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Saving Grace [Bear Creek, Texas] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 6

  “No fair, you cheater!” She ran after him laughing and caught up with him quickly. She beat him up by two seconds and cheered loudly as if winning the gold cup.

  Once they got to the top of the hill, Grace sighed and looked over at the breathtaking view of the city, seeing the capitol building and Lake Austin shining in the sun. It was a lovely sight and such a bright beautiful day. “This is beautiful. So worth the thousand steps you made me climb.”

  Jackson put his arm around her shoulder casually so as not to scare her and corrected her. “Ninety-nine steps, you big baby.”

  “Well it felt like a thousand, okay?” She smiled, putting her arms around his waist bravely. Being this close to him without freaking out was a big step for her but she loved his rock-hard abs. They stayed close together for a few minutes just enjoying the peacefulness of the scenery while he pointed out the capitol and different buildings of the skyline. He also told her about the many music festivals Austin held every year and promised to bring her to the next one when she told him she loved music.

  “You know there is a legend that says couples who come up here together fall in love,” he said seriously in his deep voice while brushing her curls out of her face and kissing her temple. He closed his eyes for a moment and enjoyed the happiness sweeping through him.

  “Really?” she said, looking up at his beautiful blue eyes, and kissed his lips softly and quickly. “I believe it.”

  When more people started coming, they went back down the steps together, holding hands. Going back down the stairs wasn’t as hard.

  Jackson drove around showing her different sights then found a parking spot on the main street filled with shops, restaurants and many tourists walking around and exploring the busy city.

  They walked slowly around the main streets of Austin, stopping in at different stores and browsing until they got hungry. He bought her a pink t-shirt with the Lone Star symbol on it and he couldn’t help but remember how Kelly had only wanted expensive items as gifts.

  “Lone Star Café has the best barbecue, but let me warn you, it’s messy,” Jackson said, holding her hand in the crowd of tourists walking the streets. His hand was big and warm and she loved the feeling of doing something as simple as holding hands.

  “Who cares, I am so ready to chow down, especially since I beat you up the stairs,” Grace teased, looking up at him with a happy grin. “Let’s go,” she said, pulling him faster down the street and laughing. Her genuine smile endeared her to Jackson. He enjoyed seeing the playful side of Grace.

  They were seated at a table by the window when they got to the busy restaurant. The waitress took their order and Grace and Jackson chatted casually about Grace’s old job versus waitressing, and he told her about the ranch and the hard work it took to make it profitable after his parents died. They chatted easily as if they had always known each other, and it made their time enjoyable and relaxing. The food was delicious but their enjoyment in each other’s company made everything seem so much brighter. He tried to convince her to try the zip line across the lake but she laughingly told him she wasn’t that adventurous or crazy. He told her he and Ben had done it a few times and it was amazing. She offered to watch next time and be ready to call 911.

  “I had so much fun, Jackson. I can honestly say this was the best date. Thank you for bringing me,” Grace told him shyly as they walked back to his truck, holding hands, once they were done eating. She loved the feel of his big warm hand holding hers. The sky was turning a beautiful pink-and-purple color from the sun setting and it was finally cooling down. She hesitated bringing up a painful subject but she wanted to know. “Did you come here with Kelly a lot? Is that why you looked so sad earlier?”

  “We only went to the night clubs here on Sixth Street or the fancier places to eat. No, I looked sad because I realize I only saw what I wanted to see in Kelly and it makes me feel so naïve that I never looked past her blonde hair and…” He hesitated, looking away from her, not wanting to say anything wrong and ruin their first date. He hated memories of the past.

  Grace giggled. “Let me guess, her big boobs.”

  He blushed but smiled and nodded. “All I saw was an illusion and the more anyone tried to open my eyes about her the more I defended her. I think I knew all along people were right, but my pride wouldn’t let me admit it, so I turned bitter and mad at the world. Today with you I had real fun, Grace. I truly enjoyed the day and saw everything more brightly and then I realized it was because you’re real. You don’t put on acts or play games. I am so sorry for all the horrible things I said to you.”

