Stormy Nights Page 10
“What’s the matter?” Holly asked.
Alana told Holly her idea about warming up the towel and using it as a warming pad. “That’s a good idea. Back pain can be a sign of labor. She isn’t due for three or four weeks but maybe I should ask her some questions to make sure.”
Matt walked with Holly to where Alana sat. Jasmine warmed the towel over the coals that were still hot. She walked back to Alana and placed it on her back.
“Oh that feels good, Jasmine. Thank you.” Alana sighed and closed her eyes and drifted off. Holly motioned for Jasmine to follow her away from the sleeping woman.
“I’m worried too,” Holly admitted, biting her lip. “I can’t be for sure. I better talk to Liam and see what he thinks.”
Matt and Jasmine waited with Alana for Holly to go and talk to Liam and Noah. Noah immediately glanced at his sleeping wife, looking scared. Liam took out his cell phone and spoke to someone. Holly came back. “Liam spoke to her doctor. He said when she wakes up to let her walk around. If the backache persists she could be going into labor. With her high blood pressure he doesn’t want to take any chances.”
Jasmine wished Drake was here. He was always so strong and calm in tough situations. She went and sat next to Alana. She made sure not to wake her up. Having babies was daunting. So many things could go wrong. Would she ever want to be a mom? She had thought no before, definitely not with Grant. That should have been her first clue he was all wrong for her. With Drake she felt different. He would be supportive and helpful. She smiled dreamily and was lost in thought.
“I hope that smile is for me,” Drake whispered in her ear. She shivered slightly.
Jasmine turned and there he was kneeling by her. She threw her arms around him and nodded. She kissed his cheek and got up. She took his hand and led him away from Alana. Once they were away she kissed his cheek again. “I was just thinking of you and wishing you were here and you appeared like magic.”
Drake laughed and hugged her, lifting her off her feet. “Come and meet my parents.”
Jasmine took a deep breath. This was a huge step. She prayed for the best. Eva told her the parents were traditional people. What if they judged her by her looks? Her dress wasn’t revealing, but it had no sleeves. They would see her tattoo and her piercing.
“Mama, Papa, this is Jasmine, my girlfriend,” Drake announced proudly, taking her to where an older couple stood waiting. Mr. Lopez had his arm around his wife.
Drake looked so much like his father. Mrs. Lopez had short, curly brown hair and a friendly smile. She didn’t even blink when she saw Jasmine’s tattoo. Jasmine shook their hands and greeted them with relief.
“We are happy to finally meet you, dear,” Mrs. Lopez told her. “We hear so many nice things from Drake and Eva. And Julia says I should hire you if I ever need to redecorate.”
“I adore that little girl. She is such a character.” Jasmine laughed. “It is a pleasure to meet Drake’s parents. You have a wonderful son, Mrs. Lopez.”
She smiled widely. “That is nice to hear. Please call me Marissa and this is Drake’s Papa, Jorge.”
Jasmine looked for her aunt. “My Aunt Kate is here with me. She met Eva already at the store. I’d like for you to meet her.”
Jasmine led them over to where her aunt sat and made the introductions. Of course they knew the Garcias already. More lawn chairs were put out and they sat down to socialize.
“I promised Julia I’d dunk her in the lake. Want to join us?” Drake asked Jasmine and led her toward the lake. The water looked so cool and refreshing. There was a wooden square dock out in the middle of the lake for sunbathing.
Jasmine nodded, feeling nothing but relief now that the introductions were over. She had been so nervous and scared to meet his parents. If they hated her, she feared Drake would dump her.
“I’m wearing my suit underneath this dress,” she told him.
Drake lifted the dress off of her and looked at her emerald green one-piece. “I was worried it would be a bikini and I would have to blindfold every man here. Your body is for my eyes only, querida.”
Jasmine laughed and held his hand. She loved when he spoke Spanish words. It was so sexy. She was going to have to learn the language. “Let’s go dunk a kid into the lake.”
