Saving Grace [Bear Creek, Texas] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7
Jackson pulled out of her reluctantly and put his arms around her, cradling her to his body. He moved her curly, sweaty hair out of her face so he could see her beautiful eyes and kissed her nose. “You are the amazing one, Grace. I thought for sure we were going to start a fire and someone would call the fire station.”
Grace giggled and kissed his chest. “I think I will sleep really well tonight with no nightmares.”
He hated the thought of her being alone while having a bad dream and he wanted to stay the night, but this was a small town where people gossiped. He felt protective of her and didn’t want anyone gossiping about her. “I’d be willing to do it again just to make sure you sleep really, really good,” he teased, making her chuckle. She leaned over his body, her curly hair making a curtain over his face, and she challenged him.
“Got the stamina for another round, cowboy?”
Jackson rolled her underneath his body so fast she shrieked in surprise. He gave her a wicked, sensual smile and nudged her thighs wide open with his legs, entering her quickly and making her moan in satisfaction. “Never underestimate a cowboy, baby.”
* * * *
Ida made a lovely dinner the next night and this time the whole atmosphere was different, happier. Jackson looked relaxed and smiled a lot and sat next to her. They talked about the upcoming country fair that was held every year. Grace hadn’t been to it since she was a child but she promised to get on the Ferris wheel with Jackson while Hannah wanted to get on scarier rides.
“Jackson is a big baby, Grace. He gets sick if a ride spins too fast,” Hannah teased, enjoying the scowl on her brother’s face that promised retribution for letting that secret out.
“It’s not natural for a body to be spun around like that,” he defended himself grumpily, folding his arms across his chest.
Grace laughed at Jackson’s disgruntled face. “I love carnival rides. I’ll get on some with you, Hannah.”
Afterward Hannah and Jackson convinced her to try horseback riding. Grace was a little apprehensive, having never ridden on a horse before. Louis had brought out a beautiful saddled golden-brown horse.
“They sure are big, aren’t they?” she observed, looking at Daisy, the horse Jackson had picked out for her to ride on.
“Daisy is our sweetest mare. And this is my horse, Goldie. I just love her,” Hannah assured Grace while getting on her own horse. “It’ll be an adventure. We’ll turn you into a cowgirl in no time, right, Jack?”
Jackson nodded and lifted Grace up so she could grab the reins and pull herself up the rest of the way. “Wow, this is a long way up. Okay, just don’t let me fall, Daisy, and we’ll be good friends.”
Jackson got on his big black horse with expertise. “Don’t worry. We won’t go too far since this is your first ride.”
They rode slowly, giving Grace time to get adjusted to being on the horse as she followed Jackson and Hannah out to the grassy green fields behind the barn. They had acres of land, Hannah explained. They showed her a beautiful small creek going through their property. The trees gave plenty of shade and the grass was so green and stretched on for miles. Bluebonnets grew wildly through the grass, making it a beautiful picture.
“It’s so beautiful here,” Grace said, smiling, breathing in the fresh air and taking a look around at the scenery. “It’s so peaceful. I feel like we should be whispering. Back at home there is so much noise from the city traffic and people that you can’t hear yourself think.”
Jackson laughed. “We came here as kids, getting in the water with our friends, yelling and screaming, so noise is allowed. You’ll have to come swimming with us. Ben usually shows up, too.”
Hannah nodded, agreeing with her brother and getting off the horse to stretch her legs. Grace got down slowly and was happy to have her feet on the ground again for a little while.
“Next time we’ll picnic here or go out to Bear Creek Lake. It’s a big lake where you can go boating and swimming. It’s a popular place to hangout.” Jackson smiled at her as he got off his own horse. “The water is cold but it feels good on those really hot days. Can you swim?”
“Like a fish thanks to my cousin Billy throwing me into a pool when we were seven,” Grace answered.
“I know him. He is a few years older than me.” Hannah smiled. “He’s been gone for a while but I remember him being a hottie.”
Grace laughed when Jackson threw a clump of grass at his sister. “You don’t need to be noticing any hot guys and neither does Grace.”
