Stormy Nights Page 11
“He is so tiny,” Jasmine gushed, running her finger down his soft cheek. His eyes were closed and he looked angelic. He had a little fluff of black hair on top of his head. “How precious.”
“I know.” Alana’s smile was filled with contentment. “I was so worried but his lungs are good and he is healthy. My doctor said sometimes due dates can be miscalculated. He might be a little early but nothing is wrong with him.”
“That’s good,” Drake added, standing behind Jasmine and looking over her shoulder at the newborn. “Where is the proud dad?”
“He had to go home and get my suitcase and the car seat for this little guy. We had not planned to go from the picnic to the hospital,” Alana answered sheepishly. “And here I was dreading spending the next weeks in bed. My little angel knew Mommy couldn’t sit in a bed that long.”
“Babies do tend to surprise their parents.” Jasmine smiled.
Alana looked at the couple with a hint of speculation. “Maybe you two are next? You seem so happy together these days. I am really happy you found each other.”
“We are happy.” Drake kissed Jasmine’s cheek. “But we’re just starting our relationship. Give us time.”
Jasmine felt her chest tighten with happiness. He didn’t outright say no way. She wanted to be a mother too, but not yet. She was enjoying getting to know all the sides of Drake Lopez. But now she had dreams for the future.
They left once Noah got there and decided to grab lunch at a burger place before Drake drove her home.
“I hate having to take you home,” he confessed as they walked through the parking lot of the hospital. It was a cloudy day and it looked like it might rain. Maybe the air would cool down. “I feel so close to you, Jasmine. Tell me you’re feeling it too. It’s sort of overwhelming but exciting at the same time. I think I know what’s it’s like to jump out of a plane. You have an excitement dancing in your stomach and you know you will land safely but the fall down is daunting.”
She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned against him. After spending the night in his arms and waking up next to him, it would be hard for her to sleep alone.
“I feel exactly the same,” she agreed, stopping by his truck. She kissed his chin. “I am going to miss you tonight. Hugging a pillow just isn’t the same. I do have a tiger to hug though.”
He leaned down and kissed her tenderly on her lips while holding her face in his hands.
“Well, isn’t this sweet?”
They both turned and saw Nancy standing there looking ready to explode. She was wearing a dark short dress and heels. Her blond hair was pinned up in a fancy twist. Her red lips were twisted in a scary smile. Jasmine automatically stepped closer to Drake and she felt his hand slip around her waist.
“What do you want, Nancy? I told you to never speak to me again,” Drake said in a cold, mean voice. Jasmine was glad she wasn’t Nancy. Instead of backing away, Nancy looked smug and sure of herself.
“Then I will speak to your little friend here.” She sneered. She turned to Jasmine. “I have some news and you’re going to want to hear this.”
Jasmine folded her arms and waited. She didn’t want to waste time arguing with the demented lady.
“I went to see my doctor a few days ago and I am pregnant,” she informed them with a smug smile.
Jasmine sucked in a breath but stayed silent. She felt Drake tense beside her. Her heart ached at the thought of this crazy woman having Drake’s baby. She had pictured herself in Alana’s place just a few moments ago, holding Drake’s baby with him, looking at them with love. A lovely daydream destroyed.
“Not by me, Nancy,” Drake yelled angrily. He took a step forward and his fists were clenched with anger. “I haven’t slept with you in five or six months and I always used protection. What is your deal lately?”
“Accidents happen, Drake.” She snorted and looked at Jasmine. “We were together one night about two months ago. One night is all it takes. He just doesn’t want you to know, but he can’t stay with you. We need him.” She placed her hands on her slim stomach.
Jasmine looked at Drake. He swore he left Nancy on her doorstep. Would he lie about that?
She swallowed her tears and closed her eyes for a moment. Was Drake like Grant? She thought about the picnic yesterday and how he looked at her with so much emotion that she felt like she could reach out and touch it. Their lovemaking last night had been amazing as if their hearts were connected.
