Stormy Nights Read online

Page 4

  “I will. I’ll let you finish your lunch. I will definitely be in touch soon. It was nice seeing you both.” Alana hugged the folder to her chest and left.

  Kate and Jasmine continued to talk about more ideas. A summer festival was being held in town in two weeks and Jasmine wanted to make up fliers detailing all the services they were now offering.

  “Well, this is my lucky day,” said a voice behind them. Jasmine smiled up at Deputy Matt Smith. He was dressed casually so he must be off duty. He stopped by the store at least twice a week.

  “Join us, Matthew,” Kate invited. She had told Jasmine that Matt and his brother, Tony, often helped her move big pieces around in the store. Jasmine thought it was sweet. She glimpsed the other brother in town a few times. He was just as big and as muscular as Matt but very serious. He hardly ever smiled. He nodded politely and that was about all you could get out of him.

  Matt was a bit more talkative than his brother. He sat next to Jasmine in the booth. He ordered an iced tea from the waitress. “What are you ladies up to?”

  “Celebrating our new clients. Jasmine has really been working really hard since she arrived,” Kate answered. “Aren’t you going to eat, Matthew?”

  “Already did,” he answered but took a chip to dip in the salsa. “I went by your store, Kate. I promised to help you bring those heavy mirrors into the front of the store. Louise told me you were here so I came to look for you.”

  After lunch they walked back to the store with Matt. He had such a wicked sense of humor and Jasmine couldn’t remember having laughed so much. She directed him where to move the mirrors. They were heavy with detailed gold frames.

  “We should at least buy you dinner,” Jasmine told him when he refused money. “I made you work hard on your day off. That’s not fair.”

  “It’s good for me to keep in shape.” He flexed his arm muscles and Jasmine and Kate laughed. “If I had been left to my own devices I would lie around watching TV all day. Why don’t you ladies come to my house? We can grill some burgers and you can meet Tony,” Matt suggested. He laughed at Jasmine’s unsure look at the mention of his brother. “I’ll protect you if he tries to bite you.”

  “You’d better.” Jasmine laughed and agreed. Her first friends in this town. Life was looking up.

  * * * *

  Drake was making his usual rounds before going home. He was tempted to stop in and see Jasmine. For the last two weeks he had purposely avoided bumping into her. He needed a chance to step back and decide if he wanted a serious relationship or not. Jasmine was a sweet woman and he did not want to hurt her. His sister Eva already met her and announced she loved Jasmine. Drake had been surprised Eva had not been put off by Jasmine’s piercings or tattoos. Eva was such a fashionista and didn’t like being adventurous with her looks. Personally he thought it fit Jasmine’s personality perfectly. He confided in his sister he was attracted to Jasmine but not sure what he wanted.

  “Then leave her be, Drake, and stick with your hoochies,” Eva had told him seriously. Her black hair was cut in a short, elegant style. “She is not only really nice and genuine, but she moved here to get away from an ex-boyfriend. She didn’t go into details but he hurt her deeply and even though she broke it off, he was a jerk to her afterwards too.”

  “You found this out in the fifteen minutes you met with her?” Drake teased his sister. She always hated the women he dated and was not shy about letting him know it.

  “We sat and talked in the back room, which she made into an office. At first I was taken aback by the thing over her eyebrow. Ouch. But after talking for a few minutes, it just fit her. I loved her tattoo. It was so sweet and it had meaning.”

  After hearing about her bad experience he was tempted to seek out Jasmine and ask if she was okay but he didn’t. Eva was right. He had no business messing with her emotions. He even went out on a date with Nancy Lewis, who he’d dated and slept with months before. She expected nothing but a good time. Only he had left her at her doorstep with a kiss to her cheek. She had not been too happy about it but he wasn’t interested in a quick round of meaningless sex.

  He drove by the store, hoping to just catch a glimpse of the dark haired beauty. He drove by Second Hand Treasures and he did see Jasmine. She looked as charming as ever in a green short skirt and a white blouse. Her hair was held back with a white headband. She was sitting outside on a bench laughing at something Matt Smith was saying. She leaned against him and Matt put his arms around her shoulder.