They sat in the grass for a while and Grace listened to Hannah and Jackson tell her some childhood memories, making her laugh at their antics. They didn’t ride too much so Grace wouldn’t get sore. It was getting dark by the time they reached the house but it had been fun, she admitted.
Jackson and Grace were sitting on the porch swing holding hands and rocking it slowly. Hannah had wanted to check on one of the horses and left them alone to talk.
“Why don’t you just stay the night?” Jackson suggested, playing with her hair and nuzzling her cheek playfully and making her giggle. “I don’t want you to leave yet. We have a guest room and we can watch a movie. A scary one so I can have the excuse to hold you.”
Grace agreed, leaning against him. She was enjoying herself and reluctant to leave, too. Hannah shrieked with delight when Jackson told her Grace was staying the night. The two girls went to Hannah’s bedroom to change into pajamas while Jackson and Ida took care of the snacks and picked a movie. While changing their clothes Hannah saw Grace’s scar and let out a gasp.
“Oh Grace, what happened?” she asked. Grace sat on the bed, knowing she had to tell Hannah the whole story. It was a little easier this time, and once she was done, Hannah hugged Grace tearfully. “That bastard, I hope he rots in jail forever. How dare he do that to you.” Hannah cried in outrage. “Oh, Grace, I am so sorry I forced you to go to the dance.”
Grace shook her head. “It’s okay, Hannah. It’s all forgotten. Now let’s go downstairs before your brother comes looking for us.”
Hannah smiled, gently hugging Grace again. “Jackson may have acted like a grouchy jerk before but he’d never hurt you, Grace. You know that, right?”
“I know. I feel safe with your brother and I hope you don’t mind that we are dating,” Grace asked cautiously, looking at Hannah’s reaction, but Hannah smiled, her blue eyes bright with mischief.
“It makes me so happy and I might get a sister-in-law, too.”
Grace laughed and pushed Hannah playfully. “We are only dating, Hannah.”
Hannah ignored that statement and whistled happily as they went down the stairs together.
When they got to the living room, Jackson insisted Grace snuggle up with him on the couch. She loved being so close to him and had a hard time concentrating on the movie. The four of them watched a comedy that Ida picked out and had them all laughing. She felt so happy at this moment and she realized what a profound step this was for her. She was actually entering into another relationship after swearing never to do that again. But she trusted Jackson. Sure, he was grumpy and bossy, but he was real and he had honor. He would never lay a finger on her in anger. Jackson walked Grace to the guest bedroom door after the movie and kissed her goodnight thoroughly until they were both breathing hard. “I loved having you here, sweetheart, and I’d prefer to have you in my bed but Ida would kick my ass. If you get scared, come and get me, and I’ll sit up with you or watch TV with you.”
“Thanks, but I carry my sleeping pills in my purse. Besides I have a companion for the night,” she said, looking at Roxy wagging her tail and waiting on Grace. Molly had followed Hannah to her room already but Roxy obviously wanted to be with Grace tonight.
“How quickly I got replaced,” he joked, trying to look sad, but Grace kissed him and shooed him away.
Chapter 10
Grace turned into her pillow and felt a tongue licking her cheek. Guessing Jackson wouldn’t be licking her cheek she laughed and reached out her
hand to touch soft fur. She opened one eye and saw Roxy wagging her tail happily and the sun shining through the window. She had actually slept all night without one nightmare! Feeling happy, she stretched and told Roxy, “Okay, go tell Jackson I am up.”
Roxy barked and took off out the bedroom door and running down the stairs. Grace laughed and quickly showered, put her hair up in a ponytail, and dressed and went downstairs.
“I smell coffee,” she groaned, inhaling the wonderful, rich aroma coming from the dining room.
“What a sleepyhead,” Jackson teased, pouring her a cup and setting it on the table in front of Grace. “I’ve been up for hours already.”
“No one likes a bragger,” Grace said, sipping the hot coffee, holding her smile in.