The three of them went into the water. It was cold but only for a minute, then it felt good on their skin. Julia was a good swimmer but she still had to have an adult with her. Eva sat at the shore with her son.
Drake lifted Julia up in the air and threw her a few times. She giggled so much that Jasmine had to laugh at her joy. “Want me to throw you?” Drake asked Jasmine.
“No way.” Jasmine shrieked when he grabbed her. She swam away from him.
“Leave her be,” Eva added with a laugh from the shore.
“It’s not scary, Jazz,” Julia assured her solemnly.
“It is, Julia. I’m not as brave as you.” Jasmine pouted.
Matt came up behind her and pulled her under instead. Jasmine sputtered and smacked his arm. “You jerk. I’m telling Holly how mean you are.”
Matt laughed. “She’s talking to Alana and Alicia but I needed to cool off.”
Drake laughed at his hidden meaning. He threw Julia in the water again. Jasmine rolled her eyes and muttered, men. She raced Matt in a lap contest and he laughed when she splashed water in his face because he won.
They stayed in the water until Julia had enough and got out. Jasmine didn’t put her dress back on yet. She found Eva and Alicia sitting with Alana, who was standing now. Dylan was busy playing with some of his toy trucks and Julia joined her little brother.
Noah was hovering over his wife but she seemed to feel better. Liam decided to stick close just in case. Faith brought Hope over to play with Dylan and Julia.
As the sun set they settled in different spots to wait for the fireworks. Hope and Dylan had no interest in the excitement of the light show. They fell asleep instead.
“I’m still awake cuz I’m a big girl, momma,” Julia said proudly.
Eva and her husband held Julia on their lap. “You are.”
Jasmine leaned back against Drake. She had dried and changed into blue shorts and a red blouse. He had his arms wrapped around her waist. He kissed her neck and she giggled. “Behave. It’s about to start.”
“You don’t want a timeout, Uncle Drake.” Julia spoke up seriously. “It’s very boring.”
“Sorry.” Drake pouted.
Julia looked at the sky and clapped as the show started. “Look.”
Jasmine noticed Holly sitting on Matt’s lap while Adam glared at Matt. Faith shook her husband’s arm and he kissed her cheek and looked up at the fireworks. It was a nice time.
The finale had come much too soon. Jasmine looked sad.
“We’ll come every year.” Drake caressed her hair.
Jasmine looked at him. That sounded long term and her pulse picked up speed. “Together?”
He tickled her side. “Of course together, silly. Who else would I come with besides you?”
Jasmine felt her chest swell with emotions. Before she could reply, she heard Alana shriek out loud. She was bent over and Noah looked panicked.
“Oh no.” Jasmine gasped with worry. She looked at Drake for direction. He was always so calm and knew what just to do. She realized she would always be able to depend on him. That thought made her chest tighten even as people got up and started shouting orders.
Chapter 17
“Get the car as close as possible,” Liam ordered while trying to time Alana’s contractions. “Adam, call the hospital and let them know we are coming. Make sure her doctor is there.”
Drake stood up and grabbed Noah’s keys. “I’ll move the car and you stay with your wife.”
Noah was holding Alana’s hand as she breathed through the pain. She looked at Noah with tears falling down her cheek. “It’s too early, Noah. We’re supposed to have another month. This is all my fault.”
“This baby is
healthy and just wants to meet us.” Noah spoke calmly but his eyes were filled with worry. Ray was helping his parents put the chairs back in the car. Alicia rubbed her sister’s back and whispered soothing words. Jasmine helped Eva pack up all their stuff.
Drake came back with the car. They got Alana in the back and Liam drove so Noah could sit in the back with his wife. Holly jumped in the front with Liam after kissing Matt goodbye.
Faith and Adam were going to follow in their car. Ray and his parents were headed there too.
“We’ll clean up,” Drake assured the Blakes. “We’ll meet up with you later.”
Matt stayed and helped them clean. Eva and her husband took their kids and parents home. Drake promised to update them when Alana had the baby. Kate elected to call Louise and meet up with her. Jasmine assured her aunt she would let her know what happened.
