened with sympathy. It felt good to let it all out and to know she had good friends in this town willing to help her.
Jackson came in and kissed Grace’s head in greeting. “Ben called. We’re meeting at the café since it’s closed today to come up with a plan.”
Grace nodded and thanked Hannah and Ida for everything. They didn’t talk on the way to town. Grace’s stomach was rumbling with nerves and she wished she hadn’t eaten because it felt like it wasn’t going to stay in her stomach. Jackson grabbed her hand and squeezed it as if to remind her she wasn’t alone in this fight. As Jackson parked and they got out of the truck she took a deep breath and let it out slowly, telling herself to be brave and not fall apart.
“Together, Grace,” Jackson whispered in her ear. She smiled at him and gripped his hand tightly, needing the contact. “Thank you, Jackson. You being here for me means so much to me.”
“You’ll never be alone again, Grace,” he vowed.
Bill and Flo were sitting at a table talking with Ben and Billy. A coffee pot s
at in the middle of the table. Grace went to the counter and grabbed her and Jackson a cup then sat down. Everyone looked tense, so Grace braced herself for more bad news.
“Your parents want to come and be with you,” Flo stated. “But Ben thinks they should wait until James is caught.”
Grace nodded. “I agree. I miss them terribly but James could go after them if he doesn’t find me.”
“Yeah, they’re not happy about it but they’ll wait,” Ben said. “We think we came up with a good plan. “
“The apartment is small with only one entrance so we think that’s our best bet for protecting you, Grace,” Billy explained seriously.
Grace nodded. “I just want this to be over soon but what if he escapes again? I thought after that horrible trial I would never have to be face-to-face with him again.”
Ben shook his head. “He’ll go to a maximum-security prison for sure after this.”
Grace leaned her head on Jackson’s shoulder. “I’m staying with Grace,” he said firmly, expecting Ben and Billy to argue with him. He hugged Grace and kissed her head in a comforting gesture.
Ben shook his head and chuckled. “I already warned Billy what a stubborn ass you are so we expected that. The more people the better. We passed out his picture all over town so his face is well known and people will notice if he walks around. Billy will help protect you and me and Stan will take turns being here, too.”
“What about the ranch? I don’t want you to fall behind on work because of me.” Grace gave him a worried look.
“Louis is a good foremen and he’ll tell the men what needs to be done. And Hannah can stick around the ranch looking after the horses,” Jackson said with determination. “I am not letting you go through this alone, Grace.”
“Yeah, sounds good to me. I was going to tell Hannah not to be wandering around town anyway until we catch this psycho,” Ben said in a firm sheriff’s voice. “She can stay on the ranch for a few days. I’m sure the shelter will be fine without her.”
Jackson laughed, putting his hands up in surrender. “Okay, but you call her and tell her that. Just wait until I am at home so I can see the fireworks.”
Grace rolled her eyes and snorted playfully. “Men.” And they all laughed, breaking up the tension a little.
Chapter 14
Kelly was sitting alone in Randy’s bar drinking a beer. It was early evening so the bar wasn’t very full. She was still fuming that her plan to seduce Jackson didn’t work. She called him crying and pretending to be more drunk than she really was and he took her home. Once they were inside her place she stripped off her clothes and kissed him, he pushed her away and told her he was in a relationship with someone else. Like she didn’t know it was that plain-Jane nobody, Grace. Well, she wasn’t giving up. There had to be a way to get him back. She was better looking than that scaredy-cat on any day. She looked around and saw a stranger sitting alone in the back. She bought a beer and took it to his table. She needed a good distraction to get her mind off her foiled plans.
“Hey there, buddy, new in town?” Kelly asked, giving him her best smile. It was too dark to see his face clearly but he didn’t seem too bad looking.
“Just passing through,” he answered and took the beer Kelly gave him. “Thanks, beautiful.”
“Mind some friendly company?” Kelly said softly with a wink.
Kelly noticed how he looked her over, seeing her short denim skirt and low-cut lacy tank top that hugged her full breasts. “Sure, why not?”
“So what brings you to our little town?” she asked casually, sitting herself down with a happy smile. “This is a boring town if you’re looking for some excitement.”
“Just passing through, looking up an old friend. Maybe you know her. Grace Henderson?” he asked, taking a drink of his beer.
Kelly’s smile disappeared from her face and her eyes blazed with anger. “Unfortunately I do know her and she is not my friend. She stole my boyfriend and got me fired from my job!”
“Really?” the man said with compassion. “I hear a story. Go ahead and tell me all about it. My name is James, by the way.”
Kelly pouted as she told her sad story. “I am Kelly.”
When she was done with her tearful tale, James patted her hand. “Grace is my girlfriend. People were trying to keep us apart but now that I am here she is going home with me, want to help me out?”
