Stormy Nights Read online
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Kate laughed. “You will heal and things will get better. Don’t condemn yourself to a life of loneliness because of one bad apple.”
“A rotten, bad apple,” Jasmine added. They stayed silent for a minute, listening for any clue of what was going on.
“The radio says it’s over.” Kate sighed with relief, wiping her tears away. “I’m scared to go up there. Isn’t that silly?”
“No,” Jasmine replied. “Let me go first and make sure it’s safe.”
Jasmine climbed slowly up the steps and opened the door carefully. The house was dark so she knew the power was still out. She stepped up the stairs and took a look around the kitchen. “It’s not too bad, Kate.”
Kate followed behind her and they both lit some camping lanterns. The kitchen window over the sink was broken and a large tree branch was hanging halfway in the kitchen. The furniture was fine, at least. A few leaves lay on the floor.
“Oh my,” Kate whispered, putting her hand over her heart. “Let’s check the living room.”
Jasmine took the flashlight out of her pocket and turned it on. She shined it on the hardwood floors. “Be careful. There is glass all over the floor.”
Jasmine shined the light over the dark room. “One broken window. Luckily we brought your rocking chairs inside or they would be firewood.”
Jasmine opened the front door, afraid of the damage she might see. Broken potted plants were scattered all over the porch. A large tree had been uprooted in the front yard and was tilted on its side.
“Oh no, that was an old tree.” Kate gasped with sadness. “Oh, what a mess but it could have been worse.”
“The barn has a piece of its roof missing,” Jasmine told her aunt. “I doubt we have phone service. We might have to wait until morning to see all the damage clearly.”
They saw headlights slowly coming up the dirt road.
“Look. Someone is checking in on us,” Kate said excitedly. She pulled the robe tighter.
Jasmine waited on the porch with her aunt, wondering if it was one of Kate’s neighbors. Kate told her she was friendly with the couple down the road and rented them some of her land. When she saw it was a police vehicle her pulse sped up with excitement. An excitement she should not be feeling. She had sworn off men, she reminded herself. Hadn’t she just given herself the no-men speech in the cellar?
“Is that the sheriff?” Kate asked.
The car stopped and Jasmine noticed it was Drake. She couldn’t prevent the smile that appeared on her face. “It’s Deputy Lopez.”
Kate waved to him as he got closer to them. “Oh, thank goodness, Drake. I doubt we have phone service since we have no electricity.”
Drake looked them both over. Jasmine felt suddenly warm when his brown eyes looked her over. Oh, why hadn’t she worn something nicer to bed? She could imagine how awful she looked.
“Are both of you okay? No injuries?” He sounded so concerned it warmed her up inside, even though he probably was like that with everyone.
Jasmine shook her head. “We went to the cellar and we were scared but safe.”
Drake looked around the yard and shook his head. “Poor tree. I see it broke your window. Didn’t Dale add a generator a few years ago?”
Kate nodded. “He did. I don’t know how to use it. I never asked him to show me.”
She looked so sad that Jasmine hugged her. “Now that we have this kind deputy here, we should take advantage of his kindness and ask him to show us what to do. Then in the morning we can start the cleanup process. It’ll be okay.”
Drake smiled, winking at Jasmine. She tried not to blush but she was glad it was dark outside. He affected her more than he should. “I’d be glad to. The roof on the barn looks like it’s a goner. It’s too late and dark to do anything about it now. All that can wait until tomorrow.”
Kate led him in to the house and towards the back of the house. She showed him the large generator on the back porch. Jasmine listened to his instructions on how to turn it on. She gave it a try under his watchful eye. She smiled triumphantly when she got the hang of it.
“I’m sure the power will be on later. I saw a few workers in town already trying to fix it,” Drake told them.
“How bad is it?” Kate asked. She sat at the kitchen table, looking tired. Jasmine looked at the clock on the wall, still running. It was three a.m.