“Aren’t you coming with us?” Jasmine asked Matt.
He shook his head, his hands in his camouflage shorts. “I’m going to check on Tony. He was dealing with a headache earlier. I’ll catch the news at work tomorrow.”
He waved and headed for his truck. That left Drake and Jasmine to take the trip to the hospital alone. Jasmine sent a silent prayer for good news.
* * * *
The family was already sitting in the waiting room when they arrived to the hospital. Jasmine sat next to Alicia. Alicia was tapping her foot in a nervous gesture.
“How you holding up?” Jasmine asked her friend.
Alicia looked at Jasmine, concern filled her brown eyes. “I’m trying to be positive. It’s hard. Being here reminds me of another time long ago.”
Jasmine was confused until she remembered Drake had told her about Alana being stabbed during a robbery.
Drake sat on the other side of Alicia and held on to her hand. “This time it’s a happy occasion, kiddo. Your sister is strong and the doctors will take good care of her. I have faith.”
Alicia nodded and looked to where her parents sat. “I know. You’re right. I am going to be an aunt. I have to concentrate on that. Things will be good. I know it. I can’t wait to spoil a new baby. Right, Papa?”
Carlos Garcia smiled. He was holding his wife’s hand. “Yes. I have faith too. Soon we will be fighting over who gets to hold the baby.”
Ray sat with his parents silently. He didn’t add much to the conversation, obviously worried about his sister. Adam and Liam took turns pacing back and forth as the clock on the wall ticked. Faith rocked Hope to sleep. Liam and Holly were off talking to people to find out what was going on. Jasmine felt like she was part of a family even if they weren’t hers. She cared about these people. Drake held her hand as they sat in silence. For the first time in a long time she couldn’t feel that empty hole that was a part of her. It had been filled with love and hope.
Jasmine and Faith walked to the coffee machine a few times. It seemed like forever but it was less than two hours when Noah came out of the delivery room. He looked happy and everyone smiled, the tension leaving the room in an instant.
“It’s a boy,” he announced with a huge grin. Everyone clapped.
“He’s a little small. Five and a half pounds but the doctor says his lungs are good and he will be fine. Alana is tired but relieved.”
The hugging and tears of relief started. The family was lining up to see Alana and the new addition.
Drake hugged Noah. “We’ll come back tomorrow and see your son, Noah. Alana is probably exhausted.”
“Thanks for everything, both of you,” Noah told them sincerely. He rushed back into Alana’s room.
Drake and Jasmine walked out to the parking lot hand in hand, a feeling of contentment between them. The night air was finally getting cooler.
“What a way to end the day. A new Red Hook resident,” Drake commented with joy.
“Lots of excitement, that’s for sure. I am so relieved.” Jasmine yawned.
Drake stopped by his truck and held her close. She closed her eyes feeling so sleepy. It had been a good holiday. Alana would never forget this one, she thought with amusement. Neither would she.
“Will you spend the night with me?” His words made her stomach do a little dance.
Jasmine looked at him. She decided to tease him a little. “Gasp. What will the gossipers say? Deputy Don Juan asking a woman to spend the night at his place. Isn’t that against the rules?”
Drake laughed. He tugged on her hair playfully. “Who cares what they say? I want my girlfriend with me and rules were meant to be broken.”
“Now who is the rebel?” She giggled, feeling happy and excited.
They had never spent the night with each other. It was a big step, but one she was ready to take.
“Okay. I’ll call Kate from your place. I bet she is at Louise’s house anyway.” She let out her breath slowly and got in the truck.
“Can I have one kiss to tide me over?” She pouted.
He barely grazed her lips and started the truck. She could see his eyes sparkling with laughter. “Now put your seatbelt on like a good girl.”
“What if I don’t want to be a good girl?” she asked, loving the idea that she could play around with Drake. Grant had always been so serious and would chide her for being immature if she tried teasing him.