“That’s right, dear brother,” Hannah agreed, coming into the dining room yawning and pouring a cup for herself and groaning with pleasure. Ida had placed a plate of fruit and pancakes on the table and they all sat down to eat. Grace felt comfortable with them and relaxed as she ate and they talked about their day.
Grace regretted the fact that she had to work. She would love to spend the day seeing more of the ranch. She promised Jackson that on her next day off she would spend the day with him on the ranch. Jackson walked her to Hannah’s truck and kissed her good-bye so long that Hannah honked the horn loudly so Jackson would let her go.
* * * *
Jackson spent all his free time with Grace over the next two weeks. He hadn’t felt this lighthearted and happy in a long time. He enjoyed spending time with her as much as he could. She was easy to talk to and so unspoiled that it shocked him at first. He had been swamped with duties on the ranch for two days and had finally called her for a date. He had been expecting her to be mad for ignoring her like his past girlfriends had, especially Kelly. Instead she had been understanding and agreed to spend the day with him on the ranch. He took her and Hannah horseback riding to the creek. They had taken a picnic and spent all day swimming and laughing in the water. Then they had all dressed up and went to Austin for dinner, including Ida. He loved the fact that she didn’t mind spending time with his family because family was important to him. Ida and Hannah loved Grace and already treated her like part of the family.
He was walking her up the stairs to her apartment after dropping Ida and Hannah off at home. When they got in her apartment she turned to him and hugged him. “You have such a nice family, Jackson. I hope you get to meet my parents soon. Even Bill and Flo are coming around to us dating. I know my mom and dad would love you.”
“I’d love that, baby. They sure raised a beautiful woman, inside and out,” he said, kissing her cheek and nipping her earlobe, making her giggle. “Ida and Hannah both love you already.”
Hannah couldn’t stand Kelly’s need to always be the center of attention and Ida was barely civil to her, knowing of her wild reputation with the men in town. He sat at dinner holding Grace’s hand and saw the approval in his family’s eyes that he was dating Grace. Grace was warm, friendly, and genuine. Ida had already warned him to treat Grace with respect or she’d take a broom handle to him. He had assured Ida that he truly cared about Grace and would never play games with her. His feelings for her were not casual, and that was scary because she had the power to break his heart completely and permanently. With Grace the feelings he had went deeper than he had ever felt before. It was scary yet he felt like he was flying without wings when he had Grace in his arms.
He made sure the door was locked and led her to the bedroom. She always left a small light on. He took off her dress, leaving her standing in her purple bra and undies. She stood proudly in front of him no longer trying to cover her scar immediately with her hands. He hated the fact that she was hurt but it didn’t take away from her beauty and he was finally convincing her of that.
“I had a good time tonight but all I thought about through dinner was getting you naked and hoping my aunt couldn’t read my thoughts or she’d slap me for sure.” He smiled, removing her bra and cupping her full breasts in his hands, pulling on her nipples, knowing she loved when he did that. “And I wanted to nibble on these beautiful berries.”
Grace shivered at his touch and teased him. “And here I thought that hungry gleam in your eyes was for the steak you ordered.” She ran her hands up and down his hard muscular chest. She unbuttoned his jeans and inserted her hand down his jeans, cupping his erection with her hand, making him close his eyes and moan in pleasure.
“You are a witch, Grace, teasing me like that,” he whispered, loving her boldness and new found confidence in herself.
Grace got on her knees and slid his jeans and boxers down his legs, freeing his big, hard shaft out of his boxers. “Who’s teasing, big boy?”
She stuck out her tongue and licked his already-hard cock softly and lovingly, making shivers go through his body. “You are. Suck me harder now,” he demanded and she smiled seductively up at him and took him completely in her mouth, still looking up at him, seeing him stare at her with eyes filled with desire.
Responding to his demanding voice, Grace took his cock into her mouth going as deep as possible. She stroked his balls in her hand. After a few moments he couldn’t take the torture of what her mouth was doing to him. He pulled her up, running his fingers over her lush pink lips. He gently laid her down on the bed and felt how wet she was with his fingers. He used his fingers and played with her clit until she was sobbing with mindless pleasure and whispering his name over and over. He put her legs over his arms to get better control and dove into her warmth, feeling like he was home. “This is my idea of heaven, Grace. I always feel like I am flying when we’re together. I don’t want to come down from here.”