“If it means I never have to see her again, then yes. Why don’t we talk at my place? There are a lot of gossipers around here.” Kelly was all smiles, standing up and leading James out the bar and to her car. Finally she would get Jackson back.
* * * *
Jackson went home to pack a bag and explain to Louis and the other men what chores needed to be done for the next few days and to be on the alert for James. Of course Hannah had been in an uproar after Ben’s phone call.
“How dare he forbid me to go into work!” Hannah yelled. Her cheeks were red from aggravation. Jackson chuckled and she glared at him. “It’s not funny, Jackson. The shelter is important to me, you know that.”
Ida patted her shoulder in sympathy. “Everyone knows that, dear, but if the sheriff thinks it’s too dangerous, then listen to him. He cares about you whether you like it or not.”
“Hmmm,” Hannah huffed but calmed down some. “Fine. I’ll make sure Amy and Richard go by and feed and water the animals. Take care of Grace and be careful, Jack,” she said, hugging her brother and kissing his cheek. “I don’t want to lose you or my future sister-in-law.”
“It will all be okay, sis. We got Grace’s cousin Billy and Ben and me,” he promised, hugging her and Ida and promising to check in regularly with updates. “Louis and the men are all on guard, just in case. And you both know how to handle a rifle. Keep the dogs inside at night, okay?”
He drove back to town, anxious to see Grace even though Billy was there with her. He wanted to catch this bastard so they could start their life without the fear of this guy harming the woman he loved. He knew Grace cared for him and with time he’d knock all those walls down and she would love him back. He felt confident in Grace returning his feelings. In such a short time she had come to mean the world to him. He now realized he had never felt love for Kelly, lust yes, affection maybe, but not love. Grace was with him in his heart and mind even if they were physically apart. He trusted her to be honorable even if she wasn’t with him, and that in itself said a lot to him.
Grace and Billy were still inside the restaurant talking when he got back. Flo was trying to get Grace to eat some soup but Grace was pacing up and down nervously and biting her nails.
Flo looked at Jackson, shaking her head in frustration. “Maybe you can convince her to put something in that stomach of hers.” She stomped off into the kitchen where Bill was making dinner for all of them. It was getting dark outside and it had been a long, emotional day for everyone. Tension and fear was high.
Jackson smiled when Grace glanced his way with relief and ran to him. He hugged her tightly, kissing her head. “Five minutes without me and you’re already causing trouble darlin’”
“She was always causing trouble and blaming me for it. You might as well know what she’s really like, Jackson.” Billy laughed noticing how Grace’s eyes lit up at the sight of the big cowboy. He regretted not being able to take leave when she went through that horrible trial but he was determined to be here for Grace now.
Grace laughed and shook her head in denial, sitting down at the table and dragging Jackson to sit next to her. “Don’t fall for it, Jackson. It was the other way around. He had that whole innocent look about him even if he wasn’t and he came up with all the worst ideas that always got us grounded.”
They chatted casually over childhood memories and Jackson fed Grace some soup until she grabbed the spoon in exasperation and finished it herself, making everyone laugh.
Once everyone was done with dinner Billy took his parents’ home, and Jackson took Grace upstairs and locked the door. He went aro
und and checked all the windows, too. He put his bag in the bedroom and sat with her on the couch holding her cold hand. “You look upset, baby. You’re safe. This asshole won’t get past all of us.”
“What if I have a nightmare and scare the crap out of you and Billy?” Grace asked with concern. “I’m too afraid to take my sleeping pill and be out of it if something does happen but with all this talk of James I might not be able to control it.”
“If I’m holding you, you’ll feel safe and won’t have a nightmare. You didn’t last night,” he reminded her and put his arms around her feeling Grace relax against him and letting out a happy sigh.
“I know I am safe with you, Jackson. I just can’t believe this is all happening just when we were so happy again.” She answered calmly. “Are Ida and Hannah safe, Jackson?”
“Yes. Louis and the men are all on alert. Hannah knows how to use the rifle, too, but I doubt James will go over there, honey.”
“I know you’re right. I guess I just worry too much.” Grace yawned. “I’m having a hard time dealing with all that’s happened in the last two days. But I am so glad I have you to lean on. I’d be a total mess without you Jackson.”
“You’ll never be without me, Grace.” He kissed her lightly on the lips.
Billy came in a few minutes later with extra food from Flo and they sat to watch a movie. Grace fell asleep before the movie was over and Jackson carried her to the bedroom and held her tightly all night so she wouldn’t have any nightmares. This James had a lot to answer for, and he’d be glad to pay him back for all the misery he had caused Grace.
The second night started out the same, very quiet, but tense as everyone waited to see if James would show up soon. Grace had spent some time on the phone talking with her mom and Hannah, too.
“I wish he’d hurry up and show his face,” Grace grumbled. “I hate the waiting. Sitting around like this is hard on my nerves. I feel like a sitting duck with a target on my forehead.”