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Stormy Nights Page 9

  Holly giggled and grabbed his hand. He bought two tickets and they entered the large house with the scary music playing.

  “Aren’t they cute?” Jasmine gushed. Alicia rolled her eyes and found a bench to sit down and wait. Jasmine joined her.

  “How’s it going with Deputy Don Juan?” Alicia asked.

  Jasmine laughed at the nickname. It amused her because he hated it so much. He growled anytime someone called him that. “I have been a coward and have been avoiding him. I like him but I am being cautious.”

  “He’s not a bad guy, really. He’s a solid man. Just a typical male that can’t say no when a woman offers herself easily.” Alicia sighed sadly.

  “I know, but that’s the problem, Alicia,” Jasmine replied with a loud sigh. Why did it have to be so complicated? “Is it so bad to want a faithful man? A man with morals who will say no, thanks, I have a girlfriend. Go on with your slutty self.”

  Alicia laughed and shrugged. “I suppose those are a rare breed in this day and age. I haven’t met such a creature. Not sure they exist. Yet a woman is supposed to sit home waiting for her man to remember she exists. Fuck that. I will stay single forever and play the field just like they do.”

  “Love sucks.” Jasmine moaned. “Men suck too.”

  “Not necessarily,” said a voice behind them. They turned to see Drake and Ray looking grim.

  Drake moved to stand in front of Jasmine. “Sometimes you have to take a risk, Jasmine. Nothing comes with guarantees, but a man can be honorable given a chance. When I slept with Nancy I didn’t even know you. I had no idea you were coming into my life. Give us a chance.”

  Jasmine looked up at him, knowing he was right. Nothing came with guarantees. “I know, Drake. I’m just wondering if all this is worth the hassle.”

  “Will you go on the Ferris Wheel with me?” Drake held his hand out and she took it before her fears took over. She looked at Alicia. “Tell Matt I’ll be right back.”

  Alicia nodded. When Jasmine stood up Ray sat next to his sister. He gave her a strange look and pulled her into a bear hug without saying anything.

  “What was that all about?” Jasmine asked. She really liked Alicia and wanted to help her.

  “Ray is worried about his sister. He thinks some guy hurt her emotionally. He says she’s been acting worse than usual but she refuses to open up and talk to him,” Drake explained, keeping his hand at her back as he guided her through the thick crowd. “I never realized how much she observed us. Ray and I have been players over the years, I can’t lie about that. Now I wish we hadn’t, but it’s too late.”

  “Maybe because instead of listening to what she has to say, Ray is too busy shouting orders. There is a double standard and it’s not fair. If men can sow wild oats, why not Alicia?”

  Drake agreed. “You’re right. I’ll tell him to chill out and let her work her problems out on her own.”

  They made it to the line. Noah and Alana stood in front of them. Alana turned and greeted them. She was wearing a pale yellow dress that stretched over her round stomach. Her hair was loose and she looked pretty.

  “Hey, you two. I’m not sure the bar will close with my huge belly but this is my favorite ride.”

  Jasmine laughed. “It will, you’ll see.”

  Noah hugged his wife tightly. “We can kiss right here. We don’t need to make it to the top. I love kissing you anywhere.”

  “Our first kiss was up there so many years ago,” Alana explained with a dreamy smile. “Next summer I’ll be a mom and will be hanging out in the kid’s circle. This is my last chance to kiss my man at the top of the world.”

  Noah chuckled and disagreed. “We have Uncle Drake, Uncle Adam, and Uncle Ray and—”

  “Okay, this baby has lots of relatives.” Alana laughed and rubbed her stomach softly. She leaned on her husband but looked at Drake. “So have you two quit fighting?”

  Drake looked at Jasmine. Jasmine nodded. “Nancy is still being a pain though. She tried to say something to me yesterday but Tony growled and scared her away.”

  Drake looked concerned. Alana waved her hand in the air. “Good for Tony. I know Nancy’s type. If she can’t get what she wants, then everyone has to be miserable. She lost Drake’s interest and probably wants him back now that his interest has moved away from her.”

  The line moved on and they each got in the car. Jasmine heard Alana cheer when there was room over her baby bump. Jasmine giggled.