  “I understand, Jackson. I was fooled by James’s outer appearance. He was always so charming that I never saw how fake his persona was until it was too late and I almost died for that mistake. It’s hard to deal with the pain and doubts when you realize you were fooled,” she said, knowing he understood. “It might not make sense, but I trust you or I wouldn’t be here with you alone. I forgive you. I know you’re real, Jackson. You say what’s on your mind, no fake smiles or patronizing attitude. I like that. This is a fresh beginning for the both of us.”

  Jackson leaned against his truck and held Grace close to him, feeling her heart beating rapidly, but he didn’t think it was from fear this time. She felt so small and fragile leaning against him and he said a silent prayer that Grace was such a forgiving person. He tilted her chin up and leaned down to kiss her, pouring out his desire that had been building all day. The heat started building slowly in the pit of his stomach until it was like a wildfire burning all his common sense away and making him forget about everything but devouring Grace.

  Grace could feel his arousal when she leaned into his hard body, but it didn’t scare her like she thought it would. Instead, it brought excitement, running like a shockwave through her whole body. She could feel his muscles through his shirt and heard him moan deeply.

  Jackson ended the kiss with a chuckle looking down into her misty eyes and leaned his forehead against hers.

  She looked up at him with curious eyes when she felt his chest rumble with laughter and he whispered, “I have got to stop kissing you in public.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Just one kiss from you makes me want to strip you naked and fuck you and not care where we are or who is watching us,” he answered honestly, giving her lips one last quick kiss and feeling like he was on top of the world.

  Grace blushed but giggled and looked around at the busy tourists walking back and forth. “Oh, oops. It’s your fault. You make me forget everything when you kiss me.”

  Jackson just grinned, knowing he had a sappy grin on his face, but he didn’t care. Jackson opened the truck door for Grace and waited for her to get in so he could close it.

  He drove back to Bear Creek, with Grace sitting close to him and the radio playing low. He felt hopeful and happy. Two things he hadn’t felt in a while. “I hope this isn’t our only date, Grace. I really enjoyed being with you today and I am reluctant to take you home. I would kidnap you but the town folk would be at my door with torches and pitchforks to save you.”

  Grace smiled happily and giggled, reaching out to squeeze his hand. “I doubt that. I am a newcomer to this town. But I had a great time and I like being with you, too, Jackson. Can we go on the duck boat next time? It looked like so much fun.”

  Jackson smiled at her excitement and agreed. The boat-shaped truck gave you a tour through the city streets then drove into the water and floated like a boat.

  When they got to Grace’s apartment he walked her to her stairs, glad she had left the porch light on so he could see her face. “I would go inside but I am afraid you would have to physically throw me out. One more small kiss for the road,” he said, kissing her softly and quickly on the lips since he didn’t have a lot of self-control left. “I don’t want to leave. Will you dream of me?”

  “I’ll give it a try, cowboy,” she said, sassily winking at him. She climbed the stairs, knowing he was waiting for her to saf
ely go in, she turned to look at him one last time and waved before she went inside and locked her door. She sighed happily as she got ready for bed. Dreaming of Jackson Hawthorne wouldn’t be hard.

  Chapter 9

  Grace went to work feeling really refreshed after a long night’s sleep. She had dreamt of a tall, muscular cowboy with blond hair and blue eyes and the hottest kisses ever. Feeling happy again was scary because she now knew how quickly that could change. Life was so unpredictable but she wasn’t letting fear stop her. She had to live one day at a time and right now Jackson made her feel happy again. And she was going to appreciate every good moment life brought her way.

  “Table four is mine, Grace, so quit trying to take it from me,” Kelly whined, breaking Grace’s joyful mood.

  Grace rolled her eyes, wiping off her table. Obviously ignoring Kelly wasn’t working. “All I did was refill his coffee as I walked by, Kelly, so grow up. I don’t know what your problem is with me but I am tired of your hateful attitude.”