He leaned over and sank his tongue deep while grabbing her head with his hand. It was such a dominant move and it turned her on. When he let her go he gave her a wicked smile. “Behave or we won’t make it to my place.”
She nodded and looked out the window at the town she was growing to love. Two months ago she had hoped to live in Red Hook and make a success of the store. She never even thought of finding love. Jasmine felt her body hum with anticipation. She walked up the porch stairs and followed him inside the house. He didn’t have anything to say either but his eyes were bright and heated with lust.
He grabbed her and started kissing her as if he hadn’t seen her in ages. Their clothes disappeared one item at a time by the time they reached his bedroom. They fell on the bed together, hands everywhere, exploring every inch of their bare skin.
“I love you,” they both said at the same time. They stopped and stared at each other in surprise.
“What?” they said in unison again, then laughed. The sound filled the otherwise quiet room.
“I couldn’t hold it in anymore,” Jasmine said, leaning over him. He was lying flat on the bed and she straddled him. “I know it hasn’t been long but I love you and I feel hope for the future.”
He reached up and brought her down for a gentle kiss. “I couldn’t hold it in either. I was a fool. I thought relationships were too much work and time. That it would take away from my job.”
“And now?”
“I still love my job. I love helping people. It’s who I am. But I love you too. It makes me feel happy and excited when the end of the day comes. You don’t take away from life. You add to it. You add joy, peace, and so many emotions that I feel so alive and hopeful.” He said seriously, caressing her face with his hand.
She took his hand and placed a soft kiss in his palm. She felt lucky to have him in her life. Not once had he asked her to change a thing about her, yet here he was telling her he loved her. Her heart felt full but she didn’t want to cry, even tears of joy. She wanted to soak in this moment and commit it to memory. How her handsome deputy’s eyes filled with emotions, just for her.
“Why are you excited about the end of the day?” She choked out the words. She ran her hands up and down his muscled chest.
“Because I get to see you,” he said simply. He cupped her breasts with his hands. His thumb swiped her nipple slowly. He grinned when she gasped. She felt the moisture gather between her legs as hunger began to grow.
She held on to his shoulders and lifted herself up. She lowered herself slowly on to his hard cock and gave a satisfied smile when he gasped. She could feel every inch of him inside of her. “Oh shit, baby. You look good up there.”
She rotated her hips around i
n a slow dance. Her hair was loose and flowed around her as she moved up and down on his shaft. His eyes were on her breasts as they swayed with her movements. “Does it feel good too?”
He nodded and grabbed her hips. “You know it.”
“Good.” She smiled down at her lover. He was so handsome but more importantly he had a good heart. He made his living helping people. Like he had told her before, it was who he was. A man you could count on for all time and all seasons.
She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. She let desire overtake her body and mind. She rode him and enjoyed the sounds of satisfaction he made as his cock went in and out of her. He helped her move with his hands at her hips, directing her speed. He pinched and tugged at her nipples, making her moan loudly. She loved the feel of his hands on her. She didn’t think she would ever get tired of it. She leaned down to get a taste of his mouth. Their tongues entwined and followed a rhythm. His hands roamed down to her ass cheeks and he kept there, squeezing them. She went up and down on his cock, using her wetness to make it an easy and smooth ride. She could see the sweat on his brow as he thrust up in her.
“You feel so amazing, mi amor.” His voice was deep and filled with passion. She felt the fire consuming her and part of her looked forward to the climax because it was so amazing and part of her was not ready for it to end.
She increased her rhythm and a few minutes later screamed out her pleasure and he followed.
She felt so weak she lay on his chest and let him hold her for a few seconds as her breathing evened out. He pulled her off of him and moved her to his side, caressing her hair with shaky hands.
“What’s mi amor mean?” she whispered, her eyes closing.
“My love.”
It was the last thing she heard as she fell asleep with a smile on her face.
Chapter 18
Jasmine stared at the small tightly wrapped bundle in Alana’s arms the next morning. Alana looked tired but was beaming with joy.