Drake frowned. “Trees down. Minor damage to buildings and cars. Harvey Carmichael’s car was picked up and dropped off in the field outside of town. No serious injuries that I know of, but the clean- up is going to be a headache. It’s quite a busy place right now.”
“Thank you for coming to check on us, Drake,” Jasmine told him seriously. She knew he was probably checking up on Kate since he knew her but she still felt touched by his taking the time to make the drive out here. “I wish I could offer you coffee but...”
“That’s okay. Faith and Alana Blake are at the coffee shop making free coffee for anyone up and about.” He looked at Jasmine and she could feel the heat coming from his brown eyes. She felt her cheeks warm up. This was a terrible time to be attracted to another man. Hadn’t she just gotten out of a horrible relationship? She did not need this.
“Tomorrow we will check out the store and your car, Jazz,” Kate said with a yawn. She headed up to bed and Jasmine walked Drake out. She watched him leave with mixed emotions. She was attracted to him, but she had to remind herself she did not need the hassle men brought into one’s life. She was here to start fresh and concentrate on business, not get entangled in a messy, emotional relationship.
Chapter 5
The next morning, the power was back on. Kate and Jasmine sat in the kitchen drinking coffee.
Kate had called a neighbor who was going to clean up the fallen tree and keep the wood.
“Later I will call the window place in town. I am sure he is going to be a very busy person after this storm. I am just glad we had no serious injuries,” Kate said. They had placed plastic across the broken windows temporarily. The barn could be repaired later since it stood empty.
“I need to check on my car.” Jasmine was worried. “I know it’s probably totaled but hopefully the suitcases are fine.”
“Thank goodness you mailed your pictures and all your trinkets. They are nice and safe upstairs,” Kate reminded her.
“So, did I detect a bit of a spark between you and that handsome deputy last night?” Kate smiled.
Jasmine wanted to smile but she held it in. She didn’t look her aunt in the eyes. “No, why would you say that?”
“I saw a spark in his eyes when he asked if you were okay.” Kate sipped her coffee. “I may be old, honey, but not that old.”
“He said, ‘are you both okay?’” Jasmine corrected. “He is just a nice man. I admit he is very attractive. Men that good looking know it and are what I call man whores.”
Kate burst out laughing and set her cup down on the table. She shook her head and looked at her niece. “You young people today. Man whore. Is that a real term?”
Jasmine nodded seriously, resisting the urge to laugh. “Sure, is Aunt Kate. I have met plenty of them. They are everywhere. I am sure if I get to know Drake he will be one of those ‘playing the field’ type, the ‘I will never settle with one woman’ type. No, thanks. My next man is going to be a mature man who is ready to settle down and be a real man, not a playboy.”
“Well, that’s smart, dear.” Her aunt smiled, putting her cup in the sink. She leaned against it. She was already dressed for the day in a green dress with short sleeves and a chunky gold necklace. Her short hair was pulled away by a green headband. She looked tired but Jasmine wanted her aunt to stay busy. Kate had admitted she spent most days sitting at home thinking of her husband.
“We should get breakfast in town and go see the store. I shudder to see what damage was done. I have some valuable pieces in there. I will call my friend Linda. Her son owns a tow truck business. He will go and get your car for you.” Kaye grabbed h
er purse and started looking for her car keys.
Jasmine had already showered and was dressed in a light blue summer dress with no sleeves. It was already hot and humid. All she had to do was pull her hair up into a ponytail. Jasmine stood up and grabbed a brush out of her purse. It was too hot for makeup but she added a gloss to her lips. What if she ran into Drake again? Should she just ignore the attraction she was feeling? She was hesitant to get involved with another man again. Grant had really hurt her and she felt ashamed of herself for letting it go on so long and for how blind she had been. She couldn’t take that kind of risk again. She had to keep her mind on business.
“Let’s go, Aunt Kate. I am feeling like it’s going to be a good day.”
* * * *
Kate’s store was located on the main road of town. It was a large red brick building with plenty of windows that were currently broken or cracked. A large dented green metal trashcan stood in front of the doorway upside down. A lot of the trees had lost their leaves and trash was scattered all over the streets and sidewalks. Jasmine moved the trashcan aside.