  Jealousy was an ugly emotion. Matt had become Drake’s good friend over the years but at this moment he wanted to punch him in the face and warn him away from his woman. The thought cemented to him that he seriously wanted Jasmine in his life. Was it too late? Had he waited too long? He thought about Jasmine all into the night.

  Chapter 7

  Jasmine was busy trying to fix one of the windows. Kate had gone to have lunch with her friend Louise. Jasmine offered to watch the store. She had brought a salad to eat in the back room. She was happy to see her aunt socializing again. Just the other day she had gone to play Bingo with the neighbors. Now if only Jasmine’s own social life would pick up. She had been in town for almost a month now and the store was the only place she had gone besides a few restaurants with Kate and sometimes Matt. He was nice and friendly but there was no spark there, just friendship.

  Jasmine was trying to hold up a gold curtain rod and hammer a nail in at the same time. It was not going well.

  “Darn it,” she muttered, dropping the hammer. It landed with a loud crash, barely missing her foot. She let out a few curses.

  “Hey now. Such language,” a voice said behind her. Jasmine shrieked and turned her head to look behind her. Drake stood there watching her with amusement. He bent and picked up the hammer. “What are you trying to do, young lady?”

  “Hang up these curtains.” She sighed. “I need four hands, at least.”

  “Let me help you,” he offered, He placed the nails up for her and helped her hang the curtain rod.

  “Thanks.” She smiled at him. She noticed he was wearing jeans and a gray T-shirt. “Off duty today?”

  He nodded. “I was going to rent a bike at the park and hit the trails. I stopped by to see if you wanted to go with me. I ran into Kate at the Hacienda. She is on her way back here but she encouraged me to get you to say yes. She says you work six days a week.”

  Jasmine’s pulse picked up speed. Was he asking her as a friend? Probably. Alana had mentioned he was on a date the other night when they met to look over some pictures. It had bothered Jasmine, but she didn’t let it show. “That sounds like fun. I have been wanting to see more of the town.”

  She looked down at her denim shorts and white tank top. She was wearing a pair of white canvas shoes. Usually she wore a dress, unless she knew she would be doing physical work, like today.

  “You look great, Jazzie,” he assured her. “It’s hot outside.”

  Jasmine playfully slapped his arm. “I hate that name. Dale gave it to me when I was five and it stuck.”

  Kate walked in the door with a smile. Her eyes had lost that dull sad look and it warmed Jasmine’s heart. “Here I am.”

  “I feel bad leaving you alone.” Jasmine frowned.

  “Nonsense, dear. Go and have fun. I am closing early and walking down to Louise’s store. We’re meeting at Linda’s and having girl time.”

  Jasmine smiled happily and hugged Kate. “How is it that your social life is so exciting and mine stinks?”

  Kate laughed. “I do feel so much better. Keeping busy is the key, and that is all thanks to your hard work. Everyone loves your design skills. Everywhere we go we get compliments,”

  Kate looked at Drake. “Make sure she has some fun, Drake. She has been working so hard lately. Matt wanted to take her to a movie but she chose to meet a client instead.”

  “I promise.” Drake grabbed Jasmine by the hand. “I have my orders, Jazzie.”

  Jasmine laughed and let him
drag her out of the store. “Please stop, Drakie.”

  Drake groaned and led her down the sidewalk to where his truck was parked but he didn’t release her hand and she left it there. It felt nice and warm. “Okay, Jasmine. Is that better?”

  She nodded and couldn’t help but smile. If only she could remember this was just an outing with a friend. She could not read more into it than it being a friendly gesture. If she let her hopes rise, it would hurt to fall down.