Grace smiled and reached up to caress his face lovingly, clenching his cock tightly with her vaginal muscles, making him groan. That was becoming her favorite sound. “Me, too, my sexy cowboy. I never want this feeling to end.”
Knowing she was feeling the same as him heightened his excitement. He thrust hard into her pussy a few more times before climaxing hard and letting out a satisfied sigh.
“I swear you’re going to kill me with pleasure, Grace, but what a way to go.” Jackson laughed kissing her temple and snuggling with her.
* * * *
Grace walked to work the next morning with a smile and turned toward the café and bumped into a very angry-looking Kelly standing on the sidewalk waiting for her.
“You got me fired, you bitch!” Kelly yelled at her with her hands on her hips and looking angry.
Grace stepped back in shock. “Whoa. I had nothing to do with that. Blame your bad attitude and making Jane cry.”
Kelly was too angry to listen. “First you steal my boyfriend and now my job. But you’ll get yours.”
“Are you threatening me?” Grace asked, feeling fed up. “You need to grow up and face reality, Kelly. Jackson is no longer yours because you chose Eddie over him. That is no one’s fault but your own!”
Just then a very grouchy-looking Eddie pulled up and beeped the horn at Kelly, not even bothering to get out of the car. “Watch your back.” Kelly hissed and got in the car with Eddie, giving Grace a vindictive look.
Grace shook her head, determined not to let Kelly ruin her good mood, and went inside the restaurant. Lisa, one of the new girls was working the morning shift with Grace. Sammie, the second new girl, would be working afternoons with Jane. Lisa was married and had a three-year-old boy. She was quick to learn the routine and friendly with the customers. She was young and pretty, with short brown hair and a warm smile.
The day passed smoothly without the usual tension Kelly had brought with her, but Grace’s mind stayed on Jackson. It was scary to feel this much emotion again. She had never felt this strongly for James and it had still hurt her when she caught him cheating. If Jackson hurt her it would devastate her. But she couldn’t stop living life and taking risks because she was afraid. Jackson made her want to try and move on with life. She just had to remind herself not to worry s
o much.
Grace ended up working extra hours to help the two new girls get trained. Lisa and Sammie were both young and energetic and would do well there. It would be nice to work in a friendly environment and not a hostile one. But at the end of the day she was exhausted and went upstairs to call Jackson before she headed to bed. Hannah answered and told her that Jackson was at Randy’s. Grace was surprised. “I thought he stopped drinking?”
Hannah sighed, sounding sad. “I know, me too. He was being very evasive when Ida asked him why he was going there. He said he was meeting someone and promised not to drink.”
“Hmm. Well, I’m sure it’ll be okay, Hannah. We have to trust him. Tell him I called.” She was disappointed that she didn’t get to talk to Jackson but she was too tired to stay awake and wait for his call. Tomorrow was going to be another long work day.
As soon as she walked into work the next morning she could tell by Flo’s face that something was seriously wrong.
“What it is, Flo? Are my parents okay?” Grace asked, her voice shaking with fear.
Flo nodded but hugged Grace tightly. “I hate to have to tell you this, honey, but James escaped this morning and is on the run.”
“How?” Grace asked, shivering in fear. This couldn’t be for real. Maybe she was dreaming again. Things were finally getting better for her.
“They were transferring him to a permanent prison location when the bus crashed and several inmates escaped, including James. Your parents got the news this morning but wanted me to tell you so you wouldn’t be alone when you heard the news,” Flo explained. “Bill called the sheriff right away and he is in contact with the Michigan State Police right now. Did you ever tell James about us or visiting here?”
Grace sat on a stool at the counter and thought back to her six-month relationship with James. “He has family in Dallas and I did mention you, but I told him I hadn’t been here since I was a teenager. What if he comes here? I have to leave!”