“Oh wow, Kate, I love these old-fashioned lanterns standing on each side of the door. What an elegant touch.” Jasmine took a look around. The street was different from last night and not because the sun was shining. People and cars were everywhere. Men were up on the poles restoring power and a few deputies were directing traffic. She was disappointed Drake was not one of them but maybe that was better. She did not need the temptation or the hassle. Men were off limits, she reminded herself.
Despite the damage to the businesses, the town had a charming, welcoming feel to it. Jasmine felt good about her decision to relocate here to Red Hook. She felt lighter already. Sometimes new beginnings were good.
“Oh boy. My insurance company is not going to be very happy,” Kate sighed, opening the huge front door. “Luckily these windows on the front door are fine. They are so thick they would be expensive to replace.”
“I imagine all the insurance companies are going to have their hands full today.” Jasmine followed her aunt into the store. Besides pieces of broken glass, there wasn’t much damage inside the store. The furniture stood intact.
“Thank goodness, the inside looks fine.” Kate took a good look around. She showed Jasmine her favorite pieces of antique furniture and some old vases. Jasmine was excited about the prospect of helping out in such a wonderful store. She had so many ideas already beginning in her head. She turned the radio on, grabbed a broom and trash can, and started the cleaning process. Several people Kate knew stopped in and checked to make sure they were okay and didn’t need help. Jasmine met so many people already. Everyone was willing to lend a hand and Jasmine found it touching.
Kate went to check on her friend Louise, who owned a clothes store down the block.
“Louise is recently divorced,” Kate had told her before leaving. “She has no family here so I just want to see her and make sure she is okay. She has no one else.”
The bell above the door rang. Drake walked in with another deputy. The other deputy was taller than Drake with huge muscles and a dark tattoo peeking out of his short shirt sleeve. He looked a little mean but Jasmine tried not to react. Both were dressed in khaki uniforms.
Drake looked around the store. Jasmine had cleaned most of it up already. “It’s not too bad in here.”
“We were lucky,” Jasmine admitted, leaning the broom against a glass case. “Kate went to check on Louise Nelson down the street. Kate was worried about her.”
“Most people are dealing with broken windows and some signs were torn off the buildings. A few buildings lost part of their roofs but it could have been worse,” Drake informed her. He looked so handsome in his uniform and dark shades. Jasmine tried not to stare but it was hard.
Jasmine looked at the big, quiet man standing next to Drake with curiosity. His brown hair was cut short in a military-style cut. He looked to be in his mid-thirties.
“This is Deputy Matthew Smith.” Drake made the introduction.
Jasmine stepped up bravely to shake his hand, looking into his green eyes. “I’m Kate’s niece, Jasmine.”
He seemed really scary until he smiled at her. His features looked much friendlier with a smile on his face.
“Nice to meet you, Jasmine. I remember how it felt to be new in town,” he said kindly. “If you need anything let me know.”
“Everyone here is so nice.” Jasmine smiled back at him. “I thought I would feel awkward being the new girl in a small town.”
Matt laughed. It was a deep booming sound. “Anytime you have a break from work and want to hang out, just give me a call. I know Kate can be a slave driver. I have worked for her a few times moving furniture around.”
“Now quit telling tall tales, Matthew. I gave you a two-minute break.” Kate walked back into the store, hearing his statement. She patted Matt’s big arm, not at all intimidated by the big man. Jasmine relaxed more. He couldn’t be so bad if her aunt liked him.
“Louise is fine. Her house had the roof torn off so she was late coming into town. At least her store seems to have no damage at all,” Kate announced. “It’s a busy morning but people are so relieved the tornado just skimmed over us. That was scary enough.”
“How was the station?” Kate asked Drake and Matt.
“A tree fell on the roof, not sure what the damage is yet. We were lucky, too,” Matt said with a frown. “Roofers are going to be busy for weeks.”