  * * * *

  “Come on, slow poke.” Jasmine laughed, while pedaling faster. She was ahead of him and he purposely stayed behind. It gave him the opportunity to observe her. He could admire her better from back here, not only her joy, but how good she looked in her short denim shorts that hugged her round ass. Her tank top clung to her generous breasts and showed off her slim arms. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and she kept looking at him over her shoulder with that wide smile that was contagious. Being around her just seemed to brighten something inside of him. She was so cheerful and sunny. He knew she had a lot on her plate trying to revive Kate’s business and getting over a broken relationship, yet she was kind and friendly towards people. He heard people in town talking about how smart and nice Kate’s niece was. Mrs. Drummond from the grocery store had mentioned she remembered Jasmine’s childhood visits and how sad she would look. She smiled fondly and told Drake, “Dale and Kate always had a hard time letting go of that girl. Her mom didn’t pay attention to the girl as she should.”

  “Give me a break, doll. I am five years older than you. My bones are cracking.” He tried to sound pitiful but he ruined it by laughing and speeding up so he rode next to her.

  “Oh please, deputy. You work out a lot. I know those muscles of yours are in fine shape,” she answered sassily. “I have checked them out plenty of times.”

  “Checking me out without my knowledge? How devious of you.” If only she knew he had been doing the same thing.

  She shrugged innocently. “It’s your fault for being so sexy. I just couldn’t help myself. Now quit distracting me and kick it up a notch.”

  He couldn’t remember ever having so much fun with a woman before. Maybe with his sister when they were younger, but no one else. None of the women he dated would ever hop on a bike and get sweaty. He laughed at the image of Nancy and her high heels on a bike.

  They stopped at the end of the trail. A small stand selling drinks had been set up. Drake stopped and bought two bottles of water for them. They leaned the bikes against a tree and sat on a bench.

  “Thanks for bringing me here,” she said after taking a sip of water. “I love this park. It is so beautiful. I love the pond and the ducks too. Next time I need to bring them some bread.”

  “I’m having a good time too, Jasmine,” he assured her seriously. She was looking at the water with a small grin. She was beautiful and so real. He really liked her as a person and he wanted to know more. Maybe that had always been the problem. He never cared to know his dates better. They were sexy and knew the rules of the game. They were all the same. Sophisticated, but boring and fake. “Sometimes I work so much I forget to relax and have fun. I love my job but as my sister says I also need to stop and smell the roses.”

  “I met Eva. She is really nice. She bought an old French-style dresser for her daughter’s room.” Jasmine turned to look at him. Her face was free of makeup, but her skin was shiny and healthy. Her blue eyes were bright with happiness. She looked so much better than she had that night when he found her on the bench looking so lonely.

  Drake smiled, thinking of his small niece. He loved spending time with her. “Julia. She is five going on fifteen. She is quite the fashionista. She has her own idea of what she likes and no one can tell her differently. It drives my brother-in-law nuts.”

  “Well, good for her. We women have to make our own style to be really happy,” Jasmine replied. “She also has a little boy, right?”

  Drake nodded. “Dylan Jr. is two. He’s a charmer. How about you? You’re an only child, right?”

  “Unfortunately.” She sighed, losing her smile. “I wanted a sibling when I was a kid. My mom worked all day and dated at least four days a week. It made a lonely childhood for me. I spent summers out here as a kid and I loved the attention Kate and Dale gave me. Then it was back to reality.”

  “Why did you stop coming?” He wanted to get to know her better. Sometimes she looked so lost, then she would shake it off and smile brightly as if she didn’t want anyone to know.

  “Once I became a teen I worked part time to make my own money, then as an adult I got involved in my career. Like you said, we forget to stop and smell the roses. Eva seems really nice to have as a sister.”

  Drake snorted. “Don’t let that polite façade fool you. When I was eight she tried to trade me to the circus for a horse. My parents stopped her.”

  Jasmine laughed.

  Drake was glad she was here. He wanted to ask about her ex. Did she still have feelings for him? Was he abusive? He squeezed her hand and placed a small kiss on her knuckles. “I’m glad you are here now. I have to be honest with you. I have never been much into serious relationships.”

  “So I heard.” She rolled her eyes and pulled her hand out of his. “Don’t worry. I know you see me as a friend only. I know you’re dating someone. Alana mentioned it the other night.”

  She looked jealous and it made him feel like he still had a chance with her. “Aren’t you dating Matt Smith?”