She opened her eyes and looked at Drake. “Is it true? Did you sleep with her that night? We weren’t involved yet so I won’t get mad. Just don’t lie to me please. I can’t handle more lies Drake.”
He grabbed her hand and pulled her trembling body close. He hugged her tightly. “I am nothing like Grant, Jasmine. I left Nancy at her door and refused her invitation to come in. I haven’t touched her, haven’t wanted to.”
She saw the sincerity in his brown eyes. She took a deep breath and looked at Nancy.
“I believe him, Nancy. Drake wouldn’t lie to me. I trust him,” Jasmine announced firmly. “If you are indeed pregnant, then it is not Drake’s baby, so I suggest you grow up and go find the real father.”
“Then you’re a fool. Soon he will find a fresh face and dump you like he did to me,” Nancy yelled loudly causing people to look their way. “He is nothing but a liar and a cheater. You will see, Jasmine. You will see.” She turned and ran off as fast as her heels would carry her.
Drake shook his head, looking bewildered by Nancy. “She is losing her mind. She is spoiled and selfish but I have never known her to act like this.”
“You think she is really pregnant?” Jasmine bit her lip. The thought of an innocent baby around an unstable woman like Nancy concerned her deeply.
Drake shrugged sadly and opened the door for Jasmine to get in. “If she is, it’s not mine. I hope not. She is not mother material. I see her hiring someone to care for the baby or giving it to her parents. She is much too selfish to put a baby first.”
They drove silently both lost in thought.
“Let’s go back to your place instead of a restaurant. I need to feel you close to me right now,” Jasmine whispered. She yearned to feel him holding her, she needed him.
He grabbed her hand. “My thoughts exactly.”
He stepped on the gas and they were at his small house in no time. They hurried inside and straight to his bedroom.
He kissed her for a long time and it was filled with so much love she couldn’t prevent the tears from falling down her cheek. He undressed her slowly and then she undressed him. They were familiar with each other’s bodies but it still excited her to see him fully naked and ready for her.
There was no need to speak. The emotion between them was so tangible it filled the room.
Drake laid her gently down on the bed and started placing kisses on her neck and worked his way slowly downward until he reached between her legs. He pushed her legs wide open once he reached his destination.
“I love the taste of you. I am addicted to your cream, querida.”
Jasmine blushed but she didn’t stop him from tasting her, she liked the way his tongue explored her folds and deeper. He was enthusiastic about making her feel good and she did. She could feel the wetness dripping on her thighs.
The sun was shining through the bedroom window but she didn’t need the sun to warm her. Drake was setting her on fire. His tongue was lavishing her folds. She closed her eyes and just let the heat and desire take over her body. He played with her clit until she pulled on his hair.
“You’re driving me mad, Drake,” she said in a demanding voice. He smiled with innocence.
“Yes, you, so get over here and do something about it.”
He laughed and hugged her. She could feel his erection between her legs. “I’m starting to like your bossy ways. It is a turn on.”
He entered her in one swift movement and she let out a breath of air. When his cock scraped against her
vaginal walls, she thought she died and went to heaven. “Oh yes. I love it when you’re inside me.”
She hugged him around his waist as he moved in and out of her in a rhythm designed to make her crazy. She went with the flow. She loved how connected she felt to him as if they were one. She didn’t care how corny it sounded because it brought such contentment to her soul. She loved this man and she knew without words that he loved her. She clenched her inner muscles together and heard him groan with delight.
She buried her face in his neck as he pumped furiously in and out of her. She knew what was coming and she needed it and craved it.
She tightened her legs around his waist as he pumped in her a few more times. They were breathing heavy and cries of pleasure came out of their mouths. Jasmine felt lightheaded and her body was tingling. The bed creaked with the force of his thrusts.
They found their orgasms together and shouted each other’s name.
They held each other long after it was over. She had no desire to move from his arms.