  Drake pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. “I did warn Nancy to back off. I’m sorry she is still bothering you. I have never seen her act so crazy before.”

  “It’s not your fault, Drake. Let’s not talk about her.”

  Jasmine pointed out the moon and the stars. They were so bright against the black sky. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “Yeah, but it doesn’t compare to you,” he whispered in her ear.

  Jasmine snuggled next to him and blinked back some tears. He was sweet. She wasn’t that pretty and some people were put off by her appearance. “Should I lose the earring?”

  “I like it,” Drake insisted. “It fits you. I like you the way you are. Don’t change.”

  “Nancy said you were embarrassed to be seen with me and that’s why you preferred her,” Jasmine said, her doubts falling away slowly.

  Drake snorted. “She’s a damn liar and just wants to cause trouble. She likes all eyes on her and you are beautiful and sweet. I bet a lot of guys notice you and Nancy would hate that.”

  Jasmine saw his sincerity and relaxed against him. “Thank you, Drake.”

  She turned to him and kissed him. Drake deepened the kiss and it was so intimate. Yes, she felt lust around him, how could she not? He was so sexy. But there was more. Tenderness, intimacy, affection. Soon they were lost in each other and she forgot about where she was.

  Jasmine felt dizzy when it was over. A feeling she was coming to associate with his kisses. She looked down and saw Alana and her husband kissing in the car below, absorbed in each other. Jasmine looked at Drake. She caressed his cheek and felt the stubble on his cheek. “This isn’t our first kiss but I think I will remember this when I am ninety and thinking back on my best days.”

  Drake looked emotional and buried his face in her neck. “Me too,” he whispered.

  They walked around the fair with Matt and Holly. Alicia and Ray had disappeared. Noah insisted it was time Alana got off her feet and rested. He bribed her with a caramel apple if she would just sit down. Alana gave in reluctantly.

  Jasmine had so much fun. Drake won her a huge tiger and she squealed hugging the animal tightly. “I love him.”

  “I’m jealous of the tiger,” Drake joked until Jasmine hugged him too.

  Matt looked at Holly’s zebra and nodded with understanding. Holly gave him a shy smile and reached out to hold Matt’s hand.

  It was a great night and the best part was Nancy was absent tonight.

  Chapter 15

  Jasmine met Holly and Alicia for lunch one afternoon. They had made it a habit to meet once a week, no matter what. The fair was over and life had settled down into a routine that Jasmine loved. She spent her days working with her aunt at the store. It had become a popular place and Kate was talking about hiring someone part time. She was getting out more with her friends and working six days a week didn’t hold much appeal for either of them.

  Jasmine spent every moment Drake had off of work with him. She preferred having dinner at his place instead of going out. They cooked together and it was just another thing that brought them closer. The last month had been incredible and she felt closer to him than ever. Besides making love they spent a lot of time talking too. She loved discovering new sides of him. She felt more confident in the relationship. She knew she was in love with him but she hadn’t confessed her love out loud yet. Some days she thought she saw love in his eyes but he never said it either. Maybe they were both afraid.

  “So what’s been going on?” Jasmine asked as she sat
down at the table. They met at the seafood restaurant her aunt recommended. Jasmine ordered a glass of ice water.

  “Nothing but work,” Holly admitted, looking a little glum. Her hair was pinned up and she wore blue scrubs.

  “No Matt?” Alicia teased her.

  Holly frowned but her cheeks turned pink at the mention of his name. It was obvious she was just as enamored as Matt seemed to be. “My schedule has been crazy lately. We went to a movie one night and had dinner at the Hacienda another night. I like him a lot but we never seem to have the same days off.”

  “He is crazy about you, Holly. I told him if he told me how beautiful your curls were one more time, I would duct tape his mouth. And I meant it,” Jasmine said.

  Holly blushed. “I like him too. Adam says he doesn’t trust Matt but I don’t understand why. I know at first he looks so scary but now I like his size. I feel so safe with him. We’re taking things slow and getting to know one other. He wants me to meet his brother Tony.”