  She shook her head, looking out at the water. “He’s a good friend. He helps Kate out a lot. I met Tony twice and I think he is warming up to me. He almost cracked a smile the other day. Almost. The three of us were going to see that new sci-fi movie but Alana called so we had to reschedule. They know I don’t know anyone in town and they’re really nice guys. There’s not too many of them left in the world.”

  He let out a small breath of relief. Matt was a scary son of a bitch and he would rather not tangle with him. He would for Jasmine because he really liked her. He desired her but he also wanted to know what made her tick, what made her happy and sad.

  “I had one date last week but it was just a casual date with an old friend. I left her at her front door,” he said seriously. He was only interested in Jasmine.

  She looked at him like she was trying to figure out if he was for real. He knew her ex had done a number on her. He didn’t want to push her for details yet. “I like you, Jasmine. I was hoping we could go on a real date.”

  A look of surprise crossed her face. He leaned toward her and kissed her soft lips. It was a sweet, gentle kiss but it still sent tingles shooting through him. She smiled at him and her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. He didn’t think it had anything to do with the sun either. He felt his heart swell up with tenderness, a totally foreign feeling.

  “So?” He waited for her answer, hoping it was yes.

  She looked a little dazed and confused. He was glad he affected her too. He didn’t want to be alone in his feelings for her. He was already anxious letting his guard down.

  “Can we go out on a real date?” He smiled, letting his fingers trail down her smooth cheek. “I was thinking of this nice, romantic Italian place in Morehead. It’s about a twenty-minute drive from here. We can talk and get to know each other.”

  She looked like she was going to say no, but then to his relief she smiled. “That sounds nice, Drake. I’d love to go.”

  “Good. I will check my work schedule and call you. In the meantime, can I beat you at bike riding again? I feel my strength coming back,” he challenged her.

  She stood up and ran for her bike before he realized it. She hopped on it. “Catch my dust, deputy.”

  “Cheater,” he muttered and ran after her.

  Chapter 8

  “This is a great place,” Jasmine told him. She almost told him no but something made her give in and now she was glad. She really liked Drake Lopez.

  She loved the romantic feel in the small Italian restaurant. R
ed and white checkered cloths covered the small round table. A vase filled with fresh red roses was placed in the middle of the table. Soft instrumental music played in the background. She had been really nervous about tonight. She hadn’t dated in a while. Grant’s idea of romance had been ordering dinner in and having sex. She was glad she wore a nice dress with long sleeves. He never mentioned her piercing or tattoos, but she could at least cover the tattoos for tonight. She hated that feeling inside when she wanted someone to like her. She felt like that little girl in school desperate for someone to be her friend.

  Drake smiled back at her. He reached for her hand from across the small table and she felt like a giddy schoolgirl. “I have never been here but Noah recommended the place. Alana loves coming here.”

  “She’s really sweet. I have had so much fun helping her with her nursery,” Jasmine commented. “It seems like they have known each other forever. They are just so comfortable with each other. It was awesome to see.”

  Drake nodded. “Noah, Ray Garcia, and I all went to high school together and have been friends too. Noah and Alana have always been attracted to each other but he was hesitant because she is so much younger than him.”

  “Age shouldn’t matter. I didn’t ask her age but she seemed really mature,” Jasmine said. She picked up a breadstick. They were waiting for their food to be served. She had skipped lunch because she had been so nervous. She had picked up the phone to cancel several times but her aunt had shook her head and made her hang up.

  “True, age is just a number. She is twenty-six, I think. Noah finally wised up but not before she found herself in the middle of a robbery and was hurt,” Drake said with a shake of his head. “It was a bad time for all of us, wondering if she was going to pull through or not.”

  Jasmine gasped. “Oh how terrible. I thought Red Hook’s crime rate was low.”

  “It is. It was a set-up by one of Noah’s ex-girlfriends. She wanted Alana out of Noah’s life for good. Alana wound up being stabbed but it brought them back together,” Drake explained grimly. “We caught both of them and they are in jail where they belong.”