  Grace walked away from Kelly, muttering under her breath. Flo was behind the counter and had overheard Kelly. She patted Grace’s shoulder in sympathy. Kelly was becoming more of a problem each day. “Ignore her, Grace. She is on her way out the door anyway.”

  “Not because of me though? I can ignore her, Flo,” Grace assured her, not wanting Kelly to lose her job over her.

  Flo shook her head in denial. “She is just too much to tolerate. Yesterday she made Jane cry in front of customers because she accused Jane of flirting with Eddie when he came to pick Kelly up. I saw it all. Eddie was trying to pick up Jane and she said no, smart girl.”

  “I’m tired of her grouchy attitude,” Flo went on to say. “Bill agrees. I am putting an ad in the paper later today.”

  * * * *

  Later that night Grace was watching TV and relaxing on the couch in her pajamas when the phone rang. “Hello?” she answered, expecting it to be Bill or Flo.

  “Did you dream of me?” said a deep sexy voice instead.

  Grace smiled at hearing Jackson’s voice and turned the TV off. “Maybe? Depends on who this is.”

  Jackson laughed. “Forgotten already? Maybe I need to kiss my girl and remind you who I am.”

  Grace giggled, feeling lighthearted. James had always been the serious type, never playing around or trying to make her laugh. “Maybe you do.”

  “Open your door then,” he said, knocking softly on her door.

  “What!” she squealed and ran to the door and opened it to see a grinning Jackson standing there with a single red rose in his hand. Grace laughed and threw the phone down. He hugged her and twirled her around. “I missed you like crazy all day long. Poor Louis thinks I’ve finally lost my mind, smiling for no reason.”

  “You’re a silly man, Jackson.” She laughed, taking the rose from him as he held it out.

  “Crazy for you,” he said, kissing her lightly on the lips. “I couldn’t get here earlier. I’ve been swamped with work all day.”

  He came in and they sat on the couch and they talked about their day. She didn’t mention her problems with Kelly, not wanting to ruin the happy mood between them or bring up a sore subject for him. How could Kelly not see the wonderful man Jackson was?

  “Will you come over for dinner tomorrow?” Jackson asked, holding her hand and caressing it gently. “I promise to behave myself this time if you do.”

  “Okay,” Grace agreed, snuggling into his embrace, a feeling of contentment surrounding her. “You could have just called and asked. I love seeing you in person but I know how hard you work, too.”

  “It’s worth it because I get to do this.” He kissed her passionately, wrapping his arms around her body and pulling her close so their bodies touched and he could feel little tingles travel through his body.

  Grace closed her eyes and put her hands through his hair that was still a little damp from his recent shower. She could feel the heat traveling through her body and moaned, letting him know how much she was enjoying his kiss. He nipped her earlobe, making her shiver and made his way to her neck and shoulder where her baggy T-shirt was falling off her shoulder. He reached under the shirt and cupped her breast playing with her nipple.

  She tensed for a second then let her breath out and relaxed against him. Jackson would never hurt her. He put his fingertip over her erect nipple and she let out a groan of pleasure, kissing his neck and nipping him with her teeth. Before she could think to protest he lifted the shirt completely off of her. She had not bothered putting a bra on after her shower. She waited for his reaction. He leaned down and softly kissed the long scar going down the middle between her large, firm breasts. “I’m sorry you were hurt, Grace, but I look at your scar and feel so thankful you lived and fate led you my way,” he said simply, bringing tears to her eyes. “You have nothing to be ashamed about. You are beautiful and sexy. Will you trust me to make love to you, Grace?” She felt his seductive words as if he was caressing her skin. She could only nod in agreement. He was irresistible, and besides, she didn’t want to resist this man in front of her. She wanted to experience his lovemaking more than anything.

  “Show and tell,” he teased attempting to make her feel less nervous. Jackson took off his t-shirt showing her where a steer had torn through his side, leaving a long jagged scar, He turned and showed her his back where he had once got caught playing in barbed wire as a kid.

  “You drive me wild with passion, lady,” he mumbled when Grace kissed all of his scars.