  “Tony is really quiet but don’t let it put you off. That is just him.” Jasmine warned her after sipping on the water. It was another hot Texas day and Jasmine couldn’t wait for autumn.

  Jasmine looked at Alicia who had been so quiet lately. Jasmine had a feeling it had to do with a guy. “How are you, Alicia? You okay? You seemed preoccupied.”

  Alicia played with the fork, barely touching her salad. “I have been, sorry girls. I’m trying to work some stuff out in my head.”

  “We’re here if you just want to vent.” Holly squeezed her hand and Jasmine took the other one. “Me too, Alicia. You and Holly are my first true friends. I’m here. Whatever you need, whenever. Bad Girls Club.”

  “I’ll get my belly button pierced if you smile again.” Holly teased.

  Alicia sniffed and giggled. “Thanks. You two mean a lot to me too. It’s too hard to talk about it right now. Give me time. On top of that my dad has been having some health issues so I worry about that too. Alana’s blood pressure is sky high. When it rains, it pours.”

  “So what’s going on between you and Deputy Don Juan?” Alicia asked in a teasing voice.

  Jasmine laughed. “We’re doing great. We’re both busy but we try to see each other at least three times a week. I am falling hard, girls, and it scares the shit out of me.”

  “And Nancy?” Holly frowned, thinking of the troublemaker.

  “It’s strange but I haven’t seen her around lately. I can’t believe she’d give up so easily,” Jasmine answered. She was glad but also felt like she was waiting for Nancy to pop out of a dark corner any minute.

  “Drake was livid and told her off good. Well, that’s what I heard Ray tell my dad,” Alicia said. “Maybe she’s hiding until he cools off. Drake doesn’t get mad often but when he does watch out.”

  “Hopefully she moved on.” Jasmine sighed, digging into her food.

  They moved the conversation onto more casual things like work and shopping.

  “I’ll see you two at the Fourth of July barbeque tomorrow. Work is calling my name,” Holly said, looking at her watch. She stood up and waved to them as she left.

  “Is Drake taking you?” Alicia asked Jasmine.

  Jasmine nodded. “Aunt Kate is coming too. I am excited. I love fireworks but the man I lived with in Fort Worth hated them so I never went to see them. I feel like a little kid again.”

  “Why didn’t you go alone or with friends?”

  Jasmine didn’t see judgment in her friend’s eyes just curiosity. That’s what she liked about Alicia. She was so open and non-judgmental. “He wouldn’t let me.”

  “Did he abuse you?”

  Jasmine shook her head. “Not physically, but verbally he would make me feel so guilty for wanting to do something without him that I would give in and stay home. I was weak. I guess that’s why I was so hesitant about getting involved with Drake. I feel so much more for Drake already. Drake isn’t like that, though. He encouraged me to join you all for our girl lunches. I am the one who gets worried. What if I became that weak-willed girl all over again? Ignoring my desires and thoughts just to please a man?”

  “Did you love this man?” Alicia sipped on her tea and waited for Jasmine to answer. Jasmine had to think about it.

  “I convinced myself I did, but it was more because I was afraid to be all alone. My mom died from cancer. My only relative lived far away. I was scared.” Jasmine only just realized it at this moment. Grant had been like a security blanket. It had never been about love.

  “You seem like someone who knows what she wants and stands up for herself,” Alicia commented.

  Jasmine smiled brightly at Alicia. “I am. I just didn’t realize it until now. Thanks, doc.”

  Alicia laughed and she looked happy again for a moment. “Any time.”

  Jasmine vowed to support her new friend and make her feel better too.

  * * * *

  Drake noticed Noah was sitting at his desk lost in thought. He was working through his lunch hour so he could take Jasmine to see the fireworks tonight. He was glad she was fitting in and making friends. He wanted her to like living in Red Hook. He didn’t want her to move back to her old town.

  “Hey, boss. Anything wrong?” Drake drank his soda from the vending machine.

  Noah blinked and sat forward. “Sorry, Drake. I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “What’s up?” Drake sat down.

  Noah sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. “I’m worried about Alana.”

  Drake leaned forward, feeling concerned. They were excited about this baby. He hoped nothing was wrong. “Is it the baby?”