Chapter 19
“That tramp,” Kate huffed with anger. Jasmine was retelling her aunt the scene that had taken place in the hospital parking lot yesterday.
Jasmine nodded. “I have to admit the names I called her in my head were much worse, but yeah, I agree.”
“Well, I am just happy you did not fall for it,” Kate said happily as she wiped the glass counter down with window cleaner. “I know Drake played around a lot but he does have honor. If there was a chance he did get her pregnant, he would have asked for DNA testing.”
“Yes. He says it’s been months since they broke things off and I believe him,” Jasmine assured her aunt. “His mistake was being too nice and thinking she would be the same. He stayed on friendly terms but she tried to make me believe there was more to it than that.”
“I can see how happy he makes you, honey. If Dale was here I know he would agree.”
Jasmine smiled at her aunt. “Thank you. That means a lot to me. I feel like Grant is so far in the past now. Moving here was the best thing I have ever done. Grant never made me feel as happy as Drake does.”
Kate nodded putting the cleaning stuff away. She gave Jasmine a watery smile. “I still miss Dale each and every day but I feel like I can make it now. Keeping busy and having friends really helps. Now I have you here with me too. I am glad you took me up on my offer.”
Jasmine hugged her aunt. “Me too, Aunt Kate. Life is sure looking up for both of us.”
“I have a few interviews to do this afternoon. It is so exciting. We are hiring a helper. I never thought I would see the day. For so long I just came here and went through the motions but not caring.” Kate sniffed.
“You are a strong woman, Aunt Kate, and you inspire me.” Jasmine and her aunt hugged emotionally, then laughed.
Jasmine flipped the closed sign to open and changed the subject to Alana’s baby and how adorable he was. She showed Kate the pictures she took with her new cell phone.
Customers started walking in and they stayed busy, making the day go by quickly.
* * * *
Drake stared at all the paperwork on Noah’s desk with horror. “I think I have been tricked, Helen. No one said I would have to sit here doing paperwork all day. I thought I would sit here and boss people around.”
“What did you think Noah did in here all day?” Helen laughed at his look of horror.
“Something more exciting.” Drake sighed.
Noah had taken the week off to be with Alana and their son. He left Drake in charge.
“No excitement here,” Helen remarked, setting a cup of coffee down in front of him. She left to answer the ringing phone.
“Hey boss.” Matt grinned as he walked into the office and set some more papers down in front of Drake.
“Hey, what’s this? I don’t need any more paper. Take that back,” Drake complained, trying to hand them back.
“No can do. It’s your job to read through the daily reports and sign them so Helen can file them away,” Matt said with amusement. He sat in the chair in front of the desk. “So what name did the baby get?”
Drake smiled. “Carlos Jonathon Blake. A combination of both of his grandfather’s names.”
“Nice.” Matt nodded. “I caught a glimpse of him through the nursery window. You couldn’t pay me to be responsible for such a tiny thing like that. Scary.”
Drake laughed at Matt’s shudder. “What? No babies in mind with a certain golden-haired goddess?”
Matt shook his head with a chuckle. “Jasmine gets so mad when I go on and on about Holly’s curls, huh?”
Drake nodded. “She threatened to use duct tape on you. I believe her so watch it.”
“I like Holly a lot but I doubt we’d last that long. There’s too many obstacles in the way and maybe that is a sign. We’re both so busy. She is nothing but sweetness and I can be grumpy. I worry I’ll scare her to death. Maybe I’m just not ready to go the whole nine yards yet.”
“Be careful you don’t hurt that girl. You do not want those Blake boys as enemies,” Drake warned him seriously.
Matt put his hands in the air. “We flirted and shared a few kisses but I haven’t called her since the Fourth of July picnic. I don’t want to hurt her so I thought I should back off before I do. I’m just not cut out for permanency. She deserves a nice steady guy who is calm and gentle.”