“I checked on your car with Doug, the tow truck guy,” Drake told her. Just from the look on his face she knew the news wasn’t good. He gave her a look filled with apology. “It was plastered against a tree. It’s totaled. He towed it into the garage but we did salvage your suitcases. They’re dirty but they look intact. You can pick them up today.”
“At least I have my clothes.” Jasmine sighed with a shake of her head. It was what she expected to hear. “I’m just glad I made it into town before the storm hit. Thanks for checking on it, Deputy Lopez.”
Kate hugged her. “Oh yes. I shudder to think of you being in that car, dear.”
“We survived, Aunt Kate,” Jasmine assured her. Her plan was to keep her aunt busy so she would not have time to sink into depression. “And now, to make this store succeed.”
Drake and Matt talked with them for a few more minutes before leaving. Everyone in town was busy dealing with the aftermath of the storm. Jasmine felt like she was dealing with her own storm internally. Memories of the hell she went through with Grant warred against the temptation of a handsome deputy. Why couldn’t life just be smooth sailing?
Chapter 6
“This was a great idea, Aunt Kate. This food is delicious.” Jasmine smiled as she dug into her burrito. They had decided to have lunch in town instead of packing their usual sandwiches. Kate took Jasmine to Garcia’s Hacienda, a popular place in town. Jasmine could see why. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was cheerful. Colorful walls gave the room a warm feel. Spanish music played in the background.
Jasmine couldn’t believe she had been in town two weeks already. Time had passed by so quickly. After the cleanup, Jasmine got busy on decorating the windows in front of the store. Each one had a theme and so far they had gotten good feedback on them and many new customers. She had even met Drake’s sister, Eva, who did some shopping for her home. Eva had similar coloring to her brother. Dark hair that barely reached her shoulders and brown eyes. She was very friendly and Jasmine liked her a lot. Her husband, Dylan, was a lawyer in town and Eva had been having lunch with him and decided to stop in.
Jasmine barely caught glimpses of Drake in town. He hadn’t even stopped by to say hello. She had been disappointed but at least she now knew he was not interested in her. Once again it was just a case of she saw what she wanted to see, nothing more. Maybe she should change her look. She should remove the piercing. She had stubbornly refused to get rid of it for Grant because he already dictated so much of her life. The tattoo of an angel she had gotten
when she was twenty to celebrate her first real job that started her on the path to decorating. She enjoyed the reminder of what it represented and always planned to add to it.
“I thought we should celebrate.” Kate smiled happily. “We have been so busy. I find it quite exciting. I haven’t felt this happy in a long time, dear.”
Jasmine blinked back some tears. “Me, too. I love all the people I have met so far. This was the best decision I have made in a long time.”
She felt free in a way she hadn’t felt in so long. Her life in Fort Worth was a part of her past and her time there seemed so far away now. Even Kate seemed brighter and more hopeful than when Jasmine had first arrived. Business was going well again and Jasmine kept Kate too busy to wallow in her grief. She was even reconnecting with her old friends.
“Jasmine. Hi,” a feminine voice said beside her. Jasmine turned to see Alana Blake dressed in a black and white uniform. Her long dark hair was in a braid. Her family owned the Mexican restaurant and Alana managed it. Jasmine met Alana a few days ago when she came into the store. She had talked about getting some help setting up a nursery for her upcoming baby in a few months.
“Alana, hi.” Jasmine greeted the woman. Jasmine was excited to work with Alana. Alana was such a sweet woman and Jasmine liked her a lot. “Come sit with us for a minute.”
Alana patted her round stomach. She was six months along. She pulled up a chair from a nearby table and sat down.
Jasmine handed Alana a folder of her ideas. Alana flipped through them with a wide smile on her face. “This is so awesome, Jasmine. I want the colors to be neutral but not boring since we don’t know the sex of the baby. Can I show my husband?”
Jasmine nodded with relief. She was glad Alana liked her sketches. “Kate has some wonderful pieces in the shop. When you and the sheriff have time, come on in and see them.”