  “The doc says her blood pressure has been up. He wants her to work from her bed for the last month but you know how stubborn she is. Especially now that Carlos had that scare with his heart. He is cutting back on his hours and Ray is putting more hours in. I think Alana feels the pressure and worries for her dad and Ray both. She feels guilty for not putting in her usual long hours,” Noah confessed. “Now with Alicia acting so depressed, it just adds to the pressure.”

  “Maybe you should stay home and rest tonight.” Drake was worried now. The Fourth of July picnic was tonight. Drake usually worked but tonight he was taking Jasmine.

  Noah shook his head. “Alana loves fireworks. I am not letting her move from the blanket. She will rest. We waited so long to have a baby. I wanted to make sure she was fully healed from her stab wounds. I guess I just want everything to run smooth. Adam says I can’t control everything, but I like to try.”

  “Jasmine and I will be there and Holly too. Matt said he was meeting her there.” Drake knew everyone from their circle would make sure Alana did nothing but rest and watch the fireworks. “We’ll make sure she stays put and is not running around trying to take care of everyone.”

  Noah smiled at looked at the clock on the wall. “I’m going to pick her up at home and I will see you tonight.”

  Drake stayed sitting after Noah left. Things had been going good with Jasmine. It had been a month since the carnival and his feelings ran deeper with each passing moment. The heat between them was burning hot. Usually a few times of having sex and he lost interest but he couldn’t get enough of Jasmine. It got better and better. He hated being away from her. He had been such a fool to think he liked his bachelor lifestyle. He thought being involved with someone would get in the way of his work schedule and hanging out with his friends. How wrong he had been. It took one black-haired witch to make him see the error of his ways. He was in love with her. Instead of feeling trapped like he always thought he would he looked forward to the days they could be together.

  He had wanted her to meet his parents but she had been hesitating. She thought that they would reject her. What a silly thought. Eva was the hard nut to crack and she loved Jasmine. They had dinner at Eva’s and Julia and Jasmine became quick friends. Jasmine gave her decorating advice for her bedroom. Julia listened and announced Jasmine was her new decorator. Jasmine had even taken the quarter Juli
a insisted on paying her. She even promised Julia a receipt next time she saw her. Drake had fallen just a little deeper that night and Eva became her strongest supporter. He imagined Jasmine swollen with his baby. He waited for the weight of responsibility to choke him but all he felt was peace. He smiled widely. He got up and walked out, whistling. He couldn’t wait to see her and share the holiday with her. She told him she loved fireworks but hadn’t seen them in years. Her ex had not allowed it because he thought it was childish. What a douche. He was going to make sure Jasmine had the best view of the fireworks. Another memory for the archives. He grinned, remembering what she said about their kiss on the ferris wheel.

  Chapter 16

  Jasmine sat on a blanket under a tree with Alana. Alana had a beach chair to support her back. There was a nice breeze flowing in the air.

  “Noah had better be able to pick me up from here or someone will have to roll me to the car,” Alana complained. It was obvious she was uncomfortable. She arched her back and winced.

  “Are you okay?” Jasmine didn’t know much about pregnancy but she felt a small prickle of concern. The heavily pregnant woman looked miserable and was trying to hide it.

  Alana sighed. “Excuse my grouchiness, Jasmine. I love this holiday so much and I love the fireworks. I just feel so miserable and my back hurts. No matter how I sit, I feel horrible. Noah worries so much about us.”

  “You need a warm pad. I have an idea. Be right back.” Jasmine grabbed a towel from her bag. They had planned to jump in the lake so she brought a few towels in her beach bag. Jasmine found Matt and Holly sitting under a tree and talking in hushed tones. Holly was giggling and Matt looked smug. She hated to interrupt them since they hardly ever got to see each other.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Jasmine apologized. “I’m worried about Alana.”

  Holly glanced to where Alana was wiggling around. They had finished eating and everyone was just lying around being lazy. Noah and Ray sat on a bench, joking around with Adam and Liam. Drake had gone to pick up his sister and the kids. Eva’s husband was going to meet them here before the fireworks. Kate and Alana’s parents were sitting in lawn chairs talking.