“I used to think the same way, Smith. I watched the hassles some of my friends went through while they were in relationships and thought, not me. No sir. Keep it light. Keep it casual. Then I met Jasmine and it all changed in an instant. You’ll meet the right girl.” Drake smiled. Thinking of Jasmine always made him feel warm inside. He felt like their relationship was strong and on the right path now. No more doubts between them. She had stood up to Nancy and he had been so proud of her. His parents adored her and told him not to be dumb and lose her. He had no plans to do that. When he thought of a future with her he felt excited not dread.
“You have a meeting with the city council in thirty minutes, Drake,” Helen called out from the front.
Drake closed his eyes. He’d rather be out there cruising around town. It was going to be a long week. “Switch jobs with me, quick.”
Matt stood up and laughed. “No way. Someone would have to shoot me before I get stuck behind a desk. I heard some teens caught one of those old buildings by the field on fire again. Tony and I are going to go put the fear of God into them.”
“Why do you get to have all the fun?” Drake muttered as Matt left.
Helen showed up at the doorway. “Jasmine called. She says she is meeting you at the Hacienda at five thirty so don’t be late.”
Drake cheered up instantly at the thought he would see her after work. That would be his reward for having to sit through boring meetings all day. Maybe he’d even kidnap her and keep her for the night.
Chapter 20
Jasmine was walking back to the store after having her weekly lunch with Holly and Alicia. Holly was depressed because Matt had broken things off with her. Holly had really liked him and blamed her busy schedule.
“I always wanted to be a nurse but now I fear no man will ever put up with my crazy schedule. I’ll always be alone,” Holly had cried. “Maybe I’m just not interesting enough for him. I know he’s had an adventurous life and I’ve been pretty boring my whole life. He is always going on about how sweet I am and I get the feeling it is not a compliment.”
Alicia handed her some tissues. “Forget that stupid lug. He is too mean-looking for a sweet girl like you. Mr. Right is out there.”
Jasmine had agreed and they spent their lunch hour cheering Holly up. Jasmine was going to have a long talk with Matt when she saw him next. She knew Matt was crazy about the girl, so what was his deal? She was grateful her relationship with Drake was running smoothly. For the last few weeks since Nancy had confronted them she felt closer to him and his family. She had dinner with Eva and his parents every Sunday. It was loud a
nd filled with laughter and talking. She loved it. Kate joined them when she didn’t have her own plans. She loved feeling like she belonged to a family.
Second Hand Treasures was a busy place these days and they hired a part-time helper so they could have more free time. Kate had even gone off to Austin yesterday with some friends to shop and stay the night. She should be back by now and at the store with Kelly, the new clerk. Kelly was a single mom and a delight to work with.
Jasmine smiled when she thought of how different Kate was from when she had arrived months ago. Summer was ending and fall was coming in. A new season and a new life.
She was so lost in thought she didn’t feel or hear the steps behind her.
“Give me your purse, lady.”
Jasmine jumped in fright and turned behind her. A man dressed in all black with a hood over his face stood there. A large steel knife glinted with the sunlight. She could see he looked very young, possibly early twenties, but she couldn’t see his features.
Jasmine quickly handed her purse over. She had less than ten dollars in there. She took a few steps back after he grabbed it. Hopefully he would leave now.
He grabbed her arm and shook her. “I didn’t say you could move.”
Jasmine glanced around but the few people driving by paid them no attention. Where were the cops when you needed them, she thought hysterically. She was trying hard not to panic.
“I gave you my purse. Now let me go,” she cried, tears falling down her face.
He looked at her pink dress that had short sleeves. It showed off her tattoo. His eyes landed on her piercing last and long loose hair.
“You look like a wild chick. I wasn’t told about that.” He grinned but it only frightened her more. “Maybe I’ll take you with me. We can have some fun.”
Jasmine screamed loudly. No way was she going to make it easy for him to rape and possibly kill her. She thought of her aunt’s newfound love for life and Drake and all her new friends in Red Hook.