  “Really? I like the sound of that. You drive me wild, too,” Grace replied and gave him a seductive smile as old as time. Her eyes were bright with happiness and her cheeks were flushed and she stole his heart in an instant.

  Grace stood up and led him to her bedroom where she always left a small lamp on. They removed the rest of their clothes, slowly looking into each other’s eyes and smiling with anticipation. Grace felt a little nervous but she wanted Jackson to make love to her. It felt like a monumental step they were taking, but they were taking it together. Life was about taking risks, she reminded herself. The butterflies dancing in her stomach came from excitement and desire. She admired his muscular body and trim waist as they took off their clothes. His cock was hard and swollen with need and she couldn’t help but stare at it and unconsciously lick her lips at his manly physique. He worked hard all day on the ranch and it showed. His skin was nicely tanned and smooth and she couldn’t resist running her hands up and down his hard chest and placing soft kisses all over. She reached her hand down and boldly grabbed his erection, loving the way he felt in her hand, so heavy and so hard.

  “My beautiful sexy girl. I love your hands on me, but I am so excited right now I am afraid I’ll burst in a minute and disappoint you,” he said, kissing her sexy lips.

  He laid her on the bed, whispering to her how beautiful she was and how excited he felt at this moment, and it helped her to relax and just feel and not overthink. He leaned down to kiss her and she opened her mouth to him and pulled him down until they were skin to skin. He kissed the soft, creamy skin at her neck and collarbone and worked his way down until he reached her breast. Grace could feel his breath on her nipple and waited anxiously. He licked the tight little nub with his tongue back and forth then sucked on it hard, making her gasp with pleasure and arch up toward his mouth for more.

  “Oh, Jackson,” she whispered softly, making little noises, letting him know she approved of what he was doing. He turned his attention to her other nipple, giving it equal attention, sucking and licking, and then kissed her scar softly. But he didn’t stop there, he continued licking and nipping her skin until he reached her pussy. She instinctively opened her legs for him, feeling a little nervous but also excited. This was a very intimate thing to do, but with him it felt natural and not awkward.

  “So beautiful,” Jackson said lovingly, touching her with his fingers and parting her pink folds. She was already so wet and creamy when he found her clit and rubbed it softly, making her moan a
nd grab his shoulders tightly. He inserted a finger in her wetness loving the noises she was making.

  “Trust me, baby. I won’t hurt you, I promise. I just want to make you feel good.” He replaced his fingers with his tongue, loving her taste, like sweet honey. He could easily become addicted to the taste of Grace. He opened her legs wider with his hands and feasted on her, making her toss her head back and forth with pleasure and grab the sheets with her hands. He had an overwhelming need to just sink himself into her but he didn’t want it to end quickly, either, and it was driving him insane. Jackson quickly put on a condom he had already taken out of his jeans, glad she didn’t offer to help. One touch from her and he would come prematurely for sure. He leaned over her body and immersed himself into her hot, tight sheath slowly inch by inch until he was all the way in. When Grace started rotating her hips he began pumping in and out of her hot, tight pussy loving the feel of her snugness. The pain of her nails digging into his shoulders only made him feel more excited and he pumped into her faster and faster, finding a rhythm guaranteed to drive them both crazy with desire. Her muscles clenched around his cock tightly and he moaned loudly. “God, baby, you are so hot you’re making me burn up inside.” The pleasure was building stronger and stronger like an uncontrollable wave rushing over him and he wanted to give in to it but at the same time he wanted to prolong the feeling as long as possible, rotating his hips as he moved inside of her and rocked her back and forth.

  Jackson could hear Grace sob with pleasure as he held her hands above her head, looking down into her face. She whispered his name over and over as he looked into her eyes that glittered with desire making him feel ten feet tall.

  “Come with me, Grace,” Jackson yelled, determined that she find her pleasure first. He could feel the shockwave starting from his toes and traveling through his body. When she screamed loudly and seemed to lose consciousness he gave in to his own release, screaming out her name and claiming his woman. And she was his, he felt it deep inside him.